24yo Nerdy Girl looking for pals

Currently I'm about 70 pounds over what I'd like to weigh and I'm trying to lose it all in a healthy, responsible way. Added on to that stress is the fact that I go to school full time (Paul Mitchell Cosmetology School!), I work full time, and I've got a part time job on top of that. So it's all about making sure I plan my meals very carefully and getting enough sleep so I can make it to the gym. But I've only got about four/five more months of school and after that it should be a lot easier. But I don't want to wait until then to make the change, I want to do it now.

Just because I'm in beauty school doesn't mean that I'm a super girly girl though haha. I love comic books, movies, reading, and I couldn't live without my shows. Who else is excited about the Flash show that's supposed to start?! And Gotham!

I just really don't have anyone in my life who's really into being healthy. And the people that say they are just get mad at me when I actually do well, so it's no fun talking to them either. I used to have a really good group of friends on here but I lost them unfortunately so I'm hoping to build up my motivation reserve again. And I like motivating others as well! I love how good everyone does on here.

So I look forward to the new friends. Thanks!


  • Xistie
    Xistie Posts: 13 Member
    Wonder Nerd Powers! Activate!

    Lol, sorry. I got a bit happy when I saw there was someone else into comics and reading. Lord of the Rings and Buffy Comics are my loves! And I can relate to your goals and issues. I'm currently 99 lbs over weight and I'm trying to lose it all healthily. I also don't have too many people who are healthy or supportive except for my gym buddy but both of our lives are so hectic when can barely hit the gym regularly.

    But, I'm also new here and I would love some new friend so feel free to add me. :) And I might talk about comics and anime and shows as well so its all good. ^_^
  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm a 22 yo, doing a Master's in Biology. I'm almost at my weight goal and thinking of switching to maintenance. I'd be up to talking about healthy eating and exercise.
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    Yay! Nerdy girls unite. I am always going on at work about some animal/history/science documentary and I took a semester long class on LOTR in college guess that qualifies me. I'm the girl running in band t-shirts haha. Feel free to add me!
  • adrienneh1986
    I think the Doctor Who t-shirt featuring a cross-stitch Weeping Angel that I'm wearing right now means I'm in the right spot! :wink: Would love to find some friends on here who share my interests. Feel free to add me!
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    well I'm not a nerdy girl ;) but I am nerdy guy! and I'm totally up for making new friends and building support networks if you would like to add me.
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    I might be a little older than the people in this thread so far (28 in June), but you all sound like my cup of tea! I'm trying to become more active on MFP, and having fellow nerds definitely would help. I'm all about tabletop roleplaying, LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, and some comics (I prefer Marvel to DC, but I love graphic novels even more- Sandman, Transmetropolitan, Preacher, Freakangels, Watchmen, and V for Vendetta being some of my favorites). I just like learning in general- biology, psychology, history, literature... I could go on forever.

    Regarding fitness, I'm to the point where I don't really want to lose any more weight, but I want to get stronger and more flexible. My diary is open and more or less accurate. I'm a vegetarian who does heavy lifting, so I'm pretty mindful of what goes into my mouth. Like I said before, I'm trying to become more active on this site because I'm more comfortable talking about fitness/ healthy lifestyles on here than on Facebook. I'm very supportive of people adopting a healthier way of living.

    Friend me if you like!
  • dizzyupdreams
    dizzyupdreams Posts: 10 Member
    It's so nice that so many of you responded!
  • Nikki_Gerhardt
    Nikki_Gerhardt Posts: 18 Member
    I might be a little older than the people in this thread so far (28 in June), but you all sound like my cup of tea!

    Mmmmmm tea, anyways you are not alone I am 28 in May! Hi there dizzyupdreams, I am saving to go to beauty school but it's very expensive! Good on you for doing all that you are doing, that's amazing :D What's your fav part of cosmetology?

    I'm Nikki 28 and am a nerdy girl too, likes space janitors, Supernatural (omg getting so good) Star Trek, Dr Who, gaming and a variety of other stuff and non nerdy stuff...nice to meet you *waves*
  • itzmenickv23
    itzmenickv23 Posts: 113 Member
    <---- nerd here. Add me up =)
  • KiiWiiPaul
    KiiWiiPaul Posts: 2 Member
    This sounds like my kinda group. I think I'm a little younger than you lot (20 y.o and studying for a degree in Biomedical Sciences) but I'm also nerdy (according to all my friends, I reckon I'm actually quite cool). Feel free to add me (not sure, how to add people but I will try figure it out)

  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    Feel free to add me, my diary is open for food ideas. :smile:
  • staffylover118
    wooo! so many awesome nerdy girls!

    I'm 28...I love reading, I love comics, I love science and nature.....I'm studying herbal medicine. I want to lose 10 kgs...

    I basically just adopted a staffy pup and she is my world! but she's been great fitness wise, she has so much energy. Look forward to getting to know you all and sharing your journey :)

    oh and anyone please feel free to add me!!! I'm looking to make a good solid support network:happy:
  • SVRich
    SVRich Posts: 17 Member
    Blimey, I'm ancient if people consider 28 old (34). I'm more of a Gaming nerd than a comic book nerd but am pretty much into anything nerdy film and tv wise. Getting a Bioshock related tattoo at the mo.

    Watching arrow at the mo (plus others) and definitely looking forward to The Flash and Gotham. Really looking forward to Xmen: Days of future past.

    Feel free to add.
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    hey :D i'm 22 and im a total gaming nerd and a comic book nerd. I love anything from Dark Horse comics <3 and I pretty mucn am addcited to my shows too. I'm studying full time a bachelor of IT (computer nerd OP) lol. I sent you a friend request :D

    ps, anyone else can feel free to add me n_n
  • LitheVixen
    LitheVixen Posts: 27 Member
    I've grown up with Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, and I'm a big fan of the Hobbit movies. I love reading fantasy (currently reading Wise Man's Fear). But during a lot of free evenings, my time goes to Guild Wars 2. ;)
  • dortilolma
    dortilolma Posts: 103 Member
    Sounds like my kinda group of folks. Love sci-fi and fantasy books ... and books in general, TV shows, movies and comics. Marrying a full on gamer - part of the spec when buying a house was making sure there would be space for a gaming room. I'm in to MMOs (though I had to take a break to focus on my freelancing career).