Tips on managing a lifestyle change?

My best weight loss was when I was at uni, living on my own and buying my own food.

I have moved home and am struggling with the temptation of so much food in the house (4 of us live here). I also don't have as much free time to exercise and have to deal with stress as I get more responsibility at work.

All of this leads to bad eating habits which became worse when I was on holiday and over the festive period (everyone treats themselves right??)

So now I'm starting to take my weight loss and health improvement more seriously, I'm trying to get more protein in my diet and less carbs but I'm struggling to find something that I can fit into my lifestyle (I work in an office sat at the desk for up to 10 hours a day sometimes). Breakfast and dinner aren't too bad, but I struggle to find something filling, healthy and satisfying for lunch otherwise I reach for the vending machines!

At home I'm tempted to reach for the biscuit tin or indulge in a dessert after a full meal despite having already eaten my daily allowance.

If anyone else has experienced this could you please offer me advice or tips on how to do this successfully?

Also add me please!




  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    Take 10 minutes out of your day to pack a lunch. Banana, Popcorn, nuts, sandwich, salad, apple, other fruit, celery or carrot sticks, Leave your cash at home. That way the vending machines are off limits. (no Cash)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I agree, pack your lunch. It doesn't have to be anything ridiculously special. Peanut Butter & Jelly does nicely. You can get lower calorie/carb breads nowadays. Peanut butter is good for protein, etc. Pack some veggies or an apple to go with it.

    After dinner, you're probably experiencing the need for something sweet, hence wanting dessert. Eat a small dark chocolate. Or an ice cream sandwich. Weight Watchers has 100 calorie ice cream bars/sandwiches. Satisfies the sweet tooth nicely.

    I guess, the point I'm trying to make is, you can literally eat anything you want. Just maintain your calorie goal. If you want something sweet, work it into your goal. And yeah, forget the cash at home. Heck, I only ever carry a debit card with me anymore. I don't remember the last time I had cash on hand... lol.
  • ckspores1018
    ckspores1018 Posts: 168 Member
    In addition to packing a lunch, which you should be doing everyday, pack a bunch of snacks as well. That way, if you feel like eating something you'll have options other than to reach for the money and go to the vending machine.

    Apples, peanut butter, string cheese, yogurt, etc. are all good choices depending on your preferences. Hell, even pretzels or wasa crackers would be better than a bag of Doritos.
  • Kittie_Cat_89
    Kittie_Cat_89 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the help!

    I have packed my food everyday this week, and have only been to the vending machines once! (Today for some Rib n Saucy Nik Naks - Friday treat because I'm playing 2hrs of badminton tongiht!)

    It's all in the mind to think that a sandwich isn't filling for lunch and having snacks at structured time of the day help me remind myself I'm not hungry, I just want to eat out of habit x
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Eat "good" or "clean" or "healthy" (whatever those words mean to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled snacks into your calorie goal. Deprivation leads to binges.

    Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Find reliable database entries. (There's a lot of incorrect data in there.) Weigh your food. Log your exercise, and eat back your exercise calories. If you're not losing, eat back half your exercise calories.

    Read this:
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    In addition to packing a lunch, which you should be doing everyday, pack a bunch of snacks as well. That way, if you feel like eating something you'll have options other than to reach for the money and go to the vending machine.

    Apples, peanut butter, string cheese, yogurt, etc. are all good choices depending on your preferences. Hell, even pretzels or wasa crackers would be better than a bag of Doritos.


    I try to keep a few snack items at my office. Peanuts, protein bars, string cheese etc.
  • Kittie_Cat_89
    Kittie_Cat_89 Posts: 19 Member
    I worry if I keep snacks at the office I'll just eat them, I have founhd lately that keeping cans of diet coke around helps though, as they're essentially zero calories
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I work 40 hours a week, have a house, husband and man child...I cook all the time...

    I have Banana bread sitting out in the kitchen as I type this...

    I don't eat it unless I can fit it in

    As for the exercise...and saying no to the cookies's all about making yourself the priority...

    You either want this or you don't...if you do you make it exercise and a calorie deficet.
  • doglover1984
    doglover1984 Posts: 54 Member
    I work 40 hours a week, have a house, husband and man child...I cook all the time...

    I have Banana bread sitting out in the kitchen as I type this...

    I don't eat it unless I can fit it in

    As for the exercise...and saying no to the cookies's all about making yourself the priority...

    You either want this or you don't...if you do you make it exercise and a calorie deficet.

    I would have to agree, I know that it's hard but it is really mind over matter. You could do squats, lunges, jump rope etc at your desk instead of sitting for most of the day. Pace while your on the phone, I know you will probably feel silly but who cares this is something for you. Oh and the jump rope is with an imaginary rope lol. If you bring a lunch and a snack from home and leave your money at home, then if you eat it all in one shot you will feel hungry mid afternoon and learn not to eat it all at once. As far as the treat, I have been at this for about 8 months and I have a snack every night, you can still snack but in moderation and measure what your having don't guesstimate. And like I said you could do a workout at your desk or do like me and get up early so you can get a workout in before the day really starts. Good luck.