30 day shred anyone??



  • MsSouthernBelle5
    MsSouthernBelle5 Posts: 19 Member
    Quick question. .. how do you log your 30ds as exercise
  • just log in under circuit training..it doesn't work any other way properly..
  • I have it but have never taken it out of the box...!

    Is it good?x
  • DSFfit
    DSFfit Posts: 133 Member
    I hadn't done any real workouts for a long time, I started up again in Feb with the Daily Burn beginner level, after a month of that I moved on to Cardio sculpt and now I am doing 30 day shred. It is challenging and by the last exercise I feel a little queasy but even after only 5 days I feel it's getting easier.
  • MsSouthernBelle5
    MsSouthernBelle5 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks I was wondering about that
  • Dorecos
    Dorecos Posts: 11 Member
    Wow thanks everyone for the advice and joining in. I'll be starting this evening because I have a hard time getting up in the mornings! As promises, I'll be posting pics and measurements this evening as well. And if I'm not friends with any of you already I'll be sending friend requests sometime today too!
  • hoppa321
    hoppa321 Posts: 448 Member
    I started on Saturday 3/29, I will be doing level 1 day 3 this afternoon.
  • hoppa321
    hoppa321 Posts: 448 Member
    Oh, and feel free to add me, can use all the support and motivation to do this!!
  • Kiki_StartingOver
    Kiki_StartingOver Posts: 43 Member
    So I just finished Day 1 of 30 Day Shred. Yay! My body got tired fast but I gained energy. I guess it misses being on the move. I did fairly well, hard time on the jumping jacks because of chest.

    My question is though, how are you guys logging it in the exercise? My watch that use to work well is broken so I have no idea.

  • Kiki_StartingOver
    Kiki_StartingOver Posts: 43 Member
    I saw someone said circuit training. Is that the best method then?
  • MichelleRenee_76
    MichelleRenee_76 Posts: 155 Member
    I have this DVD as well. And, like a few others, have barely used it. I would like to try for completing the program with you all.
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    I'm joining in! However I will alternate days with ripped in 30 to prevent boredom!
  • hoppa321
    hoppa321 Posts: 448 Member
    The equation I've seen online on how to figure how many calories burned during 30 Minute Shred is:

    You burn 3.267 calories per pound for every hour you do 30 Min. Shred

    So multiply your weight by 3.267 and then divide by 3 to get the calories burned during each 20 minute workout.

    For me this # comes out like 15-20 fewer calories than what MFP figures for doing 20 minutes of Circuit Training
  • Kiki_StartingOver
    Kiki_StartingOver Posts: 43 Member
    The equation I've seen online on how to figure how many calories burned during 30 Minute Shred is:

    You burn 3.267 calories per pound for every hour you do 30 Min. Shred

    So multiply your weight by 3.267 and then divide by 3 to get the calories burned during each 20 minute workout.

    For me this # comes out like 15-20 fewer calories than what MFP figures for doing 20 minutes of Circuit Training

    Thank you!
  • FunkinVeganDuncan
    FunkinVeganDuncan Posts: 6 Member
    I always start this DVD and then stop, I just get so exhausted by it that I just give up! I got halfway level 2 and caved! Though after hearing some positive reviews from you ladies that it does work I think I may give it another go :)
    I was wondering does anyone else listen to music over the DVD?? I find it makes me lose track of time much easier and made it easier to follow the moves??
  • MrsPaulSmith
    MrsPaulSmith Posts: 401 Member
    Finished day 1 with 5 lb weights. Arms are a bit sore. How Is everyone else?
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    I thought about starting today but I slept in.. Might try tomorrow though :)
  • toir80
    toir80 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on day 2 of level 2!! Please add me, I need motivation and to know I'm not alone out there. It is painful but I feel great after it! Keep it up everyone!!!
  • Pectinbean
    Pectinbean Posts: 62 Member
    Love 30 Day Shred! I do it whenever a holiday is coming up. It only takes me 2 weeks doing this DVD to lose 2 inches off my waist. It's crazy! If you're new to working out ease your way into. Jillian's really good at encouraging you, I followed the 'easier' Anita but can now do all the Natalie-effort ones. Apart from push ups, I still pushup like a girl!
  • hoppa321
    hoppa321 Posts: 448 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 completed. My legs were really sore today after day 2 yesterday but it actually seemed a little bit easier even with that.