I want to drink but don't want to ruin my diet?



  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    Drink what you like. It's been a long time right? Enjoy it! Don't spend the night choking down drinks you hate just to save a few calories. Try to eat as lean as you can if you would rather have the yummy drinks. Or eat the yummy food if you don't mind drinking the vodka club soda type drinks. Or just have a cheat day!
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    Drink, Dance & Have Fun! It's only one night. You can dance away your empty colories:drinker:
  • Cappuccino2014
    Don't eat light before.. Been there done that... Alcohol on a fairly empty stomach is recipe for feeling sick and a HUGE hangover. Just eat as usual before, stick to lower kcal drinks and dance off as many kcal as you can! :-)
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Go drink and have a good time!!! Though you can try to make lighter choices - mix with diet soda, for example, and choose light beer - don't get crazy about it. You're not doing this 3 times a week, so don't worry too much.

    Just try not to get drunk and order the entire menu at taco bell.