Salad prep for beginners

faithxox Posts: 20 Member
Hi all,

So I want to start preparing salads to bring to work with me for lunch but I never ever eat salad, so looking for some tips on making a healthy but also filling salad. I'm thinking boiled eggs, baby potatoes and turkey might be useful additions to all the greens to make it filling but could definitely use some advice.

P.S. I hate all salad dressings so I'm ok with plain-ish salad, I might add some sweet chilli?


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Salads are really a mash up of your favorite stuff. I have made plenty with no leafy greens at all. The main thing is to have lots of veggies and some protein, other than that you can let the imagination fly. One of my favorite for lunch is bell peppers, cucumber, shredded carrot and cottage cheese.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I love salads, Mixed bean and tuna is always good, but most of the time I have brocoli, rocket, cucumber and roasted sweet potato with a protein (salmon, tuna, chicken|). A spoonful or creme fraiche and dijon mustard through is really nice.
    Anything with avocado in it.
  • ActionAnnieGO
    I used to make a big salad on Sunday and eat it for lunches almost every week. It worked out really well and I want to start doing it again, so I'm glad you brought this up! This is how I do my salads...I prepare a couple different kinds of lettuces on Sunday and store them in the giant two gallon zip lock bags, with paper towel in the bottom to absorb moisture. I change out the paper towel every day. This really helps to keep my lettuces fresh. In a separate container, I store a mixture of chopped cucumbers, celery, shallots, bell pepper, carrots, and cherry tomatoes. In a third container, I store a mixture of chopped egg, chopped chicken, and a little grated cheese. To make my salad, I make a layer from each container in my salad bowl, and Bob's your uncle, I've got a fresh, non-soggy salad pronto!

    I know you said you don't use salad dressing, but thought I'd share how I do that too. I make ranch dressing using the Hidden Valley seasoning packet, skim milk, and light mayo. It's delish! I have these little two ounce containers made by Tupperware that are the perfect portion size. They don't leak at all and work out great for salad dressing! I believe you can get them still on amazon.

    Thanks for your post; now I'm excited about salad again, which is a good thing! I had salad burn out for a while. I think this time I'll do it every other week, and maybe make a big pot of soup to eat for lunch on my non-salad weeks. Enjoy!
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    The way I think of salad is this:

    Salad base (veggie) + Veggie Topping + Protein + Extra + Dressing

    So one day I might do lettuce + onions + tuna + almonds + vinaigrette. The next day it might be spinach + mushrooms + hard-boiled egg + shredded mozzarella + light Caesar. But I always use that basic matrix up top, no matter what else I may put on it later.

    I love making salads, as it's versatile and you can add your favorites and switch them up. :love:
  • faithxox
    faithxox Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everyone, gonna pop to the supermarket and pick up a rainbow and start combining. I think I'll add some pomegranate and maybe a spoon or two of couscous to make it filling and give the taste a punch. :wink:
  • tomjohns66
    Your salad sounds delicious! I will have to try it myself, though I think I might throw on a dressing I like to make. It is basically this one below, but I like to add things to it like lemon, pureed strawberry or rosemary and thyme.
  • faithxox
    faithxox Posts: 20 Member
    First lesson learnt- I really don't like the 'peppery' salad leaves mixed with the spinach leaves. Otherwise, it was a success, worked it out to be about 400 calories and its super colourful and tasty. Thanks for the tips!
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I have been making what I guess you would call a slaw? It's essentially red and white cabbage cut really thinly. it works with everything. I started making it to eat with tandoori mixed grill (my takeaway treat) so mint yogurt went with it.

    today I had it in a wrap with chicken or turkey (mystery meat from the fridge) and yesterday I added low fat mayo with something... my memory is bad... oooh it was quorn.

    I think I had it as a side with my pizza the other night too. crunchy and lovely!

    my other go-to salad is grated carrots, fresh beetroot and celeriac with lime juice and a touch of soy sauce (nice with crayfish and hummus)
  • faithxox
    faithxox Posts: 20 Member
    So after some testing, this will be my go to lunch time salad, at least of this week:
    70g turkey breast
    2/3 Boiled baby potatoes
    Half an egg
    50g of couscous
    Lots of spinach
    Half a red onion
    Handful of baby tomatoes
    1/4 yellow pepper
    Handful of chopped up carrot
    Handful of pomegranetw seeds
    A little spring onion
    A tsp chilli sauce
    A little raw brocoili

    If anyone things there are ways to improve that let me know, I'd love some feedback.
  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    I add some cranberries and walnuts , a wee bit but its tastes great,