New :) Looking for some frIends and support :)

Hey there, I'm Nurseyyy!

I'm starting my journey and am looking for some friends for support.
I've been on and off this weight journey for years, however am well and truly ready to quit focusing all about weight and to incorporate healthy living into my lifestyle. I believe that's the piece I was missing.
I'm at my all-time highest weight and have 2.5 stone to lose!
I've invested in a juicer, a blender and a food scales ;) (My boyfriend got me into juicing ages ago I finally made that investment)

I'm also currently undergoing investigations into diagnosing coeliac disease. I have noticed over the past year I bloat and gain when eating gluten (I mean even when only eating strictly healthy gluten - ie oats, wholemeal bread). Also have loads of other IBS-GI related symptoms. I currently have to keep eating gluten for my final investigation on the 16th this month :( then no more gluten ever again! (Am staying gluten-free even if the results come back negative for coeliac)
I also had a food intolerance blood test IgG levels done and am also allergic to; lactose, egg, yeast, beef, citrus fruits and berry fruits (& coffee but I hate that stuff anyways)
So come the 17th I guess I'm going partially vegan for a while :)

So like I said, I would LOVE to meet some new friends to find support and to support :)
Would also love to chat to anyone who has any food intolerances and swap recipes etc. :)
