P90X - Should I do it?

I've never been a huge fan of mass-exercise, but i know that i need to get into gear if i'm going to drop the 45kg. I have access to a friend's P90X dvds and i'm wondering should I do it? Or is it going to be too much for me?

As an indication of my fitness level. I did a 50m freestyle swim back when i was fit(er) in highschool and passed out from over exertion (still came 2nd though! lol). Now i'm about 50kg's heavier.

I'm not sure what this level of exercise is like. Will it be too much for me? If so, what else could I start with?

BTW - i just joined today, this is just the beginning!!!


  • The_Wallflower
    The_Wallflower Posts: 111 Member
    From what I understand you need to already be in decent shape to attemp these workouts. I've seen people have amazing results, but even some of the most active ppl have problems with it. Guess you never really know until you try it!! Good luck!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    It's pretty extreme, but every body is different and adapts differently. If I were you I'd give it a test run. Don't follow the program, just try each of the workouts over the next couple of weeks and see how you fair. And don't be discouraged if you don't finish the plyo vid, my first time I only last 10 minutes, but after 2 more attempts I could finish it easily =)
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I am doing p90x now, and although they advise you to be in somewhat good shape before you attempt it, I think you can still do it if you are not in the best shape. Just adjust the exercise to make it easier for you. As you drop the weight, then you could do something harder.

    However, if you are able to do it financially, I would suggest looking into Power 90 first. It is meant to be done before p90x.
  • JCat901
    I've been using P90X for the last several weeks. It can be as intense or extreme as you make it. The CD's provide alternatives for you to ease into the more intense portions of the workout. There is also plain P90 you could use if you felt more comfortable doing that.
  • Snowy42
    Thanks for the input guys, i might give it a test run... if it's too much i might just stick to a walk/jog for now and give p90x a go when i've lost a few.
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    i dont think that you need to be in good or decent shape to start p90x...i weighed 322lbs when i started my first round of p90x....you make adjustments...dont go all out...but you can definately do it! i really liked it...and will probably do another round after the holidays
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I say try it! You can modify all of the moves and one thing I tell everyone is, it's your DVD! You can pause if you need too ;-) I've had great results with it, and I know many people on here who have as well. To be honest, I didn't start seeing the weight really start to come off until I started It. The important part about doing the program is just doing the program, you know? If you are watching calories, (the most important part to weight loss) and getting in a decent calorie burn every day, you will get results. You will be shocked at how fast you get stronger and how soon you will be able to keep up with Tony as long as you do the work. It's true, the plyo workout is brutal if you don't have the cardio stamina, but you will in time. Just do your best :wink:

    I will say one other thing, if you are really against "mass-exercise" this may not be the program for you. However, you might surprise yourself! Good luck!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    The best thing about doing exercise DVD's at home - be it Beachbody (P90X) products or any other DVD - is that you can struggle or sweat it out to whatever level you are capable of and no one else is there to see you! Any workout DVD will be a challenge after you have been sedentary for a while - so it really wouldn't matter which one you chose, you'll have varying levels of difficulty. The main thing is to just do your best. Maybe you can only get out 5 reps of whatever the exercise is or hang in for only 10 minutes of whatever cardio exercise - it doesn't matter because you are MOVING. As you continue working and exercising, your abilities, strength and stamina will increase. P90X is a great workout and as Tony Horton, the man behind P90X says, "Just do your best and forget the rest!"

    Welcome to MFP and good luck on your journey! If you decide to do P90X and want some support, search for "P90X" - there are some great forums you can join with wonderful, supportive folks to help you on your way!

    Good luck!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Considering you passed out from overexertion once before, when you were in your peak shape, I would definitely check with a doctor before you begin an intense workout plan. They'll be able to let you know what your risk level is.
  • bstrength85
    bstrength85 Posts: 23 Member
    No. You don't need to already be in shape.

    Do the workouts to your "own-personal" best. They are incredible workouts and will strengthen your core and challenge you significantly.

