Jillian Michaels



  • ghouliejulie85
    ghouliejulie85 Posts: 44 Member
    I did 30DS last year. I lost around 10 pounds and inches. I did her Ripped in 30 and didn't get much results there. I recently completed her Body Revolution (lost 20 pounds) earlier this month and decided to do it all over again. I love Jillian Michaels workouts
  • I used cans of vegetables the first two days haha. I then went to walmart and bought 3lb weights for like $3 each. It was too weird using the cans to hold and I didn't feel like they were doing as much as I wanted. Shows you how little I worked out before starting 30ds 5 days ago. I can already feel the workouts getting a LITTLE easier lol. The first day I almost died lol.
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    30 Day Shred, level 1 is on YouTube, also Jillian has a kickboxing video on YouTube. I can't do more than level 1 because I have artificial knees and can't handle lots of impact. That being said I do the jumping jacks and all that she does in level one but the videos get progressively harder so I will stick with level one which I do once a week. Most of my exercise is my Elliptical and lots of walking.
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    I love Jillian (big surprise...).

    I've done the Shred twice, from start to finish in 30 days without rest days, and I've also used Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, No More Trouble Zones, and Yoga Meltdown. BFBM is pretty much all cardio, NMTZ focuses on strength training with hand weights, and YM basically adds movement to traditional yoga poses. OP, I think you asked about doing multiple workouts. When I am shredding, I like to add in a few circuits from one of the other DVDs a few days a week to "double up" on my workout. With NMTZ and BFBM, you can pick individual circuits or do the whole ~50 minute workout. YM is two workouts (beginner and advanced) of 30 minutes each.
    I started 30 Day Shred a long time ago and I couldn't finish the first 3 days but after seeing some pictures of the results ... I will surely re-start it. I'm too afraid of soreness, haha. Wouldn't like to be injured ... Do you usually keep working out even when being sore ?

    I think you should push on if you are reasonably sure you aren't injured and it's just typical muscle soreness. It does get better.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    I'm on Level 2 of 30 Day Shred and do Yoga Meltdown once a week. I think she gives just the right amount of motivation. I really like fitness instructors that focus on getting strong and on gains.

    Of course, it's going to get a little repetitive if you're doing the same workout repeatedly, but I find her commentary really helpful, so I keep it turned on. She's a little dry and that absolutely works for me. I enjoy her instructing style a lot and catch myself snickering at her a fair bit!

    I recently picked up Ripped In 30, Extreme Shed & Shred, and Hard Body to progress to while still doing Yoga Meltdown once a week for when I'm done the current DVD.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    hi i started this workout last year but half way through level 2, my knee started hurting too bad for me to continue even though i was a lot lighter then. I am starting it again now hoping it works out well for me this time as last time even in 12 days i could see significant difference in my body shape. wish me luck. Add me so that we can motivate each other
    Sorry to hear that =( I know how it feels though. When I did T25 I had great results but when I started week 2 my knees gave out and I couldn't finish. I added you =3 good luck.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    I just did part one and i can totally feel it working as well as me sweating buckets. I like Jillian tbh but she does talk quite alot haha. I logged it under circuit training, i hope that's right.
    She does but she really has good points so listen to her! :)

    I like to run for a bit before doing it to get more of a burn.

    Good luck Level 2 is the most rewarding of all 3 levels! :)

    Thank you =3 I hear part 2 is the hardest but part 3 is the easiest =3
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I personally love Jillian my knees hate her and her 30day shred. I have tried a few times but just can't take it. My mind is willing my knees however are not...too bad.. :(
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
  • bika21
    bika21 Posts: 14 Member
    I started yesterday and loved it. I manage the whole workout and just pause an overall of a min(basically cardio bits). Im planning on doing it 3 weekdays and weekends head to the gym. so feel free to add me and we will keep each other motivated. Good luck. :smile:
  • I did her 30 day shred couple years ago for one month. I didn't lose much weight, but it toned my body, and I felt good. For some reason I stopped (execuses got in the way :-p). I like her style a lot. As long as you stick to it, you will see result.
    I recently just make a goal to commit 30 minutes a day (6 days a week) to exercise, and start on her body revolution dvd. Hopefully I will complete this 90 day challenge.
  • geewizzamanda357
    geewizzamanda357 Posts: 36 Member
    I am on day 12 of my third attempt at actually completing 30DS. I have started playing the video on YouTube on my laptop and then watching a show on my TV at the same time. I have done the videos often enough that I don't have to watch it every second to know what is going on. So the TV show is definitley a distraction. I can concentrate on it rather than how tired my legs and arms are feeling lol.
    Like others have said, Level 2 is rough on my knees. I modify the moves that are more high impact so I can complete the video without hurting myself. That seems to help alot with getting closer to completing the full 30 days. Otherwise, sore knees are the perfect excuse to quit doing it ;)