sidelined by injury

I managed to injure my ankle yesterday while running (I think it might just be overuse, but it seems to involve a tendon, so want to give it plenty of rest). Since this majorly limits any cardio I can do, what do you guys suggest I do? I've already been struggling to lose weight, so I don't want to make it even harder...


  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Rest up for at least a couple of days. It will heal faster if it's only a tendon. I got tendonitis on my ankle 2 years ago from running on a brimmed roadway. The doctor taped it and made me stay off of it for a week. Oh, and I bought support shoes.
    You can still do weights sitting or laying down, or abs. If it's bruised and swollen you may want a doctor to look at it.
  • agalassie
    agalassie Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks! It isn't swollen, which I take as a good sign. I'm planning on trying the pool today for some cardio since that shouldn't hurt it I don't think. If it starts hurting doing that, I'll stop.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Since you have access to a pool ... maximize it for now. Let the ankle heal and try to figure out what led to it ... a bad step that led to a twist, running on an angle, poor technique, wrong shoes, ineffective warmup and cool down, etc ... then slowly reintegrate running into your program. Rushing things is rarely a good idea when it comes to injuries.