When did you see a flat stomach?


I am wondering when you saw a flat stomach in your weight loss? 21 yr old female - 5 4

Start Weight - 180
Current Weight - 159.8
Current BF - 27.5%
First Goal Weight - 150
Waist - 28 inches
Hips - 37 inches

Since i am 2/3s of the way there, i am starting to come to the realization that i might not have a flat stomach by my initial weight goal. Does anyone have any thoughts/advice on this? I work out 6 hours a week...3-4 days cardio and 2-3 days strength. I can do crazy planks...and have already taken 5 inches off my waist/hips. I just started doing high planks involving medicine and bosu balls. I eat 1200 calories a day, around 100g of protein and have a low sodium diet.


  • monicapatituccijones
    monicapatituccijones Posts: 68 Member
    I guess it depends on what you mean by "flat." I'm 5'3", 135 lbs and still squishy around the middle, but I'm mostly satisfied with how I look. I don't work out much and I had a baby a year ago, but I never really had a flat stomach, even when I was 112 lbs. Your workout will play a role, as will genetics.
  • JaxNole82
    JaxNole82 Posts: 21
    I thought the same thing, but as I get closer to my goal weight, I have seen more changes in the stomach area. Still have some cushioning around the abs, but I can feel them and starting to see some definition forming.
  • You probably won't notice a flat stomach until you are at your goal weight (or within your weight range). I only have a flat stomach when I had around the middle of my "suggested weight range". Every body is different though - I have friends who are very thin all over except their tummy. It just depends on where your body holds onto weight. I tend to hold it on my butt and thighs and less on my stomach.

    Another thing that helps me get a flatter stomach is when I stay away from wheat like bread, pasta, etc. When I eat cleaner (protein, fruits, veggies) my stomach is flatter.

    Good luck! Congrats on your weight loss to date!!!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    The only time I have a flat tummy is when I flex!!! Otherwise it's squishy and the pooch sticks out. I work hard at it but I think it's not going to happen for me as much as I want it to ...
  • Amandabelanger614
    Amandabelanger614 Posts: 110 Member
    My definition of flat means the direct line/shadow of where my belly is gone! lol. I would of course love to not have squishy mid section! But i know that i am far from that.

    I do stay away from wheat products. I am gluten intolerant :)
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I guess I have a decently flat tummy, I don't eat anything special or cut anything out. As you can see... Heavy lifting or resistance training will help retain muscle and help lower BF%. Stomach was the last place I lost from. It's genetics.

    I'm 5'3.5" and 116 lbs. I saw a huge difference 130 on.