Hungry Before Bed

Hello everyone! Does anyone else get hungry before bed? I usually eat around 7-7:30 and have chicken or fish and 2 cups of veggies with some healthy fat. I go to bed around 10:30-11 and get hungry again by then. If I don't eat, it keeps me awake, but I don't want to eat a lot if I am going to bed right after. Does this happen to anyone else? Any tips or safe snack suggestions?


  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I was just posting about this in "binging at night." I too often feel hungry before bed, and I have solved my problem by... eating.

    Think about it. If your dinner is at 7pm and you go to bed at 11... first of all that's 4 hours of being awake without eating (which is about the time it usually takes to get hungry) and then you sleep presumably for about 8 hours... so if you wake up at 7am, that's 12 hours without food!

    Plan your day so that you can have something small. Protein is best especially if you do any strength training as it will help your body recover. If I don't have room for an entire meal before bed, I often have a greek yogurt or a protein bar, an under 200 calorie snack that is a healthy choice and will satisfy me enough to get to sleep.
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    I have this problem too. I've started leaving a few calories after dinner to have a small protein shake for around 80 calories. Then I brush my teeth and go to bed. Going to bed earlier really helps a lot. Good luck!
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    I save enough calories for a glass of 1% milk and a small snack - a piece of chocolate, or half a banana, or some salted almonds. (Today I was lucky enough I saved enough for a larger piece of chocolate. The combo of fat and protein in milk + almonds or chocolate seems to hit the spot. I measure it out ahead of time, then turn out the kitchen light and officially announce the kitchen is closed. Seems silly but it helps me to have a "Closing Time" for the kitchen. And, like previous poster, I brush my teeth as soon as I'm done with my nighttime snack.
  • summergirl212
    summergirl212 Posts: 91 Member
    I started eating greek yogurt for dessert almost every night and that has really helped. It's as sweet as a dessert and you can get whatever flavor you like, but no fat and it gives you good protein.
  • Eve_e
    Eve_e Posts: 57
    This has always been a huge problem for me. The only true solution I've found, although I'm sure other methods work for other people, is saving calories for the evening. I'm busier during the day, so I eat a light breakfast, a light lunch, and maybe one snack. I have an average size dinner between 6:00 and 8:00, and then save around 600 calories for evening snacking. Getting to eat so much in a short period of time also makes this lifestyle feel so much less restricting.
  • XCoolChick180X
    XCoolChick180X Posts: 100 Member
    Getting super hungry at night is always what trips me up and is almost always when I'll binge. It's so weird, I can go until the afternoon without eating and not feel anything, but as soon as it hits 10 pm I'm starving! I'm really trying to not eat past six....
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    I just eat. If your body is hungry then it's hungry - feed it. Your body still digests food even in sleep mode. lol I eat at all times of the day.
  • DrWonga
    DrWonga Posts: 20
    As long as you keep your calories under your daily goal, there is no problem eating a small snack in the evening.
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    I take medication at bedtime that I have to take with food. Just aim for a small, healthy, filling snack. Think fiber and protein.

    Sometimes just a glass of milk is enough, too.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I always eat right before bed so never an issue here. Heck I'm eating right now and its midnight. Not sure I buy into the whole "don't eat right before bed" thing, doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    I mean try to take this the right way but if you find yourself hungry all the time before bed, perhaps you should eat something or eat a little later than you are at the moment so that you aren't hungry at bedtime.
  • Cappuccino2014
    Yep me too... It often takes me over my kcal goal. Going to try the tips about and save kcal for that especially. Oddly if I go to the gym I'm not v hungry at bed time but then wake up starving about 1.00am!
  • rachie25half
    rachie25half Posts: 16 Member
    I don't usually go to sleep before midnight, so I just put any calories after midnight on the next day. As long as I don't go overboard, it works out fine. I often eat cereal at bedtime or cherries. They seem to help me sleep.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    i prefer eating my last meal BIG.
    i also eat an hour before and sometimes 30min before bed. and it all fits my daily allowance.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Stop thinking about food....
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    It depends on the day for me. I get hungry a lot at night but sometimes it's just not an option to eat. I often start and find it hard to stop. If I'm not careful I can eat a whole day's calories at night and that's after a day of eating.
    I would suggest either a glass of milk, water or a herbal tea and then to bed. It's just how I handle it.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I started eating greek yogurt for dessert almost every night and that has really helped. It's as sweet as a dessert and you can get whatever flavor you like, but no fat and it gives you good protein.


    I fast first off to make it easier to hit my cals. I have a late dinner second, and third I always eat a dessert in bed before I fall asleep. I like greek yogurt also because it's an easy digesting food. I never wake up feeling all weird like I've eaten too much the next day. 1 cup of plain, with fruit is the way to go.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    "Does anyone else get hungry before bed?"


    "Any tips or safe snack suggestions?"



    You get used to it.

    Eating just before bedtime by reserving some of your calorie budget will help.

    BUT... eating increases acid levels in your mouth softening the enamel which you will then wear down when you brush your teeth. Also, eating increases acid levels in the stomach and when you lie flat, there's more chance of acid reflux (and also less chance of you noticing it as you're sleeping while acid is leaking out) and more chance of oesophageal cancer in the lower section of the oesophagus joining the stomach. As cancers go, it's a ****. You're guaranteed an early death plus much suffering.
  • Fitnesstracker2234
    I've been having a bit of plain greek yogurt before bed but it always takes me over my protein allowance!
  • Fitnesstracker2234
    Thanks everyone! Really helpful tips and ideas!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've been having a bit of plain greek yogurt before bed but it always takes me over my protein allowance!

    It's fine, MFP's protein goal is way too low. Personally I'd save myself some calories for a light snack, or go to bed before you get hungry.