In a slump!

Just looking to find some motivation! I had a baby almost 5 months ago and I'm still 20 pounds from my goal weight :( I guess I am just wanting it to come off faster than it is. I am currently doing Weight Watchers but need some additional motivation. My main struggles is evenings and weekends I just seem to be sooooooooo hungry.


  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Try having a couple of cups of low fat/ low salt broth. I use Swanson, but that's a personal choice. I warm it up and have it whenever I feel hungry. It helps me.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Just looking to find some motivation! I had a baby almost 5 months ago and I'm still 20 pounds from my goal weight :( I guess I am just wanting it to come off faster than it is. I am currently doing Weight Watchers but need some additional motivation. My main struggles is evenings and weekends I just seem to be sooooooooo hungry.

    Welcome aboard and congrats on the baby. Your first?

    Hmmm... hunger can be such a wrinkle. I wonder how much protein you're eating? How many cals? You might not know these things since you're doing the point system with WW.... but insufficient protein can definitely hurt the hunger management process. Are you eating fruits and veggies each day? They're high volume, low energy... so they tend to fill you up without a big caloric punch. Plus fructose and fiber tend to do neat things in terms of satiety.

    Point is... hunger comes with the territory of dieting. However, it can minimized if you're doing the right things. In order to troubleshoot your case though, we'd need to know more about what you're doing.
  • oatzmom
    oatzmom Posts: 8 Member
    Its actually my 4th!

    I eat a ton of veggies and fruit everyday that is one thing I have going for me. I do try to include protein in each meal everyday. Each morning I try to stick to 2 eggs scrambled with veggies but I have noticed this is getting a little old so any suggestions for breakfast would be great. Normally for lunch I have some sort of veggie with a chicken breast or other lean meat. Dinner normally involves some sort of meat and a veggie or salad. I tend to inhale my food ;) so I know I need to slow down. I think one of my downfalls at night is when the kids want a snack I take a nibble of their snack etc. As for the weekends I think I have a mindset its the weekend time for fun so go ahead treat yourself you did great all week!
  • oatzmom
    oatzmom Posts: 8 Member
    Great idea! Thank you for the input heck I could probaly even add some veggies to it!
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Its actually my 4th!

    I eat a ton of veggies and fruit everyday that is one thing I have going for me. I do try to include protein in each meal everyday. Each morning I try to stick to 2 eggs scrambled with veggies but I have noticed this is getting a little old so any suggestions for breakfast would be great. Normally for lunch I have some sort of veggie with a chicken breast or other lean meat. Dinner normally involves some sort of meat and a veggie or salad. I tend to inhale my food ;) so I know I need to slow down. I think one of my downfalls at night is when the kids want a snack I take a nibble of their snack etc. As for the weekends I think I have a mindset its the weekend time for fun so go ahead treat yourself you did great all week!

    Any idea of how many calories you're consuming? And what's your current weight?

    Also, have you thought about allocating more of your caloric allotment over the parts of the day you tend to be most hungry? I have a bunch of clients who we shift the heftier portion of their caloric allotment to later in the day since this is when they tend to want to eat the most. It works well for most of them.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    My only suggestion for the hunger is to make sure you're eating enough. You haven't mentioned any of these details: your height, weight, age, activity level, calorie goal, etc. Those would be super helpful. My first instinct when someone says they're hungry while trying to lose weight is that they aren't eating enough. I'm never hungry when I'm sticking to my plan. I pre-log my meals so I stay on track and know what I can eat each day. I keep my protein intake between .75 and 1g of protein per lb of body weight. This keeps me satisfied all day long. Now, hunger and cravings are two different things. Are you actually hungry or are you just really wanting some dessert? Keep in mind: if it fits into your goals, you can eat it. Also, time means nothing when losing weight. If you're hungry late at night and can afford to eat something (by afford, I mean you have calories to spare), don't worry about "eating carbs too late" or anything like that. It doesn't matter!
    As for the weekends I think I have a mindset its the weekend time for fun so go ahead treat yourself you did great all week!

    This one hits home for me. I tend to be really good all week and then I get lax on weekends. I am just now getting to where I log on weekends to hold myself accountable. I tend to have quite a few calories left over at the end of the week, so I use them on weekends and still lose weight. Just make sure you log and try to stay under for the WEEK, not necessarily the DAY. Does that make sense? For example, this weekend I ate my mother-in-law's fried chicken and baked macaroni and cheese, Chick-fil-A, Arby's, and frozen yogurt. However, I still had 150 calories left over for the week after all that. Now that I'm logging, I tend to order less than I normally would or pick a better option. Like at Arby's - I used to get 2 beef n' cheddar sandwiches (classic size) with a medium curly fry and a medium Diet Coke (I prefer it to regular, calories aside). This time, I logged the meal ahead of time and saw that if I only ate one sandwich and a small fry and drink, I could have frozen yogurt and stay under my weekly goal. So that's what I did instead of eating the bigger meal and still getting the yogurt. Yay! The trick for me is logging - if you don't log, you don't know what you're really eating and won't hold yourself accountable for it. And like I said, I don't go hungry all week so I can splurge on weekends - I stay full all week and still manage to indulge on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • oatzmom
    oatzmom Posts: 8 Member
    I think you hit it on the head with am I eating because I'm hungry or bored??? On the weekends when I'm home all day and don't leave the house I eat I guess maybe for entertainment. Also I have noticed since I give myself permission to indulge on weekends I eat even when I"m not hungry because well I gave myself permission. So my goal this week is going to be tracking all weekend yikes that is a BIG goal for me. Thanks for the advice!!!
  • oatzmom
    oatzmom Posts: 8 Member
    This morning I weighed in at 158.8 :( makes me sad because last Thursday I was 155. I am 5'5" tall and I am 33 years old. I work at a desk all day(when at home I am on the constant run!) but I do take 2 30 minute walks on my breaks then I "try" to do some sort of workout video at home if time permits so usually a 30 minute Jillian Michael workout. Not sure on number of calories since I'm used to tracking "points" on the Weight Watchers system. Now that I am on here I am hoping to not only track points but track calories as well. This week I am going to try to focus on staying within my daily "points" and also keep myself accountable all weekend which is extremely difficult for me!