I HATE going out to restaurants!!

And i used to love going out to eat! But, now, ever since i started this diet thing, i despise it! Now i know that no matter what restaurant you go to you'll still be more likely to consume a lot of calories. Even the food at fast food places seem to be healthier to me when i always thought that fast food is the worst...highest in calories, fattiest, slatiest, etc. I went to Applebee's with a friend for brunch today and, knowing that everything there is high in calories no matter what, i only ate like 3 mozzarella sticks, a quarter of a grilled chicken salad, and only half the chicken in the fiesta lime chicken entree (which also came with rice). All of that equaled about 1020 calories! Can you imagine how many calories i woulda consumed if i ate the WHOLE thing?! That's why i avoid eating out these days. The only time i'll go is if a friend invites me, which was the case today, or for a major occasion. Thank you Applebee's...now i only have about 220 calories left and i'm STILL hungry. Their food sure has a lot of calories, but seems like they have no substance at all. How ATROCIOUS!


  • Photoplex
    Photoplex Posts: 49 Member
    Why on earth did you eat the Mozza Sticks?! Talk about empty calories...
  • Photoplex
    Photoplex Posts: 49 Member
    Also... Applebees now has a section on their menu for 550 calorie or less items...

    There's been some controversy because sometimes the kitchen staff mix up the orders, but they do have the options...

  • becky2time
    don't beat yourself up about so many calories, it's a lesson learned now. Next time you go just order a big salad with lite dressing on the side, you'll do great with that!!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    You know... you don't HAVE to go out to eat! :wink: Don't go because you feel you HAVE to ie because your friends want to meet for lunch. There are TONS of options to eating out, and if you do eat out tons of options as to where and how healthy it is, and then, when you do go WHAT you eat. I agree. Mozz sticks - don't be surprised. There is no such thing as "only 3 mozz sticks!" :laugh:

    That being said, occasionally let yourself slide for a nice meal out. I eat in a restaurant once every 2 months or so, so I get what i want and eat just until I am full.
  • SLMiddleton
    I travel for work quite a bit for work and struggle with eating out as well. I usually try to preplan if I can...check out menus and nutrition values online first. Applebees does have the under 550 calories menu, so it is actually one of my fav spots. Although be sure to watch their salads, most of them are VERY high in calories...you can view their nutrition facts online. I also have my 'select' restuarants that I know exactly what I can have within my calorie intake (Subway, Tim Hortons - sandwiches are not too bad, Pita pit etc). I have two small children (6 & 4), so the fast food restaurant request does come up frequently. I have figured out the 'best low cal meal' options at each of their fav places just so I can go and not do too much damage!
    It is definately hard though...good luck!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Also... Applebees now has a section on their menu for 550 calorie or less items...

    There's been some controversy because sometimes the kitchen staff mix up the orders, but they do have the options...


    I agree - be sure to point out to the waitress - tell her you specifically want her to tell the cook - they will... or they will put it in the computer - NO NO NO NO NO NO butter. or NO NO NO NO NO extra oil... etc. Tell her that if it comes out tasting like butter or dripping in oil you will send it back. The cooks HATE that and then make life hard for the waitress, so if she thinks you are serious (and you are NICE about it) she will tell the cooks to get it right the first time. The counts are likely HIGHER than what's on the websites, because cooks don't measure (for example) out 1T oil to grill up whatever (even your healthy chicken!), they slosh 1/2 cup on the grill and fry it up in the juices leaking from the steak next to it .... so you can probably add a good 200-400 to whatever you eat on top of the cals they readily claim!
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Applebee's??? you've got TO BE KIDDING.... They have a great healthy weight watchers menu that you could have chosen from. I'm not sure if they call it weight watchers anymore but it's still there with the calories right next to it. When I am eating healthy and my hunny suggests a night out for dinner I always chose applebees because it is a no brainer. Better luck next time
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    It can be challenging but its all a matter of choices and speaking up for yourself. Applebee's has a better selection of lighter fare than most but its up to you to make that choice. Remember to ask yourself: Is the choice I'm making right now moving me closer to or further from my goal?

    Realistically, you can't avoid resteraunts, parties, bad days at work, fight with a significant other - all those things can lead you to make poor eating choices. You have to learn how to deal with them or make choices that don't sabotage yourself. After all, if food didn't cause the problem - then its not going to solve it.
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    Eating out is totally do-able while losing weight, it's just a matter of making smart choices from the menu, and knowing what the correct portion size for a meal should look like, eat only that, pack the rest and have it the next day (or two).

    Whenever possible go on the restaurant website in advance and scan the menu and try to find the best options. When in doubt ask the waiter questions about what comes with the meal or how the dish is prepared.

    And if the person/people you're with want to split something unhealthy, it will be up to you to say no and choose a better option for yourself...it will feel like a sacrifice at first but trust me you will be happy the next day when you know you made the right choice.

    Once you get into the habit of doing this you can pretty much eat anywhere without it being a major crisis.
  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    Also... Applebees now has a section on their menu for 550 calorie or less items...

