looking for help and support on my fitness journey

hello my name is nina , I am new here and hoping to find new friends to help and support me to be a happy and healthier person and of course I am here to help and support others who are wanting the same thing.
I am 18 years old , 5ft4 and weigh 184lbs (13stones 2ponds). over the past few years I have gained over 2 stones in weight from comfort eating. because of this I have lost all my self confidence and have very low self esteem. now I want to get back to my old happy self and live a healthy life.
please feel free to add me as its always easier when you have motivation and support from others.


  • KhouloudMorkoc
    Hi Nina!
    Congrats on your start :) I started at the same weight as you! It's a journey, and I'm still on it :) you can do this!
    Don't know how many times I've had fall backs but we all do :) you can SO do this .
  • MandyRachael
    You can definitely do this girl!! First thing that I have been told a lot.... do not focus on the scale alone! Start working out a lot and eating right, and maybe weight yourself every two weeks. Weight fluctuates way too much daily. It's going to be an exciting journey!