sfhudgens Posts: 123 Member
Which one is better? I was told that whey causes you to gain weight, then i ready it can
be an appetite suppressant.....


  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    You will find articles both pro and con dairy as well as soy, and folks arguing that either one or both are miraculous/just okay/evil.

    We've all got different bodies and different goals, so I say if it works for you, do it!

    I assume you're talking about protein powders, but your post isn't really clear about that.
    I like whey because it's cheap, it's available at the stores I visit, and it's available in many more flavours/formulations. I try to avoid products that have artificial sweeteners (a lot of them do) and artificial flavours, and there are many whey products that meet this criteria.
    I don't purchase soy protein powders because most soy (unless specified organic) is GMO. I am very much anti-GMO, so this is an important factor for me. I do use other soy products in my diet (edamame, tofu, tamari), but only those labeled non-GMO/organic.

    "I was told that whey causes you to gain weight"
    It can. So can Skittles, and apples, and beef. Eating more calories than your body needs over time causes weight gain, regardless of the source of those calories.