1 year post partum 78lbs lost

Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
Hi all I don't know how to attach pics but I just wanted to share that today is exactly a year since giving birth to my second baby and I have a son 2years and so far I'm 78lbs down and have 13 lbs to go

Just want to motivate anybody who thinks it not possible

You can do it if you really want to, I have two babies n no family near or support but managed by making time to work out early morning before kids wake or when they nap even some days I used them as weights to do squats lol

My diet is like a body building cutting diet n nearer I get to goal I have
started introducing some foods back but keeping withing my caL allowance, n make sure if I have a naughty day I don't go over to much, I try to keep to 80/20 rule n drink water n lots of it

Exercise I started with 30 day shred, then home workouts like hiit workouts on you tube , I now do heavy lifting at weekends when hubby off work n go swimming once a week in the evening once hubby home from work glad to Have a very supportive husband and amazing mfp friend's who supported me all the way

If anybody has questions please ask or add me


Wish everyone best reaching there goals n if anybody has tips on loosing last 13 lbs feel free to share


  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Great job! Thanks for sharing---I'm sure you will be very inspiring to other new moms!
  • Leylaos
    Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
    Great job! Thanks for sharing---I'm sure you will be very inspiring to other new moms!

    Thank I see you have done amazing job well donedonea
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    That is such an inspiration! congrats to you! my son is 4 and I'm just now finding the motivation to lose the baby weight plus the extra fat I had on my own LOL u go girl
  • Leylaos
    Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
    Thank you hope all goes well for you x
  • QueenMaryam04
    QueenMaryam04 Posts: 43 Member
    MashaAllah!!!!Thats so fantastic achievement sis im so happy for you:)
  • Fiercely_Me
    Fiercely_Me Posts: 481 Member
    Amazing! I am also losing the baby weight, and it is always motivating to hear stories like yours. Wonderful job :)
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
  • Leylaos
    Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
    Thank ladies x
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    Such a great achievement and commitment. Great job! As a mother of 3, I know it can be hard to insist on that time for yourself. But, it is so worth it.
  • Leylaos
    Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
    Yes it's definitely worth it my kids have healthier, happier mum who can play with them without feeling tired lol
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Congrats!! What a great achievement ♡
  • Leylaos
    Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
    Congrats!! What a great achievement ♡
    Thank you :-)
  • phillrn
    phillrn Posts: 338 Member
  • sweetu24
    sweetu24 Posts: 21
    Hello Leylaos,
    Very inspirational... I am planning to get pregnant but get scared when I think about the baby weight and stretch marks. I would really love to hear about your source of motivation how do you manage everything.
  • Leylaos
    Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
    Don't be scared having a baby makes it all worth it, stretch marks fade n don't really bother me as much but I gained a lot when pregnant I'm not very tall n I felt awful n a lot people enjoyed to see me fat as I had a nice figure before so some got joy n rubbed it in a bit lol, also I hated feeling weak and having two babies close together made me get spd it's a pelvic problem I was house bound most of my second pregnancy with a toddler n I cried so much feeling bad I couldn't take him out much , this motivated me to get my strength back, hence I started to lift weights,

    Yes it's hard fitting the time in to exercise with two babies but you do get us ed to it, n once you get into a routine working out you have so much energy it's easier with the kids, I can carry them both without feeling pain or having back ache after changing nappies

    I think if you try keep active in pregnancy n don't make mistake of eating for two you will be fine,having a baby does change your body but you can make better n learn to be more confident in new body it's all worth it when you have your baby in your arms all the best hope your blessed soon with a bundle of joy
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