Finding the Time

kandell Posts: 473 Member
How do you guys fit exercise into your daily lives? Between work, family, boyfriend, friends, and hobbies, I'm finding it difficult to get regular exercise into my schedule.


  • rhyddpe
    rhyddpe Posts: 6 Member
    6am. It's the only way to go
  • laurajo521
    laurajo521 Posts: 91 Member
    I am insanely busy. I generally work 60-70 hours a week and have other things going on. I actually pencil it in to my schedule. I work out on my lunch break some days, and I go to a 24-hour gym and am often there late at night after work or early in the morning before work. Make the appointment with yourself and don't break it.
  • 053069
    053069 Posts: 52 Member
    I go daily for 45 minutes after my husband and kids are all set; that means on some days from 7 and on others I can start as late as 8:30pm. I have chosen this program because the gym is only 2 minutes driving. It is not easy but not impossible, all it takes is to be determined and ready to move the mountains if necessary.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Granted... I only work 30hrs a week.. I don't have kids... and I work out from home... but... my day usually looks like this:

    8 am - get up make breakfast
    8:30am - go for a walk
    9am - Leave for work -
    4pm - Home from work
    4-6 - straightening up house, grocery shopping, errands, whatever else needs to get done
    6pm - lifting (if its a lifting day... otherwise I might go for a run or I'll watch tv if I don't feel like working out)
    6:30pm protein shake
    7pm start dinner
    8pm eat dinner
    8-10 spend time with hubby
    11pm go to bed.... then do it all again.

    You just have to make it part of your routine. If you can't fit it all in at once break it up. Sometimes if I don't have time for a full walk in the mornings I'll do a short walk in the AM and a short walk in the PM.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Ok so k work 2 jobs and literally leave and head straight to the other . So I know the feeling. On the days that I know my day will be hell, I work out before work. Sometimes I sleep I'm though bc of my second job so I work out on lunch but inhave a two hour lunch. So it doesn't cut in. Another thing I do is carryna pedometer and walk 10000 steps a day to stay active. Anything more than that i count as a workout. As for food, i preplan my meals. Having accohntability partners help too. Bc the remind us how important our goals are to us.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    5 am every sounds horrible but it really becomes a habit and you get used to it...alot of times i wake up before my alarm goes off at 4:30am...and i feel awesome the rest of the day because i know i got my workout done before most people even think of getting up.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Make it part of your schedule like all the other things...I eat lunch at my desk and run/walk over lunchtime....Instead of watching some old re-runs on tv, lift weights for 30 mins....Or do bodyweight stuff instead if you don't have weights....
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    You have to schedule it just like everything else in your life. If working out is truly important - you will find the time.

    I used to workout after work, but it became difficult when my kids needed help with homework and now with sport schedules its almost impossible. This leaves me first thing in the morn or late in the evening.

    I get up at 4:45a every day (minus weekends) and get in a good 60 min in. Shower, get myself ready, kids up at 7:10a, get them ready/breakfast, out the door at 7:45a and at work by 8:10a. When I get home, sometimes we go for family walks after dinner. But by 8p... kids are in bed and I'm ready to relax!!!!

    You can do it.... if you really want to!!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I just make it a part of my schedule. I leave work at 3:00 pick my kids up from school and we are at the gym by 4:00pm. Wig don't go home until after my workout. I find that if I went home first I would get sidetracked.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    It's not finding the time, it's making the time. It's part of my week, and I acknowledge that it requires some sacrifice but it's well worth it.

    I use my lunch break. When I can't, for whatever reason, I make the time elsewhere. I might do the elliptical at home after work, wake up early and get my workout in before work, or make up the session on Saturday or Sunday.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    Another "schedule it" person.

    I have calendar appointments for 30 minute morning workouts (at 6:10 am for exercise bike or yoga) and then again in the evening for 40 minute workouts (8:30 pm for cardio or weights). It is the only way I have found to make it work since I won't schedule something that conflicts if I can help it.
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    It's not finding the time, it's making the time. It's part of my week, and I acknowledge that it requires some sacrifice but it's well worth it.

    I use my lunch break. When I can't, for whatever reason, I make the time elsewhere. I might do the elliptical at home after work, wake up early and get my workout in before work, or make up the session on Saturday or Sunday.

