Logging and dieting for over a month..but gaining weight

Hello, Ive started logging for a while back now.
I did lose on the first two weeks and went down from 66 to 63.4
Weighed myself again (after 2 more weeks of dieting, exercise) and now I am up to 64.
This hurts me so much and it makes me lose all motivation. I simply feel heavier, fatter than before although I've been sacrificing myself and working hard.

What do I do...
All I can think about is my weight, I think I'm developing a disorder here, Lol can't even sleep..


  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    Dont stress ! Open your diary so people can see what type of food/ cals ect your at a day. Also are you exercising or just changing your diet ?
  • mercurywinks
    mercurywinks Posts: 104 Member
    I'm not sure how tall you are, but don't get discouraged, you really look fantastic.
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    Water retention etc. around your menstral cycle can increase weight up to a kilo.
    Weigh and measure all your food most people under report what they are eating.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hello, Ive started logging for a while back now.
    I did lose on the first two weeks and went down from 66 to 63.4
    Weighed myself again (after 2 more weeks of dieting, exercise) and now I am up to 64.
    This hurts me so much and it makes me lose all motivation. I simply feel heavier, fatter than before although I've been sacrificing myself and working hard.

    What do I do...
    All I can think about is my weight, I think I'm developing a disorder here, Lol can't even sleep..


    Please keep somethings in mind...

    1) Beware of the danger of eating disorders: I don't know much about you or your progress but judging from the pics, you don't need to lose at all. I hope and trust you are not holding yourself to some unattainable cross-bodytype image. Eating disorders are serious business. Tell us more so we can help.

    2) Losing less weight, as opposed to more, is tricky business because if the amount to be lost is under 15 lbs, it is harder to track. A loss that small is (was) probably just water weight to begin with. You need a 15-pound barrier above and below your weight since the body will fluctuate. Try to stay in a weight range, not a particular weight.
  • Carolfp
    Carolfp Posts: 42 Member
    Hello thank you for your reply. I have been drinking much more water and I don't feel very hungry throughout the day as opposed to how I used to feel prior to dieting.

    This picture is my motivational picture :D it was me two years ago when I was 59kgs
    I can't seem to get close to that weight no more.
    I am semi active and walk around a lot and go to bootcamp 3 times a day.
    Im 160cm and most of my flabbys are from my hips down to my bottom and thighs.

    Any more suggestions would be lovely

    with the eating disorder thingymabobby. . it's mainly that I can't ever stop thinking about my weight and I feel it's affecting my life.
    hmhm maybe it's just me being too obsessed with that thin figure

    and my diary is now open. pliiis judge it all you'd like
  • Carolfp
    Carolfp Posts: 42 Member
    Dont stress ! Open your diary so people can see what type of food/ cals ect your at a day. Also are you exercising or just changing your diet ?

    Hi! Just a bit of both. I eat almost everything except fried food (apart from the occasional cheat were I'd eat 5 chippies).
    I do bootcamp and sometimes HIIT at home.
    and I walk lots (maybe not enough).

    my diary is open now.
    There's one cheat day were I believe I must of gained the kg and that was last week Wednesday. >_< darn
  • harley97ya
    I've been logging a while and I did lose and suddenly, no matter what I ate or didn't eat I started gaining. I had increased my activity but had not increased my calorie goal.

    Anyway, I increased my calories by 300 and I started losing again!! I don't really limit the types of foods I take in but def watch the amount of calories I take in. I don't always eat the gained calories from a workout but sometimes I do.

    I'm pretty focused on my weight and maybe to a distraction but hey, I'm trying to lose weight, watch what I eat and exercise. How could I not be focused on my weight. LOL

    Friend me if you'd like.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    I would guess the calories are too low, protein could be higher. Don't see water listed.

    Excerise is low as well, increase calories and exercise with more water, fiber and protein and hopefully you will see an improvement.

    Best of luck!!!