Starting P90X3 next week! Need buddies!


I'm new to the forum. I'm just finishing up Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and I'm ready for another challenge. I'm starting P90X3 on 07/04/2014 and I was wondering if anyone wanted to join me. I could do with having someone to talk to about it who is going through the same thing.

I'm quite nervous about this programme because it looks tough but I'm ready!

Who's with me?!!

Add me if you wanna join!


  • takishamonique13
    I love Jillian Michaels...I do her workout from home. I recently maybe 2 weeks ago started hitting the gym so I can build more muscle mass. :)
  • deepershade2005
    deepershade2005 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm gonna join the gym once I've cut and I'm ready to bulk. Plus I'm starting a new job which has a gym next door so I can join then!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I just finished P90X3 yesterday. Make sure to watch the videos first for two reasons: One, to get an idea of the exercises because Tony distracts himself talking about stupid stuff and doesn't always give the clearest directions; and two, sometimes the workouts move quickly and it helps to have an idea of which weights you want to use so you don't waste a workout going too light or miss reps because you were going too heavy.
  • deepershade2005
    deepershade2005 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for that. I've looked over a few and I have a pair of adjustable 40lb dumbells but obviously I'm gonna start at a barely manageable level and work my way up. So I will have to look them all over and make notes for what to use when.
  • deepershade2005
    deepershade2005 Posts: 11 Member
    Is no one interested in joining me next week to start this?
  • kdawwg
    kdawwg Posts: 14
    I just finished P90X3 and started it right back up again! I'm always up for talking about it, LOVE it! Add me if you want someone who's passionate about P90X3!!