No more soda = How much weight lost???



  • When I cut out soda, it changed my entire diet. I used to drink 6-7 cans of coke zero multiple times a week. I quit when I got walked in on, while drinking a soda while simultaneously walking on the treadmill. Very embarrassing.

    I looked healthier, less bloated, everything seemed so much sweeter. I added maybe half as much sugar to my other foods as before (now I just use a little stevia). It's crazy but bananas and things like cauliflower are even sweet to me sometimes. Also, you'll have more energy and not feel so sluggish.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Well, if you are currently gaining weight, it might not lead to a weight loss, but it will at least slow the weight gain.

    If you are currently maintaining weight, it will lead to weight loss, how much depends on how much soda you drink/
  • COliver416
    COliver416 Posts: 87 Member
    I one time cut out soda and all caloric beverages, fast food, and meat, and gained 60 pounds in under a year.

    Currently I eat anything I want, but focus on keeping my calories currently under 1600 (I'm on a reverse taper, so I'll continue to add calories as I lose weight) and I drop a massive amount of fat.

    I've tried low carbs and low fat diets, I've tried vegetarian and even vegan diets, my best results however have been in proper caloric balance, and focusing on fitness, and eating for fitness.
  • Okaaay so I love my soda. I really need to lose weight tho so im starting to drink diet soda and water.
    About how much weight do you think can be lost by just doing that?
    I mean I want to eat better and exercise too but... How much do you think just not drinking soda can help me!?!?
    Thanks!! :)

    I LOOOOOOVE soda too! like LOVE IT....A LOT! but i quit COLD TURKEY on Thursday. I am also taking Phentermine. But i dont feel so bloated...and I'm 5 lbs down
  • stefboston83
    stefboston83 Posts: 8 Member
    It is not BS. Sodas including diet sodas actually change your brain's chemistry. The ingredients in both trick your brain into thinking you are not ingesting sugar period. Sugar/aspartame/carbs still exists in zero caloric fluids.

    Knowing all of that I still have a soda addiction. I had stopped for two weeks and lost six lbs. I visibly noticed less bloating around my abdomen. I am an apple shape with this extra weight, as we all know this being the most dangerous shape to be. I started back again with my "need caffeine" excuse. I am back on day three of quitting. It truly is a hard addiction to kick, no apologies because it is a fact.

    Good luck to everyone. I will try to post any lbs lost with hopes of me staying on the no soda wagon.