PLEASE Help me understand how my fitbit flex works

Ok, so i bought my first Fitbit Flex today. Very excited about it too!! I came home, set it up, charged it and went for a 3.4km walk at a brisk pave (10.5km per hour - that's what Stava says ive done). I'm also pushing a pram with my son in it. When i came home, i was dripping in sweat (sorry for any visuals) and when i looked at how many calories i burnt, it said "52".....There is no way i only burnt 52 calories. How accurate is this fitbit?

When i'm on the fitbit site - its says ive burnt 1088 calories today (assuming this is BMR + exercise???)

Do i enter on MFP +exercise and select a walk at 10.5km an hour and enter the time i walked for (which told me i had burnt 199 calories) or does the flex send the information automatically to MFP?

PLEASE help me understand this correctly


  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    This is the downfall of the wrist ones as in the flex versus the clip on (like your hip or or zip). Since it is on your arm and you are pushing a stroller (happens with shopping carts too), your arm is not making much movement so you get shorted steps.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    Yup, what the previous poster said (that's why I went with the Zip instead). A way to get around that is to put the Flex in your pocket before you go for a long walk. Then it should pickup the movements from your leg and won't short you steps.
  • bane0317
    bane0317 Posts: 60 Member
    Something I have noticed with mine is if I'm pushing a shopping cart the vibration will put my Flex into sleep mode and then back our of it a few seconds/minutes later. I put mine in my pocket when this happens.
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    I am on board with you!! I just got the fit bit flex too, I was wondering the same thing. It's really confusing because it doesn't log your workouts on your home page like other apps. I box for my workouts, and it seems to pick up most of that, but the calorie burn is still off from what my HRM usually states. So, I just added what my burn should have been, but now I am wondering what the point of this thing is if my HRM is more accurate- except that I can't log my all day burn and sleep patterns too well with the HRM obviously.

    I am also trying to figure out if the two apps are "synced" up- Fit-bit and MFP, if I still need to log my calories in two separate places cuz it doesn't appear that one is picking up on the other. Last thing I need to do is log everything twice... Any tips on this welcomed here too! :huh:
  • angenrod
    angenrod Posts: 12
    Ok, I'll out it in my pocket next walk. BUT... it did pick up my steps cause when i finished walking, it said i did 4000 steps which i had almost calculated right (i counted for 100 steps which was roughly 1 40 minutes would have been 4000 steps) so this doesn't explain why i only got a lousy 52 calories burnt... Thanks for the tips.

    ALSO... If i just log all my food and exercise into MFP, and not log anything into my fitbit account, will the syncing work properly? like will i get given the right amount of calories to eat?

  • twilatillman
    twilatillman Posts: 16 Member
    I'm just a little disappointed in my flex. Thought it would be good to have it around my wrist. It was for a while but now as the weather is getting warm it bothers me. I take it out of the band and put it in my pocket. The only advantage of a Fitbit is that it syncs with myfitnesspal. Once the Fitbit quits working I doubt I spend the money for another one. I have noticed mine does not keep accurate time I'm active.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member

    When i'm on the fitbit site - its says ive burnt 1088 calories today (assuming this is BMR + exercise???)

    Do i enter on MFP +exercise and select a walk at 10.5km an hour and enter the time i walked for (which told me i had burnt 199 calories) or does the flex send the information automatically to MFP?

    Yes, Fitbit is BMR + exercise. When you looked at it right away, your day wasn't over yet. The 52 calories it showed was probably just averaged. After your day was complete, that number could have gone up or down, based on your activity level.
    Example: With me, I walk in the morning, and I usually tend to burn about 100 calories for my walk...AS long as my activity level the rest of the day is fairly active. If I don't do anything but sit on my butt the rest of the day, it averages that burn into my BMR and gives me a negative calorie adjustment (meaning I didn't burn enough calories to surpass my BMR).

    Also, if you're new to Fitbit, give it about a week to learn about you. It will all work itself out in time.

    And, MFP grossly overestimates calorie burns...
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    I have the One not the Flex (tried the Flex, but I found having it on my wrist irritating). What's worked for me is I log all activity that isn't walking on the Fitbit website (even if I was wearing my Fitbit at the time eg running) as I found the calorie burn much more realistic. For any cardio I do I use a HRM so will manually add the calories to the ativity (so overriding the default setting). I log all food here as the database is far bigger. I also make sure that my Fitbit details are upto date (weight, stride lengths for walking & running).

    I did used to have the accounts syncing but found having to eat much less on some days than others made planning difficult. As I had months of data I use my Fitbit to give me my TDEE, I have a spreadsheet that calculates a 4 week rolling average and set a custome goal for calories here on MFP that is around 800 below my TDEE average so I eat the same cals every day as high intensity days cancel out more sedentary days over the course of a week. If I've done a particularly long run or been ill so ver sedentary I may deviate from this but generally I eat to a set goal (currently 1900 with a TDEE of 2735). I'm losing on average around 1.25lbs a week doing this.
  • Ranocchia
    Ranocchia Posts: 73 Member
    Maybe your settings are wrong? Say you are 200 lbs and your flex setting are at 100 lbs weight? (Silly numbers of course, just for an example)
  • missigus
    missigus Posts: 207 Member
    For any cardio I do I use a HRM so will manually add the calories to the ativity (so overriding the default setting). I log all food here as the database is far bigger.

