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Am I obsessed with dieting? Is that really all that bad???



  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    You're making a big change, and it's probably quite different from the way you used to be. You're somehow not the same "you" that they always loved, so they say you're obsessed with your new life... but you've made a lifestyle change, and you have conviction. They'll get used to it.

    You've got your head on straight, OP. You're not saying "I can't eat any cookies ever." You're saying "Cookies are not helping me get closer to my goals, so I will limit my intake of them."

  • mereditheve
    mereditheve Posts: 142 Member
    Wait -- you all get offered cookies all day? I must be doing something wrong.... :frown:

    Seriously though, I know how you feel -- I travel for work regularly and it's tough sometimes being the only health-conscious person as we determine where to have team dinners. It can be a slippery slope if you don't stick to your health and fitness routine. Dessert one night turns into dessert every night, then dessert with every meal... which is exactly what you're trying not to do. At the end of the day, the only one accountable for your health is you.
  • brandi_kae
    brandi_kae Posts: 22 Member
    There is some satisfaction in saying, "no thank-you" to those cookies, though...isn't there? And you don't have to elaborate. A polite refusal will do.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    If it's an obsession, call me obsessed.

    I have it easier, because the people I surround myself with are just as determined as myself, but I really really care about what goes into my body.

    I KNOW that whenevr I eat junk food (like last night lol) I feel like poop after. Not only did I put empty calories in my body, but since I'm so accustomed to eating right that it made me feel sick on top of it.

    Other people are going to make you feel bead because they dont have the willpower that you do and their jealous.

    Haters gunna hate.
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    I am also feeling very focused - could feel slightly obsessed - but just starting and need to lose over 100 pounds - I have a lot to learn and many new habits to embrace - it is time consuming to exercise, cook healthy and track what I am eating but I feel that right now - this is my priority and its ok that others have to figure out that things have changed. Keep going!

    You're right. It is time consuming. I think that's a lot of what people don't understand. Planning meals, cooking, weighing/measuring everything, logging, exercise. It's not something I can just dabble in. I wish I was someone who could just make smart choices on my own, but I'm not.

    So good to hear I'm not crazy! Well, not too crazy anyway. :happy:

    I am trusting that as I learn what I need and get into the habits - that it won't require so much effort, focus and energy but will just become a way of life. Its like learning a new language - at first it is hard but at some point it just becomes part of who you are and you don't realize that you aren't translating - you are purely understanding…. A little crazy is good (and normal)! Stay focused.
  • Fedup23
    Fedup23 Posts: 80 Member
    Some people need a reality check... every time someone says something that you dont agree with or makes a comment that doesnt sit well with you it doesnt mean they are jealous of your "strength" or they are "hating on you". Use some of that determination and strength to better your self image , you will realize that the world isnt against you. :)

    "You" isnt directed at any one individual, just a general observance. :)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Obsession, by definition, is when we become so focused on something that it gets in the way of other important parts of our life. Is our exercise time more important than our family? Is our diet more important than spending a Thanksgiving meal with family and friends? If whatever we do becomes a distraction to life itself then perhaps it is a little overboard. Otherwise, the world does not understand our choices because they are not choices they are making... Forgive the analogy but don't expect a room full of fat people and/or people who can eat a house and not gain a pound to cheer you on in something they know in their own mind that they need to engage themselves into as well.
  • I think the very nature of being of being on a calorie restricted diet makes people appear a bit sad or obsessive. You have to look at and log the calories in everything you eat, weigh and measure food, say no to foods which are too high in calories etc etc It can appear quite unhealthy to someone who isn't used to dieting.

    I'll admit when I first started on mfp, I was trying to stick to 1300, and because I found it so difficult and restrictive it did become somewhat of an obsession. It was all I thought about, I used to feel incredibly guilty if I ever ate over my calories or missed a work out. If I didn't lose weight one week I would feel so depressed and almost give it up all together.

    I've increased my calories to 1600 and now I'm a lot more relaxed about the whole thing. I go out every so often and eat and drink what ever I want. I sometimes skip the gym or go over my calories and I don't beat myself up about it because I now look at the bigger picture. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    You're always going to get people who won't understand what you are doing or are negative, but it's saying yes to every bit of food you're offered or given that gets a lot of people into this mess. At work I get offered snacks, chocolate, sweets or cakes pretty much on a daily basis, it was saying yes every time that caused me to gain over a stone in less than 6 months after starting my job. If I say no once in a while or only have a small amount and that pisses people off or makes them think I'm obsessed then so be it. I'm not trying to impress people or make them think I'm high and mighty I'm trying to lose weight and be healthier and happier.
  • dortilolma
    dortilolma Posts: 103 Member
    Everyone is different and for some people perhaps they do need to get a little bit 'obsessed' just to get started. I do need to be a bit obsessed in order to be motivated - I know I feel better when I run in the morning and I'm a bit slimmer but I find it very hard unless I'm all in. The idea is that after a few months the smaller portions and running 3-5 times a week just become part of my every day life but until that happens I'm going to have to be a little 'obsessed'.

    That being said I do keep an eye on my self and the only other two people who know I'm working to lose weight (my fiancee and mother) do the same. With a history of eating disorders I do have to be careful - perhaps we all have to be careful.

    If we start feeling guilty or beating our selves up for not working out or going a little over we might need to take a step back and think about what is causing that guilt.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I'm totally obsessed with my diet and exercise regime. For me it's an all or nothing situation... I broke my hand last Sunday so as I'm not allowed to workout at the gym I laid on the sofa last week eating cake. This week I went back to work and realised as I cannot drive I had to walk the 90 minute round trip to work... Due to the walking and calorie burn i'm back on it and truly obsessed again. Good for u I think, better to be preoccupied with health rather than food :)
  • matuskap
    matuskap Posts: 131 Member
    Back in a day, it was called "having a passion for something". Today, everything is some kind of issue-rexia. If you ask me, theres just too many f*cking psychologists out there. Thats the only real problem.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    The best thing to do is to avoid talking about it. I only discuss my weight loss goals with my friends list on MFP as we are all going through the same experience of trying to shed some extra weight. It's not obsessive to take care of yourself but what happens is that sometimes it can make other people feel guilty about their own body issues. However, it's not about them you are doing it for you. You are focused and working hard to get the results that you need and quite frankly it's none of their business.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    I don't really see a problem with being obsessed with your health. It's better than being obsessed with video games. You have one body and one life, if you're going to be obsessed with something it may as well be something that's going to make you live a happier more productive life. Sitting on your *kitten* playing Halo isn't going to do that.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    The best thing to do is to avoid talking about it. I only discuss my weight loss goals with my friends list on MFP as we are all going through the same experience of trying to shed some extra weight. It's not obsessive to take care of yourself but what happens is that sometimes it can make other people feel guilty about their own body issues. However, it's not about them you are doing it for you. You are focused and working hard to get the results that you need and quite frankly it's none of their business.

    ^^ I agree that it's not anyone's business, but it's your life and becoming healthy is a huge decision. If you want to talk about it then talk all day. I talk about it with everyone and if they don't want to hear it, they don't need to come and talk to me.