Need to lose 7st 9lbs to be healthy.

I've been trying to lose weight by just eating healthy and exercise, it is coming off slowly but been trying for a year and 3 month now and still not managed a 2 stone loss.. I walk to work and back which is nearly 8 miles a day, do aqua zumba once a week and try to do weights once a week or twice. Would like to build up to running but wobbly bits won't allow just yet..

Eating wise, don't think I'm doing too bad, allow myself treat night every Friday. Making sure I eat breakfast as that was something I wasn't managing and cut back loads on bread and cheese(apart from cottage cheese) I'm vegetarian too.

Just starting to get a little unmotivated as at this rate, I can never see me achieving a healthy weight. I don't actually feel unhealthy and can work out more than friends half my size but would love to actually look healthy and not like I've been sat eating pies for a living..

Anyway was just having a little moan, not even sure what I expect to achieve writing this.. :)


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    are you weighing and measuring all your foods?
  • bethanemaddox
    Not really, using a smaller plate to make it look fuller. :)
  • wickedpursuit
    wickedpursuit Posts: 47 Member
    If what you're doing now isn't working... do something else.

    Weigh and measure your food. Log it all honestly. Log your exercise honestly, too. You might be eating far more than you think - or you might not be eating nearly enough. Pay attention to what you're eating, too; protein and fat are your friends! Read the pinned posts at the top of this section of the forum - and, most importantly, be open to listening and trying new things!
  • bethanemaddox
    Thank you, does look like weighing my food is the next step.

    Will do a little more research into things too. :)

    Thank you for taking the time to read. :)