Started Insanity, Looking for friends!

Hi everyone,
I'm not great at being consistent on this website, but I'm hoping starting insanity and making some friends will help me stay accountable. The fit test was tough but exciting as my results were pretty close to the two fitness models on their first fit test and they had come a loooong way! Will anyone join me for the next 60 days?


  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I just started week 4 today :) It is so worth it if you hang in! I'm seeing huge changes in such a short period of time. I completed JM 30DS and RI30 prior to starting and so glad I did because they are basically the warm up for each insanity workout. Feel free to add me for support. I log every day. Good luck to you!!!
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    You can add me, I've already started Insanity
  • meowzers007
    meowzers007 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm just beginning week 2! I have noticed a huge improvement in my runs already. I am doing Insanity in the mornings 6x a week and running in the evenings 3x a week. I would only recommend this for half marathoners like me - it is very challenging. I did Insanity before a few years ago and it completely changed my body! I had some medical issues and am now trying to recover from the 20 pound weight gain I had while on Prednisone...also experienced a lot of muscle loss. So here I go again with another round of Insanity! You'll love it! Good luck and don't give up! The first week is the hardest. If you're like me, you'll push yourself as hard as you can every day. I love the burn. Just remember to listen to your body. Insanity is high impact on joints/muscles. Ice after even if you feel the slightest strain on a joint or muscle. Oh, and I recommend on "rest" days to take an Epsom salt bath! Helps with the muscle soreness. :smile:
  • ajp0428
    ajp0428 Posts: 1
    I am starting week 2 today! It is a GREAT workout, love the moves and the feeling of dripping sweat after the warm-up. Have lost a few pounds but from what I hear the big changes aren't supposed to show themselves until month 2. I motivate myself daily by googling "Insanity Results" and reading results and looking at the before and after photos.

    I have a cruise is 3 weeks and am looking to get back into a shape that isn't round. I am at the heaviest I have ever been and HATE it, so I decided to do something about it! Time to kick my own *kitten* for a few weeks and reap the rewards! Remember, sweat is just fat crying.
  • beccaferman
    beccaferman Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I have been having trouble staying accountable lately, so I am starting Insanity again today, and I think having some friends for support would help! Add me if you could use a friend too! =] beccaferman
  • kristixo
    kristixo Posts: 38 Member
    I am on week 3 of insanity and got great results on my second fit test! Add me if you like :)
  • alucero992013
    alucero992013 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm just starting week 3. Did my second fit test yesterday and made some pretty awesome gains as far as numbers. I love insanity and I hate it lol. I'm finishing my second year of med school so insanity is seriously the only thing keeping me sane at the moment (ironic much?). Definitely agree to whoever posted about listening to your body. I had a friend who did it and threw out his back on it:/ I haven't had any problems (was doing boot camp for a few months before hand) so far. Keep us posted on how it goes! It really does work:). It's only been 2 weeks and I haven't lost much weight (2 lbs maybe), I can see the difference in my body and feel my energy increase.
  • kbeautyy
    kbeautyy Posts: 9
    I love insanity, I just started yesterday getting ready for summer ????????
  • Day 4 of insanity today! I feel sore but also energized! Lost 2 pounds since I started so I'm on the right track, I guess. I've been eating anywhere from 1200 to 1500 calories. I'm also fasting/ abstaining from meat for Lent so that's helping too.
    Started with 175 pounds, 5'4, and goal weight is 140.
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    i'm in week 2 of month 2 and i've lost around 15 pounds!
  • BFit2night
    BFit2night Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on Day 2 only and wow my Quads are like lead! You can add me if you want, I have fully immersed myself into it, and dragged my kid into it as well (we work out together). I would love some ideas on how to get the exercise portion of this website to accurately reflect the program. I'm guessing high impact aerobic is not enough? Keep pushing yourself, you can do it!
  • hellakellasee
    hellakellasee Posts: 318 Member
    Im on day 9 of insanity and in the first week I've lost 6.5 inches. Im staying away from the scale unless its for fit day because i don't want to risk being discouraged. I finished pure cardio about an hour ago and my legs are on fire. I was really scared to start insanity because its so intense, but i absolutely love it. I really enjoy these message board because the support does help. I gained a lot of weight in college and now that Im graduating in may its time to make some changes. My starting weight was 178 and I'm down to 172. I was always in shape before so to go back to my weight of 125-120 would be amazing but I'm not dead set on that number. I think its really important for those that are going to do insanity or go on any weight loss journey, its really true when they say your what you eat its incredibly important. Don't ruin a tough workout with crappy food, but please, theres no need to starve yourself.
  • JaninaSquishy
    JaninaSquishy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I've just finished Day 10 of Insanity. Loving it! I took my measurements before the 1st FitTest, and I haven't measured myself
    since (I'm waiting for end of week 2) so not sure if I've lost anything. I'm finding week 2 a lot easier than week 1 though, I'm finally able to keep up at most of the workouts now. I don't have scales, but before I started Insanity I was around 158 pounds so I'd really like to get it down to 136 - 140 (my height's 5' 5"). My lifestyle is quit sedentary apart from these Insanity workout since I work from home, so I'm very happy that it's forcing me to do them :) Feel free to add me, I'm happy to offer support.
  • BFit2night
    BFit2night Posts: 7 Member
    Ok, into 3rd day of Insanity. After a moderate run, I found the calorie count on par with what I expected, when compared to the high impact aerobics. That makes me feel more confident. But now the program wants me to eat a ton of calories, and I have to tell ya', it feels like to much--I feel full all the time. I'm going to adjust a bit as I go into the latter part of the week.
  • Hello folks, just signed up to myfitnesspal today, and Im starting Insanity on Monday. If its ok can I jump on this support network too? Think Im gonna need it!!

    I've been pretty fit in the past, but now as a busy working father of two small kids, I must admit the motivation to train comes and goes... Also, Im gonna be aiming at 5 or 6am workouts so yeah, let's grit our teeth and do this thing!

    Good luck guys, just keep picturing that flat stomach this summer!
  • meowzers007
    meowzers007 Posts: 11 Member
    how's everyone doing? Any great results yet? :)
  • lottiew78
    lottiew78 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm on day 3 of week two. Promised myself I wouldn't weigh myself until end of week 2 but I did this morning????.... I've lost 6lb!!!! I'm so happy and it's given me the push to carry on. Some days I find it hard to do it but results definately help.... Will defiantly be digging deeper????????
  • meowzers007
    meowzers007 Posts: 11 Member
    wow!!! Those are amazing results!!

    It does get hard especially when the muscle soreness creeps up on ya :(

    I'm beginning week 6 and I actually gained 3 pounds :grumble:

    I'm still cycling through the month 1 workouts though...kind of making my own schedule. I think tomorrow or Wednesday I will begin the Max training.
  • I just started last week, today is only day 5...and man, am I sore!! But I'm sticking with it!! Good luck everyone!!
  • wow!!! Those are amazing results!!

    It does get hard especially when the muscle soreness creeps up on ya :(

    I'm beginning week 6 and I actually gained 3 pounds :grumble:

    I'm still cycling through the month 1 workouts though...kind of making my own schedule. I think tomorrow or Wednesday I will begin the Max training.
    most probably muscle weight gain,dont look at the scale it can be pretty misleading!im on day 3 and im not even going to bother weighing myself until im at least halfway through!