thrown off BIG time!

I have been doing so good! The past 26 days have been going okay for me. I have lost about 6 lbs during the time and I'm getting fuller faster. I haven't eaten much fast food, I'm sleeping better and finding ways to get more movements in. I took off work Friday, Saturday and Today for my son's spring break and I have been doing nothing but eating! I feel horrible! i am off track, over stuffing my face and completely not even close to being near my daily goal.. I'm way over! I know I will wake up tomorrow and do better but why do I feel so bad? my first goal is to go 58 days and living a better lifestyle and I have blown three days in a row. ugh. anyone got some encouragment for me? I surely could use it!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Log it accurately & honestly, and move on.

    Eat "good" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    Read this:
  • arrowprayer
    arrowprayer Posts: 77 Member
    when u endulge a little, it's hard to stop yourself from going overboard....better to not just go there at all....
    when you first notice yourself letting yourself go, that\s when you put an end to it...

    one thing i like to binge on are pickles ....they're filling, low cal, don't taste the greatest, but the benfits make me forget about the taste
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    when u endulge a little, it's hard to stop yourself from going overboard....better to not just go there at all....
    when you first notice yourself letting yourself go, that\s when you put an end to it...

    one thing i like to binge on are pickles ....they're filling, low cal, don't taste the greatest, but the benfits make me forget about the taste
    I disagree. I indulge every day by having the foods that I love, and I occasionally go over my calorie goal. Most times my goal by the end of the week is at goal or slightly under.

    Bingeing on pickles is just as bad as bingeing on any food. It's not the type of food that causes us to binge, but perhaps the fact that we aren't eating enough in the first place.

    OP, make sure you are eating enough food to fuel your body every day. This means eating your minimum calories PLUS a portion of any exercise calories. This is how I stopped bingeing. And, don't be hard on yourself when you do go over. Just log it all and move on.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Why focus on the three days you didn't do so great when you can focus on the 26 days where you stuck to your plan? It seems like you've been doing great so far!! From your ticker it looks like you've got quite the journey ahead of you, and you are bound to make mistakes, to feel like quitting, to overindulge and not know how to get back. It's totally normal and it's part of the process of starting a new, healthier lifestyle. Soon you'll be amazed at how far you've come.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Sounds to me like you would benefit from doing a regular cheat meal. If you don't know what that is go to YouTube and lookup Scooby cheat meal. He has a good video that explains it. I disagree with arrowprayer.
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    Log it accurately & honestly, and move on.

    Eat "good" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    Read this:

    Best and most succinct advice ever. Period.
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    Log it accurately & honestly, and move on.

    Eat "good" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    Read this:

    Thank you, very helpful!
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    when u endulge a little, it's hard to stop yourself from going overboard....better to not just go there at all....
    when you first notice yourself letting yourself go, that\s when you put an end to it...

    one thing i like to binge on are pickles ....they're filling, low cal, don't taste the greatest, but the benfits make me forget about the taste

    You are so right, and I do like pickles. Thanks a ton!
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    when u endulge a little, it's hard to stop yourself from going overboard....better to not just go there at all....
    when you first notice yourself letting yourself go, that\s when you put an end to it...

    one thing i like to binge on are pickles ....they're filling, low cal, don't taste the greatest, but the benfits make me forget about the taste
    I disagree. I indulge every day by having the foods that I love, and I occasionally go over my calorie goal. Most times my goal by the end of the week is at goal or slightly under.

    Bingeing on pickles is just as bad as bingeing on any food. It's not the type of food that causes us to binge, but perhaps the fact that we aren't eating enough in the first place.

    OP, make sure you are eating enough food to fuel your body every day. This means eating your minimum calories PLUS a portion of any exercise calories. This is how I stopped bingeing. And, don't be hard on yourself when you do go over. Just log it all and move on.

    Thanks. So do you follow a weekly goal rather than a daily?
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    Why focus on the three days you didn't do so great when you can focus on the 26 days where you stuck to your plan? It seems like you've been doing great so far!! From your ticker it looks like you've got quite the journey ahead of you, and you are bound to make mistakes, to feel like quitting, to overindulge and not know how to get back. It's totally normal and it's part of the process of starting a new, healthier lifestyle. Soon you'll be amazed at how far you've come.

    I needed to hear this. Thank you! Forget the 3 bad days and focus on the good ones. Thanks!
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    Sounds to me like you would benefit from doing a regular cheat meal. If you don't know what that is go to YouTube and lookup Scooby cheat meal. He has a good video that explains it. I disagree with arrowprayer.

    Im going to check it out now. Thanks!
  • kb2699
    kb2699 Posts: 80 Member
    Why focus on the three days you didn't do so great when you can focus on the 26 days where you stuck to your plan? It seems like you've been doing great so far!! From your ticker it looks like you've got quite the journey ahead of you, and you are bound to make mistakes, to feel like quitting, to overindulge and not know how to get back. It's totally normal and it's part of the process of starting a new, healthier lifestyle. Soon you'll be amazed at how far you've come.

    Great advice!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    One of my favorite quotes:

    Person A: I forgot to brush my teeth.

    Person B: Oh, how many weeks did it take you to start brushing your teeth again?

    Just start on track again, and do it now. One "mistake" is not an excuse to stop working towards your goals.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Figure out why you're eating. If you're hungry, of course, eat. If it's not hunger, use distraction. For example, are you bored? stressed because the kids are home? Either way, I don't know how old your kids are but if they are young enough, take them out, like swimming or to the park or library. That way you all get out of the house and away from the food.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou: