Taking antidepressants and trying to lose weight? Join me



  • axela84
    axela84 Posts: 11 Member
    I take Zoloft and have to. Went off it when I was pregnant and was a beast. Mine is for anxiety/short temper not depression. I don't know if going on that pill that led to my weight gain or getting married, getting comfortable and then pregnant led to it. It all happened over the same 3 yr time span.

    That being said, in the last 4 weeks I have lost 7 pounds while still on it, so I think it's possible to lose, though I have been worried that it might hinder me. But, so far so good, so don't let it control your thoughts and don't believe everything you read!

    I agree with you, feeling comfortable, pregnancy doesn't help! I am not going to be in denial and claim that I didn't change my diet and level of activity, and that only meds are to blame... I am 100 percent an emotional over eater, a human garbage can and will (or did) binge on big amounts of junk if I was feeling down or if I just wanted to feel good. This is a psychological issue which is really hard to break! I think that's where the meds come in - it just seems no matter how much I eat, I still want more! It's like I don't get full mentally - even if my stomach doesn't feel empty. Kind of difficult to explain but I hope you know what I mean.

    Good luck on your weight loss! I'm sure that to at least a certain point - we can do it! Please don't forget to share your day to day experiences with me, too :)
  • melissarmonroe
    melissarmonroe Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend so we can keep track of each other.

    I know what you mean about emotional eating, though I was not extreme with it, if I was having a bad day or feeling down, it was fast food AND a Milkshake. Always a milkshake to pick me up. I had no clue that one was like 900 calories. Also, I figured that if I worked out I could afford some stuff like that. Come to find out I can't. But I am finding that the more I exercise and the more I am losing some weight, the less I want to turn to food as a stress reliever!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    You might talk to your Dr. about an anti-d that doesn't have the weight gain side effect or to try another one. I am a huge stress eater as well!!!
  • axela84
    axela84 Posts: 11 Member
    Like I said before - my doc is abroad for now, and I'm definitely not going to experiment on my own. Although the main idea is I want to quit them all together - just not sure that I'm ready for it as my anxiety varies from moderate to high even on meds, so without them I'm not sure I'd be able to handle it.
  • rubyshipps
    rubyshipps Posts: 4 Member
    Are you seeing a therapist? It may be helpful to seek one out if you haven't. If money is an issue, you can search free resources. Counseling can be very helpful when you find the right person.
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    From the age of 15-23 I was on celexa and wellbutrin. I am Now 24. I decided to take myself off of them. I felt as if I was just moving through life without any desires or feelings. It was like I was living in a colorless lifeless world. I weaned myself off both and since then it's like my eyes have started to open. I feel alive and so much better. I do feel as if the medication helped me through my depressed teen years, but as an adult they made me not care. Since then I have decided to lose this massive amount of weight I have acquired from neglecting my body for so many years..
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Paroxetine made me stop eating almost completely and I lost loads of weight but not in a good way nor was it needed at the time. .. so everyone is different but yes it is possible to lose on it!
    I'm now trying to lose the 3+ stone that mirtazapine made me put on.
    If it is becoming a health issue and you find it really affects your weight it might be worth asking your dr about switching to a different med. But it is always a trade off. Mirtazapine is the only ad that works for me but it makes me fat ... but I would rather be fat than depressed. ... within reason!
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I've been on Wellbutrin since January and Lamictal since February, and I've noticed my weight loss has kick-started again. I have a lot more energy to work out, instead of lying on the couch staring at the ceiling and wondering what the point of everything was. Both medications tend to kill my appetite as well. Antidepressants really depend on the individual person... some gain a ton, some lose, some can't lose until they're on medication, and some can't lose or gain weight. If you find that the one you're on is causing too many negative side effects, try another.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    I have just weaned myself off my antidepressants (after a year). I am not sure if it was the cause of my weight gain? That said, it had horrible side effects and it was hard to get off. And I too would like to lose the weight I have gained.

    I just did the same thing. I had to make a choice between feeling physically the pits and a little less depressed or just dealing. I chose the latter.....and I feel SO much better (and this was my FOURTH medication trial). I am tired of being my own medication guinea pig. Now trying to lose the 10 pounds I put back on last year.
  • marisablakley
    marisablakley Posts: 45 Member
    I was on generic Prozac for a few years. It kept me thin. Ive been off it now for over a year and I gained 30 lbs. Part of me wants it back because life was easier. I barely cried, I was thin and it oddly enough, regulated my crazy periods, BUT it made my hair extra dry and brake-y and made me sleepy almost all day long. To the point that I needed naps, loooong naps. Ughhhh. I just got insurance again and don't really know what to do!!!
  • honsi
    honsi Posts: 210 Member
    I've been on various anti depressants for about 15 years, my weight did go up by about 63 lbs quite quickly and then I stayed the same weight for 12 or so years. I'm not sure if it was the anti depressants,it may well have been, but I think it was more that I was depressed and stressed out and ate far too much as a result. I'm now on Trazodone. I initially decided to try and lose weight really to see if it was the medication or whether I was just making assumptions and using that as an excuse. I know other people who went on anti depressants, their weight shot up and no matter what they ate their weight stayed the same so it seemed to be the drugs.
    Over the past 20 months I have lost 56 lbs. So it turns out that for me, on Trazodone, it was me eating too much.
    I have come off anti depressants twice before, really to see if they where working, and they are, really well it turns out.
  • I an join, taking tranquilizer pills, not exactly antidepressants yet. But approximately the same thing
  • EvanElric
    EvanElric Posts: 34
    I was on Paxil for a year and gained 44lbs! It was a real shame I had to stop taking it as (besides the weight gain) it really was a wonderful drug for me. ): But I just couldn't deal with the massive appetite it gave me.

    Edit: It also completely took away my sex drive. :embarassed: :laugh: