Would love someone to buddy up with on the slimming journey!

Hi guys,
I'm new here. : )
I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding next year and I was just wondering if anyone want to buddy up with me. I'm thinking someone to kick my *kitten* when I reach for the biscuits, and of course mutual support and encouragement on days where I feel like quitting and stuffing my face, which will of course be reciprocated back to you should it be requested!!!!! Sometimes it's so hard to take the slimming journey when there's temptation all around (Esp. when your partner keeps eating cake on the sofa next to you.....TORTURE!)

Anyway, I would love to hear from anyone who would be up for it.

Ella xxxxx :smile:


  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Hi Ella,

    Great to meet you! I would love to be your buddy on this journey, and as your wedding is coming up, I have NO PROBLEM kicking you in the butt if you go off your chosen course.

    My husband is trying to gain weight while I try to lose some and shape up, so I know exactly what you mean by the temptations at home. He gets to eat whatever he wants in whatever quantity, so it's hard.

    But please feel free to add me if you like. I'm also the group administrator to a different challenge every month, if you would like to join that as well. This month is push ups and we just started so we would love to have you. It's a great group and there are two different challenges within it...one a bit easier than the other.

    Let me know!

    Light, Love & Magick,

    Tryxxie :flowerforyou:
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Oh yeah, I'm also the group administrator to the MFP Sisters group. Just women who want to better themselves...no need to worry about people making comments that have no place in these threads.
  • ellavate
    ellavate Posts: 3
    That's so awesome thank you so much! Why is it most men can practically eat whatever they want, while most women just have to look at a cheesecake to gain 5 pounds??! It's so unfair! will deffo add you now. Thanks for the support......I think it's so much easier to succeed when you don't feel so alone and have moral support.

    Ella xxx
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    I'm happy to be of some help. And I totally agree that just looking or smelling food destroys us. No fair!

    I will send you the invite to the groups I mentionned. If you want to join, feel free to accept them. No need if you don't want to...I'm here for you either way.

    Let's do this!
  • gilesforrester

    I'm looking for the same - add me as a friend !

    Giles :-)
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    A wedding...how exciting!! You can add me. I always like hearing from other people and finding out what works....and what doesnt. We can all use a buddy on this journey:smile:
  • benry07
    benry07 Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me too! My hubby is trying to gain weight while I try to lose weight. I keep telling him he needs to eat the calories that I can't, but then he sits next to me on the couch with potato chips and ice cream and it's soooo hard to resist!
  • ealbers
    ealbers Posts: 16 Member
    I'm back on MFP after slacking off for too long. Feel free to add me as well.