    There's been some controversy because sometimes the kitchen staff mix up the orders, but they do have the options...


    omg! i feel like SUCH an idiot now...if only i had payed attention, but my friend was talking about her issues and i had to pick something fast, so she suggested the 2 for $20 so i was like "ok." BUMMER! oh well...next time. At least now i know they have food that are actually under 500 calories. Whew. Thanks for lettin me know.
  • johnnya2
    Traveling for work at least one week of every month, I can assure you the major chains all have nutritional data available AND most have a "lower calorie" menu. I have eaten at Chilis (black bean burger), Macaroni Grill, Applebee's, Panera, Dave and Busters and Ruby Tuesday's and have not been over my calorie count on any of the days I eat there. I usually have a light beer with my meal as well. I would also remind you that your calorie allowance increases with exercise. Maybe try 45 minutes on the treadmill on the day or day after you know you will be eating out. Always remember it is not what happens in one day, but what happens ovver the course of time., If you miss your goal one day a month, you have been successful 29 days.
  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    Also... Applebees now has a section on their menu for 550 calorie or less items...

    There's been some controversy because sometimes the kitchen staff mix up the orders, but they do have the options...


    I agree - be sure to point out to the waitress - tell her you specifically want her to tell the cook - they will... or they will put it in the computer - NO NO NO NO NO NO butter. or NO NO NO NO NO extra oil... etc. Tell her that if it comes out tasting like butter or dripping in oil you will send it back. The cooks HATE that and then make life hard for the waitress, so if she thinks you are serious (and you are NICE about it) she will tell the cooks to get it right the first time. The counts are likely HIGHER than what's on the websites, because cooks don't measure (for example) out 1T oil to grill up whatever (even your healthy chicken!), they slosh 1/2 cup on the grill and fry it up in the juices leaking from the steak next to it .... so you can probably add a good 200-400 to whatever you eat on top of the cals they readily claim!

    Ahhh, that sucks! That's soooo gross. I guess with that being said, i may have actually consumed 2,000 whopping calories. Yuck! I probably shouldn't eat anything else today. I'm not sure if i should trust the food i eat at restaurants anymore...
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Many restaurants have a NUTRITION VALUES for menu items on their web site. Look for that and decide what you will have before you go to that restaurant.

    I haven't gone out to eat in a restaurant since starting this program yet but I would not hesitate bringing my little measuring cups/spoons with me to carefully monitor my portion control. :wink:
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member
    I think some people here are being a little hard on you, and you're being a little hard on yourself. In my personal opinion. So you had 3 mozza sticks. Yes, empty calories, but you don't do it every day or even every week so people shouldn't be beating you up for it and you shouldn't be beating yourself up over it.

    If you had fun and enjoyed your meal, then great! Go for a run afterwards if you feel sucky about eating that much, and have a really good day the next day.

    Its not the end of the world. You're allowed to go out and eat every one in awhile.
  • lupuslady
    I would not cancel or avoid a lunch out with a friend because you are so worried about the calories you will take in. The whole point of doing MFP is too learn a new way of life. It is a life altering choice. So avoid anything fried, and remember salads can often have very high calorie extras on them. I ate a salad at Wendy's and it cost me 600 calories with half the pack of drsg.
    B ut don't give your time out with friends and family, they are very important to your life and living.
  • skyski_tige
    skyski_tige Posts: 67 Member
    I would not worry about it. It is one meal, one day. You can do better tomorrow!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    You have to be smarter than the system, hon. Try to plan ahead. Even if you only have 5 mins notice, you can still go to any restaurant website and figure out what the healthiest option for you is. I'm not trying to be mean, but you could have planned your calories a little better.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Didn't read the entire thread...

    I LOVE going out to eat. I don't do it often at all. If I go out though, I always look online at their nutritional facts on their websites. Red Robin rocks and I can get an entire meal for 400 calories. I get a grilled chicken sandwich with melon wedges. That place is pretty low in calorie as it is compared to other restaurants.

    A lot of restaurants have a meal builder on their site and you can see how many calories the food is when you take certain things off of it. Like the sauce and cheese they put on can add up to 300 calories which is why it's a great tool on their sites.

    You shouldn't have to hate going out to restaurants. It's a nice time to be able to go out and relax. You just need to check out their sites and do more research. There is a way to still enjoy it.

    Besides, we can't restrict these things FOREVER. This is how people go crazy and have binges all the time. Having 1 bad night is NOT going to hurt.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I guess everyone has their own thing that works for them. For me, even though I try to make smart-ER choices, they usually aren't the smart-EST chioces. If I am paying for a meal out, I want something I am really going to enjoy. But, that said, my husband and I go out to eat almost every Saturday night. My weight loss has been slow (about 40 pounds in just under a year) but I never would have stuck with it if I was always trying to find the lowest calorie selection on a menu. Usually, I eat half, and bring half home with me. Depending on the portion size, sometimes that second half becomes one or even TWO lunches, supplemental with a small salad or some cut up veggies.

    I don't get the biggest, gooiest burger with a mound of fries, but I will get a chicken wrap or sandwich, and eat half of it. I don't like re-heated fries, but a few local restaurants serve homemade potato chips and those are GREAT re-heated in the toaster over so I always save half for a second meal.

    A couple other things I do (already mentioned in this thread) are to increase exercise on days that I eat out, and cut back on calories for other meals and snacks on that day. For me, it is worth it, and since I am going to be doing it that way for the rest of my life, I'm glad I enjoy it!:bigsmile:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    There is a garlic herb chicken at Applebees that isn't on the under 550 calories menu but listed as a weight watchers meal and it is only about 370 and it is very tasty. The only problem was it being almost my daily limit of sodium.