New to Doing This Right

Hello! Tech, here. I am not necessarily new to MFP, but I would say I am new to doing it right. Looking for some friends and (I won't lie) words of encouragement.. I am 23 and just recently hit upwards of the 300 lb mark recently. Though it did make my heart sink, I can't say I was surprised. I went away from the working world a few months back and since then have made a myriad of unhealthy decisions for myself - mainly nights of eating while watching Netflix. Times of relaxation have, for some reason, always required food for me. Food actually is kind of the largest part of my life. It's sad and true, and I want to kick that mentality right out the door. I have been heavy since my teens, gradually increasing until I (formerly) plateaued around 260-70. But over the past few months I could practically feel all the food I was eating out of boredom add to my body. Feeling bloated and achy everywhere was new to me, as for being someone of heavier stature I was always at least a little active. My back is tight. My hands swell. My breath runs out easier. I snore!

So, I did some research. My first choice I couldn't believe I was making was to cut out soda. I knew a "diet" wasn't going to work out for me. I tried a few, my last few attempts being keto a while ago with my partner. I decided that the right kind of change would be for the long run, a lifestyle change where everything I loved wasn't being taken away but I was still accountable. I'm learning how to actually make this tracking thing work in my favor (seems like common sense, but it must not have clicked for me before?). Healthy and nutrient rich foods as a staple, which I am actually excited about. No more fast food - and a day by day meal plan to help with that. I naturally love fresh fruits and veggies of all kinds, even if I wasn't choosing them for a snack. I eat lots of chicken and make fresh veggie sides whenever I can (now I just have to work harder to do so!)

Added to the food side of thing is getting back into being active. I have started an online program that I really love and sits right at home with me. Not too hard but not too easy. (It's called DailyBurn, and no this isn't an advertisement, haha. But I really do like it!)

Processed sweets and really sugar and carbs in general will be my hardest challenge. I could use the friends so we could motivate each other and bounce ideas off of each other.
A few questions for the seasoned:
What drinks do you have besides water? I enjoy tea. A lot. A lot a lot. What is actually good for you, because I get confused with 0 calorie drink mixes like crystal light..
What are some healthier snacks to grab on the go? I like carrots, cucumber, and berries (and then I could name every single fruit) but what about for a sweet craving?

Anyhow thanks for reading, and again please add me - especially if anything I wrote resonated with you, too!


  • Satiable
    Satiable Posts: 121
    Hi, Tech! Welcome back. It definitely sounds like you've found a starting point that will work for you, congratulations!

    I'm with you on the perils of late-night snacking. What happened to that entire bag of corn chips, again? Well, I only need one hand to read a book, and the other hand was bored… :blushing:
    What drinks do you have besides water? I enjoy tea. A lot. A lot a lot. What is actually good for you, because I get confused with 0 calorie drink mixes like crystal light..
    - Tea is a great starting point. A pitcher of cold-steeped green tea, unsweetened or with stevia, is a great soft drink alternative.
    - Milk, for extra protein! Sometimes in the form of hot chocolate.
    - A couple of slices of citrus, mint leaves or some crushed raspberries makes plain water much easier to drink.
    - If you gave up soft drink purely because of the sugar content (not the bubbles), have you tried seltzer? Mix soda water with a little juice. Berry juices will give you a lot of flavour without too many calories.
    What are some healthier snacks to grab on the go? I like carrots, cucumber, and berries (and then I could name every single fruit) but what about for a sweet craving?
    Everyone deals with cravings differently. I tell my body to be careful what it wishes for... when I'm craving salty foods, I scoop up a teaspoonful of Vegemite (incredibly strong, salty yeast paste) and lick it off the spoon until the craving is well and truly dead. Is there anything you would call "too sweet", that you could have just a little of when you crave sugar? Or do you think you could distract your mouth with something sweet-sour like a wedge of lemon?

    Good luck, hope this helps!
  • rideontechnology
    rideontechnology Posts: 54 Member
    Oh my gosh! I obviously never checked on this. Thank you so much for the advice! I am intrigued by the fruit juices in seltzer water, I may like that! I was splashing some stuff into my actual water and enjoying it.

    Haha that's a good plan as well. I'll find something super sweet that will totally obliterate that craving.