    I did used to have the accounts syncing but found having to eat much less on some days than others made planning difficult. As I had months of data I use my Fitbit to give me my TDEE, I have a spreadsheet that calculates a 4 week rolling average and set a custome goal for calories here on MFP that is around 800 below my TDEE average so I eat the same cals every day as high intensity days cancel out more sedentary days over the course of a week. If I've done a particularly long run or been ill so ver sedentary I may deviate from this but generally I eat to a set goal (currently 1900 with a TDEE of 2735). I'm losing on average around 1.25lbs a week doing this.

    That's awesome info, kinda what I was hoping to learn about myself with it. I saw that my entries on MFP did finally sync up with fitbit. It is definitely an end of the day thing where everything catches up. So, I won't even bother looking into the number until around 10pm, which doesn't really help you during the day, but I can see it having a cumulative benefit at least once it figures out your daily habits & you want to eat at a deficit of your TDEE. I will plan to add in the calories from the HRM for my actual burn, I didn't think it would be as accurate simply because the fitbit doesn't monitor that.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    Yes, I log everything that isn't walking through MFP and use the fitbit to track my daily movement. I track all of my food through MFP. So really the sync is just so the extra calories I burn through daily movement get added to my daily allowance on MFP.

    I use my fitbit cals for extra snacks in the evening. If I didn't burn any fitbit cals through extra movement I don't get an evening snack. I also use my fitbit for motivation with the friend leaderboard and badges.

    So in summary, fitbit tracks my daily activity and calories for extra snacks (but not exercise that isn't walking ie. cycling, elliptical)
    MFP tracks all my food and cals in/out for the day. I do not use the fitbit food log at all.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I have the force and I found the key for me was to disable "calorie estimation" in the settings on the fitbit website. I also switched the setting on the "food plan" section under the "log" page to sednetary. This changed things for me so that I start in the morning with a calorie allowance of something like 700 (which is crazy and I would never do) but then I gain calories through the day for every thing I do. I feel it's a more acurate representation of my output and intake.

    Here's the problem I have with my fitbit though, it adds calories from exercise to my MFP dairy for literally the smallest amout of activity, making MFP way over estimate the amount of calories I should be consuming to lose weight. The first morning I used it, I woke up, walked to the bathroom, walked to the kitchen for coffee a couple of times and walked to my sofa and "earned" about 60 calories from exercise on MFP on top of my daily 1350 allowance. I think this is because the force will allow me to have that setting of 700 calories to begin with (I have fitbit set to calulate me eating at a deficit of 750 calories a day, which is moderate loss), but MFP won't go lower than 1200. This probably sounds confusing, but the bottom line is I find it best to log everything in MFP but to follow the recomendations on calories from fitbit.
  • angenrod
    angenrod Posts: 12
    I wanted to "LIKE"many of your comments but i don't know how to give the "Thumbs up"??? All the info that everyone has provided has helped me a lot. Thank you everyone, I'm now understanding this a lot more.:flowerforyou:
  • Weezoh
    Weezoh Posts: 171 Member
    I think everyone's already hit the high points but here's what I do:

    Turn off calorie estimates (gives you calories even if you're not active to even things out) -- If I'm going to be trapped in a chair all day I just roll with it and be over.

    Turn on negative calorie adjustment (takes away calories based on lack of activity) - I generally wake up in the morning with a -200 calorie adjustment since I was lazy for the first 6 hours of the day sleeping.

    Remember that syncing between MFP and FB is delayed and when you log activity in MFP it seems like it's got to sync to FB and then sync back to MFP to even out in the interim sometimes you'll see extra calories because it hasn't deleted the FB calories when you logged the MFP ones.

    I log everything in MFP, nothing in FB I think the sync works well enough and it's just easier to do it in one place.
  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    When I go walking with my Flex, I strap it to my shoe. Same goes for when I spin or go on a stationary bike!
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    I think everyone's already hit the high points but here's what I do:

    Turn off calorie estimates (gives you calories even if you're not active to even things out) -- If I'm going to be trapped in a chair all day I just roll with it and be over.

    Turn on negative calorie adjustment (takes away calories based on lack of activity) - I generally wake up in the morning with a -200 calorie adjustment since I was lazy for the first 6 hours of the day sleeping.

    Remember that syncing between MFP and FB is delayed and when you log activity in MFP it seems like it's got to sync to FB and then sync back to MFP to even out in the interim sometimes you'll see extra calories because it hasn't deleted the FB calories when you logged the MFP ones.

    I log everything in MFP, nothing in FB I think the sync works well enough and it's just easier to do it in one place.

    The Fitbit will take calories away until you hit your baseline. Once you hit your baseline, it will start counting exercise calories. I find that helpful.
  • Love62
    Love62 Posts: 18
    I'm learning from all these comments. I've had my flex for nearly a week. I like the comment about strapping it to the shoe, but what about taking the bit out of the strap and just put it in t pants pocket? I'm confused how the flex works with MFP, but I do like it.
  • Lifeisgood4
    Lifeisgood4 Posts: 120 Member
  • FredSetToGetFit
    FredSetToGetFit Posts: 286 Member
    The flex works fine when in your pocket as well, I have found. My wife clips it to her clothes, and it stays accurate.