Just getting Started!

I have actually lost 6 pounds in three weeks, but I am now getting on board with the fitness pal, for no other reason,other than to further obsess over the topic of dieting. I have given up fried food, soda and white bread, and have been doing ab and squat challenges daily, with a few lapses due to having the cold etc... I also don't eat after 8 pm to prevent extra snacking and to digest everything in time for the morning scale. Because I know I shouldn't expect to lose more than two pounds a week, I am trying hard not to obsess over the calories or starvation. Now at week four, because the exercises are pretty easy, like I can hold a plank now for 60 seconds, and do about thirty sit ups fairly effortlessly, and do about 100 crunches pretty easily, I am pretty sure I have the muscles underneath, but a lot of loose skin and subcutaneous fat plus cellulite. I decided against my wishes to start running in addition to the ab and squat exercises in effort to try deal with this extra "stuff". I have uploaded the Run Keeper, and trying to get a handle on this technology now. Just wondering how others deal with the extra skin etc!!! Thanks and happy Fitness! :laugh:


  • aurora1423
    Ugh! Extra skin. That's something I worry about, too.

    The last time I lost a lot of weight (which was about 10 years ago), I had none. Zilch. I'm not sure how that happened, because I lost it fairly quickly.

    One thing that's working in my favor (thank you, Mom!) is that I tend to look 10-15 years younger than I am, so I'm hoping that will carry into the skin department and I'll "pop" back into shape. That's what I'm hoping for, but I'm being realistic, too.

    It stinks that we put all this effort into looking good and getting healthy, to end up only looking decent in clothes. Grrr. Anyways, drink LOTS of water... hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. And moisturize every day and night. That, and choosing healthy foods filled with anti-oxidants and vitamins/minerals our bodies need and I think we can avoid the "shar pei" look.

    Lifting weights and building muscle also helps. Gives our skin something beneath it once the fat is gone.
