30 day shred anyone??

I plan on starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Monday and I'm looking for motivation and support to help me make it through the entire 30 days! I'll also be running at least 3 days a week, before pics tomorrow and progression pics as I go.

Feel free to join in and post your before, during, and after pics as well!


  • MrsPaulSmith
    MrsPaulSmith Posts: 401 Member
    I will join you.
  • kb1927
    kb1927 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm starting on Monday also! Feel free to add me. I'd love to give/get support to keep at it! I've never made it the full 30 days before, but I'm going to tough it out this time.

    I'm hoping to be working slowly on Couch 25k too, but it might be slow going since I'm going to be training with a double jogging stroller.
  • Dorecos
    Dorecos Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks ladies!! I'm bad about starting programs and not finishing them. I look forward to "getting shredded" with you two haha
  • Kiki_StartingOver
    Kiki_StartingOver Posts: 43 Member
    I would like to join too. Today is my first official day of starting. I need to be accountable and I think this would help. The only problem is I might be slower since I'm just starting to exercise again, but I will try my best.
  • anwerns197
    I will join you on that!!! I've started on this video so many times and stopped and never have made it through the first workout....I've made it maybe 3 days and stopped... :( Maybe this time I will start and not Stop and make it through the whole thing and get shredded I hope!! More Motivation for me from others the better.... We can Do This!!
  • GlitterAway101
    Thats the best workout dvd ever and that was the first dvd I did to start my weightloss. I'm not going to lie if your a newbie to excersise it will be HARD BUT PUSH THRU!!! Trust me do the modifications with ANITA if you have to but try to stay with Natalie. TRUST me after its done your going to be stronger , and plus I had lost 8 pounds with that DVD!! After that I went to Ripped in 30, the good thing is that its on 30 mins and you can do it :-)
  • Kiki_StartingOver
    Kiki_StartingOver Posts: 43 Member
    I'm going to do it as much as I can. I figured if I can't stay with every else, that just means I can try again next month without modifications :)
  • bkRaeLynn
    bkRaeLynn Posts: 17 Member
    I plan to start Monday as well! This is great because maybe I will stick with it partnering up with you lovely ladies. I have a question tho. Is the 30 day shred 30 days consecutively or do you workout 6 times a week with one rest day? How are you ladies doing it?
  • Imane1996
    Imane1996 Posts: 7 Member
    I would like to join as well. I started it today and I've had a hard time finishing those crunches (i'm not always working out, very lazy person) :D Still, it's a good workout ! Good luck everybody !
    bkRaeLynn, when i've searched on Google, it's supposed to be 10 days on each level with no rest but I guess just listen to your body and don't push yourself hard to avoid injuries ...
  • bkRaeLynn
    bkRaeLynn Posts: 17 Member
    Imane1996 thanks :) that makes sense
  • jhr08
    jhr08 Posts: 4
    Count me in! I've also attempted, but never finished this program. I'm so ready to make some progress with weight loss. I'm also doing a c25k program. I'm using Zombies, Run! It's entertaining. :)
  • MrsPaulSmith
    MrsPaulSmith Posts: 401 Member
    The only thing I wont do is the crunches. I always balloon out when I do crunches so Im going to plank through that part
  • maryjmac1
    maryjmac1 Posts: 10
    I did the shred a few years ago. I only got through levels one and two during the 30 days and I was doing a Jillian Michaels' Slimdown challenge with it where I incorporated her Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism video and No More Trouble Zones. I lost a lot of inches with it. It really got me wanting to workout a lot more. I did it as a New Year's resolution that year and I progressed a month and a half later to P90X.

    It is really good but I found it very hard on the knees though. The jumping Jacks killed me.
  • lylahroses
    count me in :)
  • MsSouthernBelle5
    MsSouthernBelle5 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes! I've will be starring today. I have sent most of you friend requests. Those that i didn't please add me. Getting ready to do Day 1 now. So excited to have motivation this time around. I have started SEVERAL times but never finish and honestly i know it works because in just a few days i always notice a change in my body. So Let's go ladies summer is almost here. Woo hop!:bigsmile:
  • redpandora56
    redpandora56 Posts: 289 Member
    Just wanted to say to you all, I'm on day 29 out of 30, and it is SO WORTH IT!! it will get really hard, for me it was a few days into level 2, and i wanted to quit. I am so glad that I didn't. Having forum friends to check in with really helped keep me going. 2 more days to go and i'm looking forward to them.

    I wish you all luck! :flowerforyou:
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    I started on M arch 26th, I am sore but not sure if I dare take a rest day out of fear I will quit.
    Looking for others who are doing the shred for support and motivation.
  • Suebepinkydoo
    Suebepinkydoo Posts: 32 Member
    I was meant to start level 2 yesterday but a nasty stomach bug has held me back. Will jump back in with you guys when I am better.

    GO SHRED!!!! :):)
  • tattedmomsjourney
    Count me in too!!!! I have had the DVD for a while now, but have never gotten around to starting it. Looking forward to having some motivation to get it done!
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    Advice from a 30 day shredder and current Ripped in 30 participant... If you need to stay on a level longer than you are supposed to, don't get discouraged! I had to repeat level 2 for another week before I was ready for level 3. Either way you are kicking butt and after finished 30 day shred, though I didnt lose any weight I looked like I lost 10 pounds at least. I have so much more definition in my arms and legs! I'm currently in Ripped in 30 week 1 and am feeling pretty sore today.

    Oh and if you are sore, keep to it! I was sore yesterday and contemplated skipping a day yesterday, but by the time the warm up is done, your muscles are nicely stretched and you dont really feel sore. I was glad I worked out.