45 Day Streak - My Mini Intro Story

Smitten823 Posts: 20 Member

I wanted to post this in the Getting Started Forum to encourage everyone to keep logging and to keep coming back to MFP every day!

I started this journey over a years ago...and this is the first time every that I have been successful in logging for 45 days in a row :)

The truth is, at first I would do 5 days here and there, I would then conveniently forget and maybe come back weeks/months afterwards. Well this time for the first 20 days I had to mentally remind myself (ended up setting an alarm reminder on my phone to make sure I log all my food at the end of the day) but somewhere between then and now it almost became second nature.

By logging for the past month and a half I was able to review the charts that MFP provides and notice my calories, carbs, fat intake. This really makes one re-think the food choices, so although I still manage to grab a bagel w/ cream cheese for breakfast when I truly crave it - I def stopped doing so every day as I used to when I realized how many caloried of my day is spend on that 1 food.

I know MFP isnt a quick fad diet, or a decrease in foods we all love to eat. in reality what I learned so far is MFP is a great tool to teach us that everything is great in moderation and teach us self control, discipline with logging food and heading to the gym.

I just wanted to write this as my intro and to hopefully encourage the new starting people to keep aiming for your goals and to keep using the toold provided on MFP! Good luck!


  • fsucrack
    fsucrack Posts: 68 Member
    I am right there with you... I used to not be faithful about logging and if I had a bad day then I would not put it into MFP. What I learned was that was not personally helpful to me, it didnt help me reach my goals and it wasnt doing me any favors. When I would weigh in, it would cause frustration because then I would ask myself what am i doing wrong? When I decided to get serious and logged eeverything, even for a bad day is when I seen results. Being honest with myself and being faithful to MFP has helped me along my journey, but it did take some anaylsising to get on the path.