
smswilson Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone know how many calories Zumba Burns? I love it and can't log it on my exercise log cause its not there. Please help. Thanks to all.


  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    i used my HRM and when i was about 222lbs i could burn about 600-700 calories depends on the dances some have more cardio some are slow .. is there any way you could use a HRM? (heart rate monitor) i just had to imput Zumba and my calories manualy ... hope that helps
  • really depends. i burned about 675 today for 60 minutes....sometimes i burn a lot less, sometimes a bit more.

    before i had an HRM, i logged it as aerobic, high impact.

  • tranz4md1
    tranz4md1 Posts: 37 Member
    depending on your weight anywhere from 800-1200 calories. i was thinking about starting a zumba class myself and I looked it up on line. can't remember the exact site, but i typed "amount of calories burned in zumba" in search bar of msn and got results/ answer to that question.

    it was hard for me to believe, but a zumba instructor confirmed it for me. hope this is helpful.
  • Thanks everyone that really does help. I really need to get a HRM, I dont have one yet. Im still kinda new to all of this. But thank you all for your advice!
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    Hi yes, I agree with everyone else, a HRM is the best way to find out but before I started using mine I would log it under "Dance, modern Twist". It was a little off but better than not logging i suppose. I weigh 200 and I burn 725 calories yesterday. If you instructor has really upbeat music it could be more. Good luck!
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