Whole food, vegetable based diet



  • rorae
    rorae Posts: 34 Member
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I have recently stumbled on to the whole 30 and really want to give a go. The idea of taking away the processed and sugared foods sounds so great to me. My problem is that I do not know how to cook and live that way and it scares me a little to try. Hearing that you get you get used to not eating things like cheese gives me hope that I can do this. Thanks for the motivation.

    There are lots of vegetable based foods that you can make without cooking. Beans in a crock pot, salads, smoothies, rice (use a rice cooker if you need to). If you can't give up cheese just yet, don't worry. Change the things you do want to change.
  • ewrob
    ewrob Posts: 136 Member
    I have been a vegan for 13 months and I went from morbidly obese to healthy weight, losing about 180 pounds in the process. It is an incredibly effective lifestyle and I am now seizing the fullness of life I have been missing out on by participating in sports like cycling, baseball and running.
  • dishgirls
    dishgirls Posts: 4 Member
    I am vegetarian, still eating dairy and cheeses. Can you recommend any cook books that you find helpful that would include those things? I feel that i need a lot of guidance as far as how to get my protein, without adding too many carbs (such as with beans, etc). Thanks for any help you can give me. I appreciate it. :smile:
  • DrCaspianDoll
    DrCaspianDoll Posts: 87 Member
    I am vegetarian, still eating dairy and cheeses. Can you recommend any cook books that you find helpful that would include those things? I feel that i need a lot of guidance as far as how to get my protein, without adding too many carbs (such as with beans, etc). Thanks for any help you can give me. I appreciate it. :smile:

    I have never been one to use cook books but from what I heard Engine 2 is a good book.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    The website you're looking for is happycow.com (not purple cow) It's awesome for finding vegan, vegetarian, and veg-friendly stores, restaurants, etc. PETA also has lists and great recipes, but beware that the photos on their homepage are extremely graphic. (I've literally had nightmares!)
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    Happy Herbivore is my Favorite ... She has several cookbooks and quite a few of her recipies are online on her website as well.
    She also has some Youtube videos of her cooking some of her dishes.

    Good Luck
  • Starfish1277
    Starfish1277 Posts: 13 Member
    I have been vegetarian in the past, and dabbled in raw food veganism, though I am neither at the moment. I highly recommend the cookbook Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone by Deborah Madison. It is really a great primer for vegetarian cooking, and I use it all the time even now. It won a James Beard Award the year it came out.
  • blackizbutiful
    blackizbutiful Posts: 103 Member
    I feel the same way you do @starfish1277....I was trying to go vegan as well but I'm finding that giving up eggs and cheese a very difficult thing to do. So I've resolved to eating it once a week I'm three weeks in by the way. I've fallen in love with adzuki beans to keep me on track I make a large pot on Sunday's and I use it in the week sometimes even for breakfast. My other issue is that I seem to get gassy from the salad I eat a large and I mean large bowl every day. My coworkers look at my bowl like "she is not serious". I can truly say I am loving this way of living hoping to fully eliminate eggs and cheese within the next week or two. My energy is up. I'm sleeping so much better.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    2 years plant based here - please add me!