ReallyBigFatGuy Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Well, I am pretty much sure that many out there have struggled with weitght for some time. I have had a LONG battle with it but finally have found the motivation to actually do something about it. I knew 15 years ago that I had to quit smoking, and up to 6 months ago thought that was the hardest thing I ever had to do, well I found out I was wrong losing this weight is harder than that.

I have struggled with weight since I was in my mid 20's (I am now 47) and got all the way up to 455, this morning I hit 400. So this time it is REAL, I am losing weight, exercising and MOTIVATED.

I had all but given up and just thoguht I was going to be like this for the rest of my life. I am actually seeing real results, my blood pressure is significantaly lower and my Dr. is talking about lowering my Diabetes medication (I am going to my PCP monthly).

I have my story in my blog, if you are intrested.

But I have come to this conclusion, until you REALLY want it and have a reason to do it, that is when it will happen.



  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Congrats to you!
  • dwazy
    dwazy Posts: 13
    Good for you!!! Keep it up and sometimes you lose the motivation and get off track. It doesn't matter what you did just get back on and don't look at the past and dwell on it!
  • jeesa
    jeesa Posts: 34 Member
    Baby that is awesome! Keep at it!
  • Oh boy, do I ever know about slipping, it is one day at a time, if you mess up one day you pick yourself up the next and move on.

    That is what is getting me through this, even when I have a bad day (or two) I get remotivated, becuase when I get on that scale and see a bigger number I get so mad at myself and that is all the motivation I need. It is so hard to get it off Ill be dammed if I am going to let it go back up.
  • AMEN to that!:wink:
  • so happy for u reaching 400 again!!! that is amazing...u totally are on the right track!...congrats on ur success
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