Starting over....again!

Hi everyone. So I'm not exactly new to MFP but I haven't been on for quite some time and sadly I have relapsed in my weight loss, healthy lifestyle journey :sad: I'm back now and just need some encouragement to get back on the wagon! My biggest downfalls are sugar, soda and bread so does anyone have any suggestions on how to kick these for good? or at least cut down drastically. I also don't have a gym membership anymore so I'm hoping to do some sort of workout video at home - need suggestions please?! Thanks!!!


  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    Really, I think it just boils down to stopping. Its hard to resist those things that you enjoy....but if you feel like you can't control how much of them you consume, then maybe completely avoid for a while? I've been doing that and the majority of my cravings have subsided and the urge to consume has diminished. It still requires sheer will power when I'm staring at and drooling over the plate of pasta, or oozing hot pizza that my hubby still munches.....but its just that will power. I remind myself that I dont want to be fat anymore, and acknowledge that if I break down and even try a bit I will be right back to the begining, with cravings intensified again.

    As far as working out...if you have digital cable, check the on screen guide. i have time warner cable and how found great exercises on demand!

    Good luck this time around! I'm sure you got this!!
  • 197Kiki
    197Kiki Posts: 129
    Just counting cals and doing clean eating! I use the 30day shred dvd Jillian from Biggest loser only 20mins a day and it kicks your butt! Works pretty good! You can find it at target or walmart for like 7 bucks or online too :)

    Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll get back into the swing of things in no time :smile:
  • Jennypoo76
    Jennypoo76 Posts: 10 Member
    I feel you. I'm right there with you. I gained my weight back after I lost 30 pounds when I had my daughter three years ago. I don't have a gym membership either but oneof the women I work with is trying to loose weight too so we walk around our office complex on fair weather days. We also have water wars in our office where we mark on the board how many glasses on water we drink a day.

    If you can eat fruit, that is a good substitute for candy. I allow myself one to two cups of sweet tea a day and have been able to replace the soda with that. My limit it to one or two decaffinated cups a day, I will be able to wean myself off slowly. I found in the past, if I cut something out all together, I usually give in to the urge. By cutting back a week or a month at a time, I can replace it slowly with the healthy choice.
  • Ang_from_Colorado
    Ang_from_Colorado Posts: 55 Member
    That's kind of my game plan as of now - walk, sub soda for tea and only allow myself 1 cup of coffee a day (without it I seriously can't function lol) so thank you so much for the advice! It makes me happy to see that someone else is happy with this course of action and I'm hoping it'll work for me too :smile:
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    I think the best tip in getting started is to keep adding new things on a daily/weekly basis instead of depriving yourself of what you like. Pretty soon all the new things you have added in will end up replacing your old foods. Get yourself some 100% whole wheat bread. anything that says whole grain. drink more water :drinker: log everything you eat or drink, and take it one day at a time. You don't need a gym.. go outside and walk. do youtube free exercise videos.. clean your house vigorously.. do anything that gets your heart rate up and you sweating.