    Sometimes I will use commercial breaks during my favorite TV show to do pushups, dips or lunges, especially if I have done nothing all day
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Everyone's life is different so this may or may not apply but generally when people ask me this I ask them what they watched on TV last night. I remember never having time. Then I cut off my cable. Suddenly time appeared. I have cable again but working out comes first. Same goes for friends. Working out > going out drinking.
  • SummerRain43
    usually I get up at 5:30am and get my 30-45 minute workout done.....I feel better for the day knowing that I have done it and it's over I have time in the evening, I can always do more but at least I don't feel guilty if I don't because I know I've already worked takes dedication though.....occasionally I miss doing the morning workout but that's only if I've had a particularly late night....;).....I don't seem to need a lot of sleep though so it's usually all good.....:)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It's not finding the time, it's making the time. It's part of my week, and I acknowledge that it requires some sacrifice but it's well worth it.

    I use my lunch break. When I can't, for whatever reason, I make the time elsewhere. I might do the elliptical at home after work, wake up early and get my workout in before work, or make up the session on Saturday or Sunday.


    I hate when people tell me they cant' find the time- or that they work a full time job and can't find time to do something.
    I have 3 jobs (one full time desk job)... The things that do not get done in my life have nothing to do with me not finding time- it has to do with the fact it's just not a priority- I get stuff done when it's a priority because it's important to me- and for no other reason.

    Same for working out.

    Do you find time to go pick up your kids?
    Do you find time to go to work every day?
    Do you find time to eat during the day?

    no- you make time.

    Same with anyone on a successful program- they make time.


    Monday- monday i'm going to the gym- because Monday is a gym day.
    Tuesday- I got to dance class- because tuesday is Dance day.

    That's how it works.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    Sometimes as much as I would like to hangout with my hubby all day or hangout with friends or do something else, I suck it up and take an hour for myself to workout. Once you get in a routine of doing it, it's much easier. First few times are the hardest. Unless you wanna do it first thing in the morning, which I definitely don't :noway:
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    I go to the gym during my lunch break...I have an hour thankfully. I have to commute 1 1/2 hour each way for my job (3 hours total of my day), so this is the only time I have available. Its dedication really...if you wanna do it you WILL make the time.

    Heck, you could spend time with your boyfriend while working out...
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    it's part of my life like showering, or eating. no need to make time to do it, it's built into my day. it only takes me 50min to run 4.5miles so I just need an hour. it's there everyday no matter what. going a day with out it is like going a day without a shower, you just don't feel right.
  • kdillson70
    It's not finding the time, it's making the time. It's part of my week, and I acknowledge that it requires some sacrifice but it's well worth it.

    I use my lunch break. When I can't, for whatever reason, I make the time elsewhere. I might do the elliptical at home after work, wake up early and get my workout in before work, or make up the session on Saturday or Sunday.


    I hate when people tell me they cant' find the time- or that they work a full time job and can't find time to do something.
    I have 3 jobs (one full time desk job)... The things that do not get done in my life have nothing to do with me not finding time- it has to do with the fact it's just not a priority- I get stuff done when it's a priority because it's important to me- and for no other reason.

    Same for working out.

    Do you find time to go pick up your kids?
    Do you find time to go to work every day?
    Do you find time to eat during the day?

    no- you make time.

    Same with anyone on a successful program- they make time.


    Monday- monday i'm going to the gym- because Monday is a gym day.
    Tuesday- I got to dance class- because tuesday is Dance day.

    That's how it works.

    You have to make time! The excuse "I DON'T HAVE TIME" is the equivalent to "THE DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK" ;-) Taking care of yourself is just as important as the kids or boyfriend or job.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    It's not finding the time, it's making the time. It's part of my week, and I acknowledge that it requires some sacrifice but it's well worth it.

    I use my lunch break. When I can't, for whatever reason, I make the time elsewhere. I might do the elliptical at home after work, wake up early and get my workout in before work, or make up the session on Saturday or Sunday.


    I hate when people tell me they cant' find the time- or that they work a full time job and can't find time to do something.
    I have 3 jobs (one full time desk job)... The things that do not get done in my life have nothing to do with me not finding time- it has to do with the fact it's just not a priority- I get stuff done when it's a priority because it's important to me- and for no other reason.

    Same for working out.

    Do you find time to go pick up your kids?
    Do you find time to go to work every day?
    Do you find time to eat during the day?

    no- you make time.

    Same with anyone on a successful program- they make time.


    Monday- monday i'm going to the gym- because Monday is a gym day.
    Tuesday- I got to dance class- because tuesday is Dance day.

    That's how it works.

    You have to make time! The excuse "I DON'T HAVE TIME" is the equivalent to "THE DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK" ;-) Taking care of yourself is just as important as the kids or boyfriend or job.

    that's it right there.