How to cook with bok choy?

missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
I'm looking to experiment with bok choy, but don't know where to start.
Anyone have any recipes?


  • Annieway987
    Annieway987 Posts: 24 Member
    Bok choy is one of my favorite veggies. Usually you need to pull it apart and wash the dirt out from between the stalks before you cook it. It needs very little cooking. The most typical way to prepare it is in a stir fry. Slice it in bite size pieces including the green leafy parts along with other veggies and meat and stir fry with a little oil and your favorite seasonings (a little broth, soy sauce etc). If you are using it in a stir fry with something that takes longer to cook like carrots or broccoli, then add it a little later. It really doesn't need to do much more than heat through.

    Another easy way to prepare it is to cut it in half lengthwise (rinse out the dirt but leave the head attached at the bottom), brush it with a little oil and grill it until it starts to wilt. This works best with smaller bunches. Yum!
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    The only thing I've ever had bok choy in is stir fry. Chopped up just like the other veggies. I would think it could go in salads too just like any other lettuce.