Did you start jogging/running while still obese?



  • caseys29
    caseys29 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 5'7 and currently 260. I started walking 2-3 miles a few times a week in September. I started running in January/February when I was about 270 pounds. My knees hurt all the time when I first started. I didn't think it was ever going to end and it was kind of scary, but I spoke to an orthopedic surgeon at work (I work in a hospital) and he said it was really common for women to feel pain under their kneecaps when they first start running and to take two Aleve twice a day. I've been doing that and now my knees are feeling great. I've gone from not even being able to bend my knees in bed at night because they hurt so badly to not even feeling pain in my knees while running.

    I started with running small distances downhill. A quarter of a mile, then half a mile, and so on. I'm now up to running three-four miles, three or four times a week. I am extremely slow, as in being passed by old men walking slow, but I am able to run for an entire three miles. I've tried running several times before and never stuck with it and I think it's because I was trying to go too fast. I work on speed intervals once a week, hills once a week, and a longer distance once a week. Maybe one day I'll get faster. Last week I ran up a hill that I could barely walk up a few months ago.

    I vastly prefer running outside to a treadmill. Even with all the hills in my town, I'd rather run up those than be on a treadmill for even a few minutes.

    Good luck! You can do it.
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    I'm obese (5'6" 218), and just starting to run now. Though I'm still walking more than running...but hopefully it wont' be too long before I can run more.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I only started running last year when I hit the 170s but I see a lot of people on here who run at 200 lbs+. Couch 25K is a great program for those interested in going from walking to running. Try it out and see how it works for you.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I started with walking, then graduated to power walking. After that, I'd run from time to time. I just don't like to run, but occasionally I get the running bug.
  • sriley7682
    sriley7682 Posts: 48 Member
    Yes, I did. I was mostly walking, but I would throw in a jog here and there. I would go as far as I could and then keep walking. I was around your weight then.
  • sriley7682
    sriley7682 Posts: 48 Member
    I was 300+ lbs when I started "running." It was more like extended doubled-over panting sessions interspersed with short periods or walking and lumbering. However, I stuck with it and as the weight came off the panting lessened and the lumbering evolved into an elegant lurching.

    Now, I look like an epileptic orangutan when I run but I could care less. I did my first marathon last October.

    You can do it. Listen to your body. Learn the difference between pain and discomfort.

    This is fantastic. LOL
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    I started running at 190lbs on my 5'3" frame. I completed the C25K program indoors on a treadmill. Then I took it outside and found that I loved running (aside from my lungs not cooperating). I am going to get back to running with the weather turning nicer as I haven't seen any weight loss since I have stopped. Although I have been exercising.

    Good luck!
  • bamadwl
    bamadwl Posts: 111 Member
    I started at 300#...slowness will be your friend. slow pace and slow build. you'll gain the strength an endurance to push it over time.

    also lift weights. help strengthen the tools you'll be using
    ^^ This. I started walking at around 425 lbs and then started incorporating lifting weights and just within the last year I've started jogging some. Running to soon can cause joint damage.
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    Get new shoes often. I walked for almost a year to begin with being 320 lbs. I got my legs and feet in shape that way. Increase your mileage slowly. Don't just run distance. Run both long distances slowly and short distances quickly. Warm up and adopt a stretching regimen. Eat right, and not just at a deficit all the time. Educate yourself.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Do the elliptical for a while if you can (gym or your own). This has very little impact and you can get a fantastic burn if you push yourself. After losing a good bit of weight you can then give the running / jogging a try. This is one approach you can take. Just do what will make you happy and successful. Good luck!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Yup! Started at 219# (5'7") and ran my way to 182# :smooched:
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Since you use continual forward motion while running/jogging, get some time in on the elliptical going BACKWARDS..to help counterbalance the other muscles' growth and help avoid knee issues.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    I started jogging when I was 5'3 and 200 pounds.

    I also did the run/walk intervals on a treadmill, where I would run for 2 minutes at 5 MHP, and walk for 2 minutes at 3 MPH. Once I got to 5 minutes running, I shortened my walk down to 1 minute, and then worked my way up to running 10 minutes, walking 1, which is what I do now.

    My biggest tip is don't start off too fast, just take things slow, and do lots of stretching and invest in a foam roller.

    Running while obese was not comfortable for me, my knees hurt, I got short of breath really quickly, my IT bands flared up, but I pushed through it, and you do get used to it, and now I run just for fun :)

    ETA: I'm no longer obese, and I have no issues with my knees or anything else hurting when I run now. The more I do it, the more fun it becomes!

    Having said that, you'll need to find the balance between pushing yourself when you're uncomfortable and listening to your body for when you should stop. It's hard to tell sometimes whether you're in pain and should rest, or whether you're uncomfortable and need to push through.
  • Trissyboo
    Trissyboo Posts: 69 Member
    First please let me send my deepest thoughts and prayers to you and your family for the loss of your little one. To endure such a thing is a testament to the type of strength that you possess.

    I started running at 300+ pounds. It was more of a slow jog but I wanted to learn how to run so I joined a couch to 5k program. It has been one of the best things I could have ever done. You have started off well by getting fitted for shoes. Like someone else stated start slow and then work your way up. I wasn't able to run a lick when I first began and now I can run about 30 to 35 minutes straight without stopping. I am still not the fastest person however I give it all I have and that is all that matters.

    Good luck to you and all the best!
  • mrstallent
    mrstallent Posts: 13 Member
    When I first started out I was listed as "morbidly obese" and there was no way I would have been able to do C25K. My husband, who used to be a certified fitness trainer before becoming a PE teacher, had me start with the Mayo Clinic's version. http://www.mayoclinic.org/documents/fsm14-5k-run-pdf/doc-20086108

    It really helped me out a lot. I stretched out some weeks and did them for a few weeks straight until I felt like I would be okay to move on.

    I've been running since September and did my last 5K in 42:46. Not the best, but better than when it took me 1/2 hour to do one mile when I first started!

    Best of luck to you!!