    Definitely do it.
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    I actually did P90X when I was almost at my heaviest & the most out of shape. I just adjusted the moves when I needed to & built up to full workouts. I think they are great, I just don't stay motivated when I try to work out at home.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Considering you passed out from overexertion once before, when you were in your peak shape, I would definitely check with a doctor before you begin an intense workout plan. They'll be able to let you know what your risk level is.
    I agree!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    The important part about doing the program is just doing the program, you know?

    So true!!!
  • Timbits27
    Hi, I suggest the 'P90' programto start because it is the 'beginner' version and came out before the P90X. The P90 conducts training in a slower, more accessible pace for folks new to boot camp at-home training. I have all 3 - the P90, P90x and P90 Masters - and jumping to the P90X is quite a leap. Starting with the P90 might make your goal more achievable, one step at a time. You can find the P90 on eBay, Craigs list or even Kijiji, Goof luck!
  • fitaliciag
    I started with P90X myself, and that's what got me to my goal reached so far! 28 pounds down and it took 4 months. I am actually not planning on losing anymore....i am good where i am now. BMI is healthy now. it doesn't relaly matter if you start with P90 because you can adjust the exercise to fit your level....no pressure.

    Tony Horton is awesome, and he tells you ways to adjust everything during the workout. No worries. I didnt even follow the nutrition plan, but I do suggest it. it's a good program, and as long as you follow it, YOU WILL HAVE RESULTS!!! I speak from experience and I got all my friends doing it too! we are all SO happy with the results! the good thing about it is that also have a lot of room for making it harder once you advance in your fitness level. Just like there are ways to make it a little easier, there are ways to make it harder. if you have any questions about it, I am also a Beachbody coach, so just ask!
  • fitaliciag
    Hi, I suggest the 'P90' programto start because it is the 'beginner' version and came out before the P90X. The P90 conducts training in a slower, more accessible pace for folks new to boot camp at-home training. I have all 3 - the P90, P90x and P90 Masters - and jumping to the P90X is quite a leap. Starting with the P90 might make your goal more achievable, one step at a time. You can find the P90 on eBay, Craigs list or even Kijiji, Goof luck!

    Or you can NOT buy Pirated versions, because it is illegal. You can purchase it straight from the Beachbody website.
  • dscoulter
    I am starting p90x with a friend on 1/3. I can't really tell you yet if you should do it. However, There is a test in the booklet that you should take or maybe just know whether or not you can pass. It includes Push ups, pull ups (just one for women) some other excersises If you can pass the test then I think p90x is worth a try. If not, perhapss you should work on getting to where you can pass the test and then give it a try. It is a big time commitment. It is 1 - 1 1/2 hours per day at least 6 days a week for 90 days. I am excited about doing it. I also have a friend that is going to do it with me. It would probably help to do it with a friend. YOu will have someone expecting you to do it with them and they with you and it will give you incentive to keep going when it gets really hard.

    Good luck.
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Hi, I suggest the 'P90' programto start because it is the 'beginner' version and came out before the P90X. The P90 conducts training in a slower, more accessible pace for folks new to boot camp at-home training. I have all 3 - the P90, P90x and P90 Masters - and jumping to the P90X is quite a leap. Starting with the P90 might make your goal more achievable, one step at a time. You can find the P90 on eBay, Craigs list or even Kijiji, Goof luck!

    Or you can NOT buy Pirated versions, because it is illegal. You can purchase it straight from the Beachbody website.

    I got my P90X on Ebay....brand new....never opened...from a person who bought it and changed their mind. I paid $50 for the whole set. I wouldn't think someone purchasing a new or used P90X from Ebay or Craigslist would be pirating, but I don't know what Kijiji is.

    HOWEVER, I do agree that pirating is bad and that you should just purchase the real product. Pirating is part of what causes prices to skyrocket!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hi, I suggest the 'P90' program to start because it is the 'beginner' version and came out before the P90X. The P90 conducts training in a slower, more accessible pace for folks new to boot camp at-home training. I have all 3 - the P90, P90x and P90 Masters - and jumping to the P90X is quite a leap. Starting with the P90 might make your goal more achievable, one step at a time. You can find the P90 on eBay, Craigs list or even Kijiji, Goof luck!

    Or you can NOT buy Pirated versions, because it is illegal. You can purchase it straight from the Beachbody website.

    The original poster already said that they have access to a friend's P90X program.