nutritionalists??? I need a meal plan

Ive been doing really well with keeping to eating healthy and working out.. however recently ive been feeling hungry constantly.. even after my meals.. I just dont know what else to add or how much of it.. I know that I may be eating too little because im always way under my calories however I seem to fill up my carb, protein, fat.. so im confused.
I usually stick to the same sort of healthy plan at least 4 days a week and the other 3 I always try to choose healthy options.. however I feel I need a new plan to fit in with my new lifestyle.
Is anyone or does anyone know of a person who writes tailored meal plans??

Im from sydney australia.

Thanks heaps!!!


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You only have 7kg (15 lb.) to go. Set your goal to the slowest rate (in pounds, it's .5 lb. per week), and be patient.

    I'm less hungry when I use MFP's protein & fiber goals as minimums. It will take trial & error to find what works for you.

    Read this:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    You are eating "way under" your cals and are hungry.
    Solution: Eat at least to your cals.

    What to eat? Once you've gotten enough fats and protein, whatever you like!

    Edit: Read the post linked above (and repeated here):
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    1. Eat all of your calories. Of course you are going to be hungry if you aren't eating enough.
    2. Eat plenty of protein, base each meal around it.
    3. Eat meals that contain all macros.....protein, carbs, fat.
    4. Be consistent. I'm not sure what is with the whole 4 days on and 3 days off, but if you're struggling that might not be the best strategy.
  • xnattiee
    xnattiee Posts: 9
    You should create your own meal plans based on the things you like to eat. People cannot create a plan for you because it should be based on the things you like and people here don't know you like that. Also, I can't say for sure but I don't think there are many if any qualified people here to build a meal plan for you.

    thanks. I had a lady who wrote me one based on my lifestyle, food I like/dislike and allergies.. it worked well but its just too expensive to follow and I cant go back to her for private reasons.. so yeah I was just seeing if anyone here uses anyone?? Ive heard it helps alot of people..
  • xnattiee
    xnattiee Posts: 9
    You only have 7kg (15 lb.) to go. Set your goal to the slowest rate (in pounds, it's .5 lb. per week), and be patient.

    I'm less hungry when I use MFP's protein & fiber goals as minimums. It will take trial & error to find what works for you.

    Read this:

    these last 7kg have taken me 2 years to try get off!!! Im not so fussed about the weight.. more so just wanting to lose in my measurements and make sure im treating my body right!! Thank you so much for the link. :)
  • xnattiee
    xnattiee Posts: 9
    1. Eat all of your calories. Of course you are going to be hungry if you aren't eating enough.
    2. Eat plenty of protein, base each meal around it.
    3. Eat meals that contain all macros.....protein, carbs, fat.
    4. Be consistent. I'm not sure what is with the whole 4 days on and 3 days off, but if you're struggling that might not be the best strategy.

    I know im meant to eat my calories... I get that... but im confused about what im supposed to do when my carb/fat/protein goes into the "-" .. everyone keeps saying to eat whatever... that confuses me!! I have protein every meal. And as for the 4:3 thing... I have a set meal plan that I follow on 4 days (these are days where im at work and need a stable plan and time to eat) and then the other 3 days are days when im out and about and can't follow a meal plan for other reasons so ill eat healthy but just not eat my meal plan foods. Does that make sense??? I find following a plan keeps me on track otherwise I just get lost and confused. Nutrition has never ever been my strong side, no matter how much I research. Thanks for your help. xo
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    1. Eat all of your calories. Of course you are going to be hungry if you aren't eating enough.
    2. Eat plenty of protein, base each meal around it.
    3. Eat meals that contain all macros.....protein, carbs, fat.
    4. Be consistent. I'm not sure what is with the whole 4 days on and 3 days off, but if you're struggling that might not be the best strategy.

    I know im meant to eat my calories... I get that... but im confused about what im supposed to do when my carb/fat/protein goes into the "-" .. everyone keeps saying to eat whatever... that confuses me!! I have protein every meal. And as for the 4:3 thing... I have a set meal plan that I follow on 4 days (these are days where im at work and need a stable plan and time to eat) and then the other 3 days are days when im out and about and can't follow a meal plan for other reasons so ill eat healthy but just not eat my meal plan foods. Does that make sense??? I find following a plan keeps me on track otherwise I just get lost and confused. Nutrition has never ever been my strong side, no matter how much I research. Thanks for your help. xo

    Nutrition isn't your strong point admittedly and you've been stuck yo-yoing the last 7kg for two years. Eating a structured meal plan for 4 days, and the remaining 3 eating whatever you want so log as it is "healthy" isn't working that effectively... Why wouldn't you try something different then?

    Find your TDEE. Set a mild calorie deficit. Track and log foods in portion sizes that allow you to remain at caloric intake.