
I don't always have time (yet) to make breakfast in the mornings. I'm searching for a good breakfast shake to make - have done carnation instant breakfast. Any suggestions?


  • Hiya, I used to have a scoop of this for breakfast. It's a bit gross if just mixed with water, but kept me full until lunch time :)
  • danni187
    danni187 Posts: 10
    I use the same as above - mix with Atkins Advantage Chocolate shake (half and 1 scoop of powder) and its low in calories, high in protein and keeps you full all morning!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I have personally found that shakes don't keep me full as long as something I can chew. Since you're in a time crunch, perhaps a protein or meal BAR would work? Something about the action of chewing, it just keeps me satisfied for longer than drinking a shake. I've seen a lot of people say the same on here, so I know I'm not alone. Plus you can buy one bar at a time if you choose, and try a ton of different brands and flavors - but with a protein powder, you have to buy a lot in one go, and if you don't like what you've purchased you're either stuck with it, or out the $$ if you choose to toss it.