IIFYM- my stats (really low carbs)

Ive semi tried the IIFYM, but for me it seems like carbs are sooo low its soo hard to stay under them when I did try to stick to the macros.
I calculated with the Mifflin-St Jeor way and come up with for reckless fat loss:
1517 calories
41 grams carbs
178 grams protein
71 grams fat
this is sedentary level, I sit at my desk 5 days a week 8hrs a day plus 20min commute each way... Lately I havent been working out so that's why chose sedentary...Once I start really being consistent on my workouts again, yes I want to def update my activity level but for now...
My stats are 5'4", 29 y/o, 178lbs, I have a scale at home that measures body fat it says 34% (not sure how accurate it is though.
Do the carbs sound ok since Im not burning them off with a workout??


  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Ive semi tried the IIFYM, but for me it seems like carbs are sooo low its soo hard to stay under them when I did try to stick to the macros.
    I calculated with the Mifflin-St Jeor way and come up with for reckless fat loss:
    1517 calories
    41 grams carbs
    178 grams protein
    71 grams fat
    this is sedentary level, I sit at my desk 5 days a week 8hrs a day plus 20min commute each way... Lately I havent been working out so that's why chose sedentary...Once I start really being consistent on my workouts again, yes I want to def update my activity level but for now...
    My stats are 5'4", 29 y/o, 178lbs, I have a scale at home that measures body fat it says 34% (not sure how accurate it is though.
    Do the carbs sound ok since Im not burning them off with a workout??

    That's way low on the carbs. Your protein is too high. It should be .8 - 1 per pound of Lean Body Mass, not total weight. If your body fat is approximately 34%, that puts your LBM at 117. Your protein should be between 94 - 117. Put the rest of your allowance over on carbs.

    Your fat is a bit high, as well. It should be approximately 62.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    That's because for one, you are doing "wreckless" which makes your calorie goal smaller...which means you are going to eat fewer carbs because IIFYM calculates your protein requirements as per you body weight and your fat requisites as per body weight...so the flexor is carbs.

    You do not need 178 grams of protein...that is 1 gram per Lb of body weight...I do not know why the IIFYM website does this. In a deficit it is a good idea to get around 0.9 - 1 gram of protein per Lb of LBM, not body weight. You should be getting around 0.3 - 0.4 grams of fat per Lb of body weight and round out the rest with carbs.

    In any event, carbs are the flexor as theoretically your protein and fat intake would remain static regardless of your weight control goals. I.e. when I'm maintaining I get to eat a lot more carbs than when I'm losing because my calories from protein and fat remain static in either scenario.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm confused, your macro targets seem to be set to low carb but your behaviour isn't.

    Your protein looks excessive too.

    Why not shoot for something like 30%C / 35 %P / 35 %F ?

    You don't need a "workout" to use carbs - your body is dead keen to have them out of the blood stream so will use 15 grams an hour or more of carbs if they are being supplied in abundance.
  • kayla1025
    kayla1025 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for all the responses..Yes I have heard you need 1g protein per lean body mass, so that does make sense to do that vs my actual weight in protein.
  • unesemainedecruaute
    unesemainedecruaute Posts: 54 Member
    Mathematically, you could trade some proteins for carbs (1gr of carbs has 4 calories, same as 1gr of protein), since that amount of protein is a bit focused on generating or maintaining muscular mass (please keep reading).

    BUT, bear in mind that a diet high in protein might force you to have a healthier way of eating:
    *Incorporating food high in protein rather than food high in carbs.
    *Adding vegetables and fruits to feel full without raising carbs levels.
    *And also helping you to feel full because of the nature of proteins (help us to the feeling of satiety, as does the fat).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Thanks for all the responses..Yes I have heard you need 1g protein per lean body mass, so that does make sense to do that vs my actual weight in protein.

    I like that site a lot, but I think it makes presumptions that people are already fairly lean or something...it is the only reason I can think of that they recommend 1 gram per Lb of body weight. I also think a lot of people who use that site are actually doing bulking and cutting cycles for muscle mass and then leaning out rather than being overweight/obese and needing to diet. I know I heard about that site from some "bros" at the gym long before I joined MFP. It's ok either way, you just have to know what your numbers should be and frankly, there's really not a one size fits all macro ratio...people have different needs and often macro ratios are tailored to specific performance needs...the IFYM site is definitely geared towards high protein for building/preserving mass.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Unless you're bulking, 30% protein is plenty IMO.
  • livingxhealthy
    Hi!!! I'm new to IIFYM too. These are my macros:

    75g of carbs
    120g of protein
    47g of fat

    Today I consumed:
    57g of carbs
    114g of protein
    47g of fat

    I'm confused as to which I can exceed and which I should stay below the given limit. Help anyone? ????❤️

    Oh yes I'm really petite so my TDEE is only 1196 calories!
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Why are your carbs so low? I'm 4'9" 135 lbs and my macros are 1413 calories - 90 Carbs (went from 144 (maintenance) to 109 to 90) 138 protein and 55 fats. Maybe try a different calculator and start off with a plan that has more carbs then slowly adjust (decrease carbs accordingly) if you've hit a plateau or don't see progress.

    Work is sedentary - I work out 6 days per week (4 weight lifting and 2 HIIT)
  • livingxhealthy
    Oh it is? Oops. Anyway, should I exceed my protein intake or should everything be close to the given number? Sorry! :(
  • tjp3988
    tjp3988 Posts: 1