Runners looking to lose weight

Looking for runners that are using MFP to help shed some weight to make them quicker runners.

Wanting to share motivation and track progress with others.


  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP!

    I'm a long-term runner the same age as you. Having learned the hard way that after the first six months or so running alone doesn't make you lose weight (I gained training for a marathon!), I'm hoping weight loss/faster running will form a virtuous circle.

    I'm currently a shade over 13 stone and my running has slowed to a fat girl plod, and I'm looking to get down to my "fighting weight" of around 11 stone.
  • Papaepic
    Papaepic Posts: 12 Member
    I started running, in addition to regular workouts, to increase energy and shed fat. I am up to 3 mile runs, three times a week. My intake seems to be the only thing holding me back, which is why I'm on MFP. Anyone can add me, I need all the help I can get.
  • monkeyxUK
    Thanks for the replies. I started running 4 years to lose weight and have lost over 2 stone since I started,

    Somewhere along the way I became a fully fledged runner where weight was a secondary issue :)

    My running has plateaued and I know that weight loss is a way to make running easier and faster. Looking to set some PBs this year and then get less competitive with myself.

    Wanting to shift about 10 pounds and no more, but my weight has been at a constant for over a year. So using MFP to track calorie consumption. Curious to compare how many calories I think was consuming with what I actually measure :)