Overeating on rest days...

I've noticed that on rest days.. like today... I overeat. It never fails. But I also noticed that the extra calories eaten are calories that would easily fall into allotted amount of calories any other day when I do work out. So basically it's like I've come accustomed to eating the same amount (Calorie speaking) day to day. So when I have my rest days, I go over.

I tried to keep it at my deficit number but I was just too hungry and was like forget it... I'm eating.
Today I haven't added the last thing I had but it was a baked potato dressed with a thick tomato sauce. I'm sure that put me 300-400 over maintenance. Booo.

So what do you guys do about rest days? How do you keep yourself in check even when you feel starved? I could work out which I'm contemplating doing but I know I need this rest day since I only have one per week. =.=


  • aandenmatten
    aandenmatten Posts: 2 Member
    I try to keep myself busy with things to do so I done eat out of boredom. I also try to control the portion size and use water and popcorn to fill up my stomach if I am extra hungry
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    I do the same thing sometimes. I think I get used to having 2-300 extra calories to play with, you know? :smile:

    My advice would be to listen to your body. Don't starve yourself. Have a few low-calorie snacks on hand that could satisfy your craving without putting you too far over your daily allotment. If you do go over, I wouldn't worry too much about it. At least for me, if I go over a day or two, I perceive it as being balanced out by the multiple days a week I end up under my goal due to exercise. Generally speaking, then, I'm eating at or maybe just below my goal when it comes to a weekly average.

    Good luck to you! The struggle is real!! LOL