Confused about what to eat on the 1200 calorie diet

Ok so I am 4'10" and 119lb. I am trying to get to 105lb. I have started out on this weight loss journey, but I am somewhat confused about the calories I am suppose to be eating. I run just about everyday. I burn about 500 calories a day from my workout. So my question is am I suppose to eat 1200 plus the 500 I burned? or do I just eat the 1200? Also according to the BMR I am only suppose to eat about 1200-1300 calories a day. Eating this amount is not difficult I actually find myself eating only 800 to 1000 calories a day. No Im not starving myself. I just eat ALOT of veggies, my two protein shakes, a piece of fruit, egg whites, and popcorn or I slice the skin of my fruit or veggies and cook it and eat as chips.


  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I'm going to bring this up because others will. Regardless if you truly are eating 1200 calories or eating more than you think, you are too active and close to a healthy weight range to eat only 1200 calories total. Be sure to change your setting to 0.5 lbs weekly weight loss and eat back about half of your estimated exercise calories so you stay about 300 or so below projected maintenance. The less fat mass you have, the less calories from fat your body burns in a day. So a greater deficit doesn't necessarily benefit you from a fat loss perspective when you don't have much to lose to begin with.

    Edit: Another approach would be to use a TDEE calculator like this that factors in lean mass and enter in all the information. It will tell you how much total calories to eat with the deficit included.

    Edit 2: If I were to assume you are about 25% body fat with a moderate activity level (according to TDEE), you'd maintain at about 1900 calories. So to lose 0.5 lb per week, you could eat around 1650 calories.

    Edit: Lastly, make sure you are using a digital food scale to weigh all your food and be honest with logging everything. If you just measure with cups or eye ball things, you likely will be eating far more than you think.
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    you'll want to eat more. for sure.

    to get more calories in, have some olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, nut butters, ect.

    i'd say eat 1200+ 1/2 workout calories.
  • Shermansb
    Shermansb Posts: 3 Member
    I keep my diet and exercise separate. If your losing weight too fast, add calories. If your losing weight too slow, train a bit less or reduce calories. Make sure you eat enough to maintain your metabolic rate. You need to be able to cut from something. Cutting from 800 calories a day is a rough starting point. Eat less vegetables or spice them up with some sauces to add some calories to them. Olive oil is great if you have the fat to spare.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Well you are confused because you should be eating more. but whatever what does science know.
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    More calories. You're starving yourself.
  • Jericha1992
    Jericha1992 Posts: 80 Member
    I eat back my exercise calories. Worked pretty well for me so far. :)

    My Fitness Pal works in a deficit without any exercise, so when you burn extra calories, they should be consumed back so you're getting enough energy to keep your body working and feeling well! Still getting the cardio/muscle building benefits of exercise, but without being fatigued or hungry.

    So yep, I'd eat 1200+500, for 1700 total calories consumed.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Anything you want to until you hit 1200 calories.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm going to bring this up because others will. Regardless if you truly are eating 1200 calories or eating more than you think, you are too active and close to a healthy weight range to eat only 1200 calories total. Be sure to change your setting to 0.5 lbs weekly weight loss and eat back about half of your estimated exercise calories so you stay about 300 or so below projected maintenance. The less fat mass you have, the less calories from fat your body burns in a day. So a greater deficit doesn't necessarily benefit you from a fat loss perspective when you don't have much to lose to begin with.

    Edit: Another approach would be to use a TDEE calculator like this that factors in lean mass and enter in all the information. It will tell you how much total calories to eat with the deficit included.

    Edit 2: If I were to assume you are about 25% body fat with a moderate activity level (according to TDEE), you'd maintain at about 1900 calories. So to lose 0.5 lb per week, you could eat around 1650 calories.


