Ready to Commit

Hi all! I'm 24 years old and have struggled with obesity my entire life. I was comfortable in my high school years at 170-175 and a size 14. But, after graduation I fell into a deep depression and gained around 15-20 lbs. When I met my now husband, I got on birth control and gained another 20. When I got married, I was the biggest I'd ever been at 220 and a size 18. Looking back at the pictures makes me sad. Most women get their butts in gear for the big day, but I just got worse leading up to it. My wedding dress had to be altered up four sizes.

Over the years, I've tried various things to lose weight. I would get the initiative and *maybe* stick to a plan for about a week or so, then nothing. Early February this year, I decided to just make some minor changes to my diet and started paying more attention to calorie intake. I didn't want to make any specific goals or dedicate to anything extreme because, like I said, in the past I'd always end up stopping.

It has now been nearly two months and, even though I haven't been entirely rigorous, I have stuck to consistently being conscious of calorie intake and today I weighed in at 211. I finally got a scale last week and I was 212 when I got on it, then. So, I know I am headed in the right direction, however small the progress may be. Knowing that I've lost at least nine pounds just making these minor changes, I am now inspired to attempt to lose a pound a week for the next fourteen weeks (the week of my summer vacation). I would love to be below the 200 mark when I go on my trip. Yes, that'll still have me in the obese range on the BMI (I'm 5'5), but I'm trying to do this in segments so I don't back out or lose momentum. I'm a commitment phobe, lol! If I reach my goal, after vacation, I'll set another goal for myself.

Anyway, I finally joined here today because I've been seeing that this is a great support system and I think the encouragement may help me be successful. Nice to meet everyone!

BeachinBeauty (or, at least I hope to be! :wink: )


  • Chanti1620
    Chanti1620 Posts: 92 Member
    You are in the right place and are taking the steps to change!
    I've been through the same things you've mentioned and i'm the same age
    I'm down almost 100lbs, would love to be your friend =)
  • Muirhead67
    Muirhead67 Posts: 6 Member
  • BeachinBeauty
    BeachinBeauty Posts: 20 Member
    Awesome job Chanti!!! Ultimately, I'd like to lose 60 pounds as an overall goal. Would love to be your friend, also!
  • jeannettebonilla7
    jeannettebonilla7 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is jeannette. I 44 year old.. I am in yoyo diet. All my life up and down but mostly up. I need help controlling my appetite. Exercising I have no problem. Please help..
  • soserene
    soserene Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far! You've come to the right place :)

    I recognized myself in some of the things you said and I completely understand your struggle with weight gain and depression. I went through a tough time years ago and gained a significant amount of weight. Those 40 pounds are gone now, never to be seen again and it's time to keep going - MFP support helps a lot!

    Feel free to add me.
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    welcome :):)

    You can achieve your goals :)

    Never Give Up! :)
  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    Congrats on losing those first 9 pounds. 1 pound a week is very reasonable. If you keep at it, you will be able to reach your goals. :)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Congrats on the commitment and sticking to your changes!
    Glad you found us and we're all more than happy to help in any way.

    You will certainly make that vacation goal when you set your mind to it!

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like.

  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    keep it up your in the right place...the people here are a huge help
  • dutchi2010
    dutchi2010 Posts: 47 Member
    You are on the right track!!! I just started MFP in March and I am with you on the struggle. We just have to stay motivated. You can do it!!!