AMAZEBALLS!!! or oreo cheese cake bites.



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Actually... They are 106 calories per ball and 2 1/2 weight watchers points.. Oh and I don't remember seeing a recipe restrictions section. But I could be wrong. So tell me, EVERY SINGLE DAY, you eat healthy? I mean you don't enjoy little things here and there in moderation? If you have such a strict strict diet why even look in the recipe section? I'm pretty sure people post all kinds of recipes. I know a really good no fat no calorie no sugar no carb snack. Fill up the ice tray with water and every time you crave something sweet suck on one. They are sooo good especially when your sweet tooth has a cavity and you really get that brain zing. I also said to you can use reduced fat cream cheese and any cookie combinations you like. If you can't enjoy things that aren't always low fat, no calorie, splenda added, sugar free, cardboard flavored sweets, then you are probably going to be really upset the next pot luck you are around or better yet the holidays. If you work out and eat in moderation then you can eat whatever you want. I tried the black bean brownies and the chunky monkey peanut butter "healthy cookies", and for the lack of better terms, tasted like "bad times". Haha. Weight watchers teaches you you don't always have to eat salads and nuts and berries and boiled chicken to be healthy and lose weight. There was a guy who ate twinkies for a couple months, stayed under his calorie goal. And lost 40lbs HE ATE NOTHING BUT TWINKIES im not saying it's healthy and that i don't condone it, however, you eating a cookie ball isn't going to make you fat. We make us fat, not food! It's perfect for a sweet craving and great for giving as a birthday cake instead of a cake which is around 7 points per slice. Just sayin. Oh and they ARE heavenly! Also I'm not being mean. I'm just saying if i wanna post a recipe of bacon fat fried doughnuts then I should be able to without being judged. This Site is for everyone, some people want to gain weight, some people just like cooking ideas then turning them into their own. for whatever reason it is. I will continue to post what i want and not feel like I'm sabotaging your diet. I'm not shoving it in your mouth and making you chew. I've also lost 40lbs, I'm doing something right.

    106 calories? Sounds like I can eat 3-4 of them! Woot!

    Yeah, and it's too bad that some people can't handle moderation. They try to pretend that its righteous indignation, but I'm pretty sure it's jealousy. :smokin:
  • Your cake ball having 106 calories per ball so these are not good for a sugar patient.You can also make or order a calory free cake from a cake shop with the help of google.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm probably going to get a lot of smack for this but......

    I'm pretty sure this forum is really only for healthier recipes. Don't get me wrong, those sound heavenly... but I estimate they have at least 100+ calories per ball and the point of this whole site is to eat healthier.... Sorry if I sound witchy. I just don't think it's fair to shove recipes like this in the faces of people who are fighting off sweet cravings with all their might. Like I said I'm sure they're great, but let's only post non-sabbotage recipes :)

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I'm probably going to get a lot of smack for this but......

    I'm pretty sure this forum is really only for healthier recipes. Don't get me wrong, those sound heavenly... but I estimate they have at least 100+ calories per ball and the point of this whole site is to eat healthier.... Sorry if I sound witchy. I just don't think it's fair to shove recipes like this in the faces of people who are fighting off sweet cravings with all their might. Like I said I'm sure they're great, but let's only post non-sabbotage recipes :)

    Eating healthier is about macronutrient content, not calories. And not everyone is here for weight loss.

    That being said, this recipe doesn't have the best macronutrient ratio... however, if you are desperately in need of upping your fat intake, why not have a little treat.

    Fat is needed to regulate hormones that impact weight loss (cortisol, grehlin, leptin).
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I'm probably going to get a lot of smack for this but......

    I'm pretty sure this forum is really only for healthier recipes. Don't get me wrong, those sound heavenly... but I estimate they have at least 100+ calories per ball and the point of this whole site is to eat healthier.... Sorry if I sound witchy. I just don't think it's fair to shove recipes like this in the faces of people who are fighting off sweet cravings with all their might. Like I said I'm sure they're great, but let's only post non-sabbotage recipes :)

    Agreed. "Moderation" proponents aside, crushed Oreos mixed with cream cheese, chocolate cookies and dusted sugar is not worthy of this site.

    Why are "moderation" proponents put aside? We use this site too!

    If you don't like the recipe, don't use it. It's pretty simple...
  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    These sound truly amazeballs!!

    ..but being in Australia...what the heck is a graham cracker?:noway:

    Anyone know what they translate to in the land of Oz?

    Graham crackers are basically butter or sugar cookies. I'm from Australia, but my mum is American and she often uses the Arrowroot biscuits as a substitute - now that I'm gluten intolerant, I just basically make any type of butter cookie (or peanut butter cookie) and then crush them up to use as a graham cracker substitute. Just needs to be a biscuit-y thing without too much flavour (in my opinion anyway!).

    Hope this helps?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I'm probably going to get a lot of smack for this but......