    As for getting more calories-- stop eating egg whites and eat whole eggs. Swap out anything low fat for full fat. Roast your veggies in oil (because it's delicious) or saute in butter. There are tons of ways to get more calories in. Peanut butter is almost 200 cals per serving.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I'm 4'11" and about 98 lbs. I eat about 1200 and it is pretty close to maintenance. I eat back my exercise calories if I want to, but if I'm not hungry, I don't worry about it. When I first adjusted my diet and started working out, I couldn't eat enough either. My body adjusted and now I eat a lot more. My salads are huge and then in hungry a couple of hours later. Give your body some time to adjust and eat more as your appetite adjusts. Also, Some people lose weight when stressed, so if this is stressful for you, it could be killing your appetite at first.
  • Brijua
    Brijua Posts: 3
    Thanks. I will def start to weigh my food on a scale. I think that will help me get my calories. I am not a big fatty eater. My weakness is sweets, thus why I am slowly putting on the pounds. I have always had an infinity for veggies. So I have been able to cut down on my calories so quickly because I have threw out the sweets. Yes most of my meals were cakes and pie. Thanks to the lean shakes it helps to curb the craving and the apples I microwave to give me a false sense of apple pie without the crust. I would like to sculpt my body. I am not stressed. When I am stressed I can drop the weight like no bodies business. It's when all is right with the world that I struggle with my weight. Thanks!:glasses: :glasses: :glasses:
  • soccerdog693
    soccerdog693 Posts: 73 Member
    I eat just about 1200 calories a day and I just want to say that as long as you are eating the right things you are NOT necessarily starving yourself, despite what others may say. When you eat a lot of fruits and veggies (like 8+ servings combined) it's really easy to feel full and stay super low cal. I add lean meat, a few carbs here and there, and I cook almost everything in olive oil or butter (and whole eggs are awesome!). My day ends up being three full meals a day (meat + veggies), fruit as snacks, and a dairy here and there. I am usually just around 1200-1300 calories (closer to 1300-1400 if I have a protein shake) and I know I am not starving my body.

    Yes, calories in/calories out is the basics for losing weight, but to eat low cal and not starve your body of what it needs you need to eat high quality food, not junk. Eating 1200 cals a day of ice cream and cake vs. meat, eggs, fruits, veggies, and whole grains are not the same thing: you are far healthier if you eat the right foods.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ok so I am 4'10" and 119lb. I am trying to get to 105lb. I have started out on this weight loss journey, but I am somewhat confused about the calories I am suppose to be eating. I run just about everyday. I burn about 500 calories a day from my workout. So my question is am I suppose to eat 1200 plus the 500 I burned? or do I just eat the 1200? Also according to the BMR I am only suppose to eat about 1200-1300 calories a day. Eating this amount is not difficult I actually find myself eating only 800 to 1000 calories a day. No Im not starving myself. I just eat ALOT of veggies, my two protein shakes, a piece of fruit, egg whites, and popcorn or I slice the skin of my fruit or veggies and cook it and eat as chips.

    you should NET 1200..

    so in your above example 1200 goal, 500 burned..would equal eat 1700 - 500 burned = 1200 net calories…however, calorie burns are notoriously not accurate, so I would suggest only eating back half of the exercise calories…so that would be 1450 - 250 burned = 1200 net

    you should always net 1200….
  • futurejedi
    futurejedi Posts: 111
    I could eat 1200 calories at dinner alone
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ok so I am 4'10" and 119lb. I am trying to get to 105lb.

    just noticed this ..why are you trying to lose?
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I'm going to bring this up because others will. Regardless if you truly are eating 1200 calories or eating more than you think, you are too active and close to a healthy weight range to eat only 1200 calories total. Be sure to change your setting to 0.5 lbs weekly weight loss and eat back about half of your estimated exercise calories so you stay about 300 or so below projected maintenance. The less fat mass you have, the less calories from fat your body burns in a day. So a greater deficit doesn't necessarily benefit you from a fat loss perspective when you don't have much to lose to begin with.

    Edit: Another approach would be to use a TDEE calculator like this that factors in lean mass and enter in all the information. It will tell you how much total calories to eat with the deficit included.

    Edit 2: If I were to assume you are about 25% body fat with a moderate activity level (according to TDEE), you'd maintain at about 1900 calories. So to lose 0.5 lb per week, you could eat around 1650 calories.


    As for getting more calories-- stop eating egg whites and eat whole eggs. Swap out anything low fat for full fat. Roast your veggies in oil (because it's delicious) or saute in butter. There are tons of ways to get more calories in. Peanut butter is almost 200 cals per serving.

    And this equals about 1200 plus 500 exercise calories, so yes, eat them.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Ok so I am 4'10" and 119lb. I am trying to get to 105lb.

    just noticed this ..why are you trying to lose?

    BMI is 24.9, which is on the cusp of overweight. She's only 4'10.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    Ok so I am 4'10" and 119lb. I am trying to get to 105lb.

    just noticed this ..why are you trying to lose?

    BMI is 24.9, which is on the cusp of overweight. She's only 4'10.

    + one.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ok so I am 4'10" and 119lb. I am trying to get to 105lb.

    just noticed this ..why are you trying to lose?

    BMI is 24.9, which is on the cusp of overweight. She's only 4'10.

    I stand corrected…I suppose..:)
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member