new and discouraged

Hi all,

I'm a 29 yr old mother of three with a lot to lose (225.5 to start, lost 8.5 so far in 4 weeks) but have been stuck at 217 for over a week even though I've been flung a good job so just feeling discouraged! My goal is to reach my pre baby weight by my son's birthday on June 3rd. (19 more to go) looking for buddies to encourage along the way!



  • graham713
    graham713 Posts: 56 Member
    Hang in there! I know its easy to get discouraged, don't let that make you give up! I've tried to stop paying so much attention to what the scale says (even though I still weigh myself) and pay more attention to how my clothes fit.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Lots of good information in this link:

    Some things to remember:

    In order to lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit.

    In order to know if you're in a calorie deficit, you have to weigh (with a scale)/measure/log your food- every bite/every day.

    Exercise is important to health, but not necessary to lose weight. Find something you enjoy and do it consistently.

    Eat foods you like, make healthy choices along the way, learn portion control/moderation

    Meet your calorie deficit, then work on meeting your macros (protein, fat, carbs)

    Most of all have patience.
  • Cori

    YOU can totally do this. I have recently got stuck myself but in my stuck I have gained my weight back and used every excuse in the book. This is the place to lean on.

  • coricontreras
    coricontreras Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks! I've been juicing on the morning which had been giving me more energy and solved my gi issues so I feel better and am eating mostly well during the day. Thanks for the suggestions and support!