    I'm pretty sure this forum is really only for healthier recipes. Don't get me wrong, those sound heavenly... but I estimate they have at least 100+ calories per ball and the point of this whole site is to eat healthier.... Sorry if I sound witchy. I just don't think it's fair to shove recipes like this in the faces of people who are fighting off sweet cravings with all their might. Like I said I'm sure they're great, but let's only post non-sabbotage recipes :)

  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    The way to achieve a ultimate healthy lifestyle is to enjoy everything in MODERATION, an occasional oreo is not the enemy. It is the over indulgence of the food choices we make. Mind over matter, enjoy your food...all your food..but don't eat like a glutenous pig. I think if we restrict ourselves too much then we quickly give up and look at it as just another "diet" instead of a healthy lifestyle and healthy way of eating.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    i thought we were sharing healthy recipes. nothing wrong with a little cheese cake but there's tons of other websites for yummy dessert recipes

    The board is just titled "recipes". If you can eat just one of these little bits of sugar and fat (which some people can), then there is absolutely nothing "unhealthy" about this recipe.
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    I'm probably going to get a lot of smack for this but......

    I'm pretty sure this forum is really only for healthier recipes. Don't get me wrong, those sound heavenly... but I estimate they have at least 100+ calories per ball and the point of this whole site is to eat healthier.... Sorry if I sound witchy. I just don't think it's fair to shove recipes like this in the faces of people who are fighting off sweet cravings with all their might. Like I said I'm sure they're great, but let's only post non-sabbotage recipes :)

    Agreed. "Moderation" proponents aside, crushed Oreos mixed with cream cheese, chocolate cookies and dusted sugar is not worthy of this site.

    Why are "moderation" proponents put aside? We use this site too!

    If you don't like the recipe, don't use it. It's pretty simple...

    He's saying that aside from any arguments on the grounds of moderation that can be made on behalf of the oreo ball, he thinks the ball is gross and the recipe is not worthy of being posted.
  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    It may not be as scrumptious but there is reduced fat oreos and reduced fat cream cheese. I think there's also lower calorie graham crackers. Recipes don't have to follow to the T.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    i thought we were sharing healthy recipes. nothing wrong with a little cheese cake but there's tons of other websites for yummy dessert recipes

    I don't see where it says "Healthy Recipes" on the forum title.

    besides- super glad this got bumped- BF was trying to get me to make these- might be time to make them before I dive super deep into my cut.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    I'm probably going to get a lot of smack for this but......

    I'm pretty sure this forum is really only for healthier recipes. Don't get me wrong, those sound heavenly... but I estimate they have at least 100+ calories per ball and the point of this whole site is to eat healthier.... Sorry if I sound witchy. I just don't think it's fair to shove recipes like this in the faces of people who are fighting off sweet cravings with all their might. Like I said I'm sure they're great, but let's only post non-sabbotage recipes :)

    No, this site is to watch your calorie consumption and track progress. If I want to make room in my day for 5 or more of these, I will, and MFP will help me do it. This site isn't about "some foods are evil, don't eat them!" This is not a "sabotage" recipe. People are capable of simply not making them if they can't fit them in their day. It's not like the OP is shipping them to people, or going to their homes and shoving them down their throats.

    Speaking of, OP, will you come force feed me these? :laugh:
  • terlyn20
    terlyn20 Posts: 142 Member
    they are amazeballs and worth the splurge. They are so rich and tasty 1 or 2 goes a long way.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    And nary a pic of the recipe was seen.
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member
    Your cake ball having 106 calories per ball so these are not good for a sugar patient.You can also make or order a calory free cake from a cake shop with the help of google.
    Did you create an account just to necro an old thread and continue the argument a year ++++ later? Jesus. lol

    Also you guys are responding to posts over a year old to people who probably aren't even active on this site anymore. >.>
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    These sound truly amazeballs!!

    ..but being in Australia...what the heck is a graham cracker?:noway:

    Anyone know what they translate to in the land of Oz?
    Hey, I'm Aussie too :) They're like Digestives.
  • Can't wait to try these may take them to a family function.Thanks for the recipe.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    so glad I'm lazy and have no time to bake.
  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
    I'm probably going to get a lot of smack for this but......

    I'm pretty sure this forum is really only for healthier recipes. Don't get me wrong, those sound heavenly... but I estimate they have at least 100+ calories per ball and the point of this whole site is to eat healthier.... Sorry if I sound witchy. I just don't think it's fair to shove recipes like this in the faces of people who are fighting off sweet cravings with all their might. Like I said I'm sure they're great, but let's only post non-sabbotage recipes :)

    If you make good choices throughout the day and leave yourself 200 calories, then you could have 2 of these and still accomplish your goals.

    Ultimately, no one is going to find personal accountability on the internet.

    Thank you! Was thinking the same thing. Plus she mentioned to use low, non-fat cream cheese, which would give it a lower calorie count. Actually, any recipe could probably be revised to make an healthier option. :0)