Need support and all the advice I can get!

Hi, im a 21 and have always been overweight I have done diets working out pills shakes everything! Back in January I decided for health reasons I needed a lifestyle change. So I started eating healthy and working out daily I was hiking walking and doing zumba and for the first time ever I saw results, Ilost 10 ppounds in two weeks I was happy!! Working out became a daily routine and I loved it and I no longer craved junk food. I was so excited because I knew for the first time things will change! Unfortunately a month in a half later as I was going on my daily walk I sprained my ankle I heard it snap twice. It was so swollen my doctor told me I couldn't do any exercise for at least a month. I was depress I couldn't believe after so many trys I had finally done it right and the natural way too.. Sooo I went back to my old habits:( I have now realize I cant give up so I have once again started eating healthy and started working out but my ankle is weak and I have slipped a couple times but I cant sit and eat pretending everything is okay I need to get up and do something. This is why I made this page in hops to get support and advice as I have given up several times I wanna change and not give up when I dont see results. Please help me any tips and advice will be greatly appreciated!


  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Don't give up! You can still lose weight without exercise, so don't put so much pressure on yourself. When you're ready, you can start slowly with the exercise again and be back at it before you know it. Just log everything, be patient, and be consistent. You can do this! Good for you for looking at it as a lifestyle change rather than another fad. It can be tough at times, but it's pretty simple and definitely doable!

    Feel free to add me if you want... there's always room for one more on my list. :smile: I've been on every day since I signed up. I'm no expert, but am always glad to help if I can.
  • lizarddev
    lizarddev Posts: 100 Member
    Never give up on anything that you want. The healthy lifestyle always is hard starting but once you keep that up it changes and the foods you choose to eat will always be healthy choices. If you are having issues with your ankle then a sit down bike at the gym helps keep you moving. My daughter broke her bones above her ankle and I helped her by doing standing up and down on her toes daily. Raise up hold for 5 secs and let off for 5 secs. Do this to about a week and increase your time a little at a time and it will get stronger. Bike is there for fitness and keep moving.
  • prettypink20
    prettypink20 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much guys for the advice. I know it won't be easy but it has to be done!
  • wannehunter85
    water sports and aerobics are low impact so you don't need to put pressure on your ankle. I have a weak ankle as well just from multiple tiny sprains that always happen on the same foot lol. But for now you need to focus on what comes in your body. I worked out all the time but didn't have a kitchen last year. I didn't lose a single pound because I didn't have the control over who was making my food and what was going in it.....especially hard when you don't speak the language that well and are basically ordering off a picture menu! ;)
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    swimming is a good workout

    push ups and mountain climbers are great without putting pressure on your ankles

    eat on deficit