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My workouts don't feel like their working, advice?

Hi all. I'm generally a forum lurker and don't post much, and I wasn't really sure if I should ask this here or in the general weight loss questions section.

I started my lifestyle change at the end of February this year with just a basic diet overhaul, and I didn't do much exercise the very first week. On the 1st of March I started logging everything I ate and also started exercising for about 45 mins to an hour a day doing various things. I'm a stay at home mom and I don't have a gym membership, so I do my workouts at home. It's usually a mix between Just Dance games on my nintendo wii, using the couch to 5k app in my basement, hastfit.com cardio workouts with some 5lb weights, or (very rarely) using my old school exercise bike my mom gave me:D

So far I have lost 10lbs and while I am ok with what I have lost so far, I feel like the last 2 weeks I haven't really "felt the burn" so to speak the way I did the first 3 weeks. I'm not sure if its because I made some bad food choices a couple times when I was out of town, or if I am just not working out enough? I tend to get bored of my workouts sometimes so I may stop at like a half hour and tell myself I will do another half hour later and then never do. So Im not sure if this is a combination of things or if I am just getting lazy about. I guess what I am trying to say is I feel like my workouts aren't really doing anything for me lately and was curious if someone could give me some good advice on some things you do from home that was really effective for you!

I should mention I have done the 30 day shred in the past, never made it past level 2. I tried starting it up again this month but I had zero desire to do it and it didn't draw me in, so anything other than that please lol. Also, my diary is open so if you want to take a look at what I am eating and give me some extra advice there I am cool with that. Yes, I know there are some not so good days on there. As I said I was out of town a LOT this month and its hard to stay on track when you aren't cooking at home!:)

Thanks in advance for any help!


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    feeling the burn is a silly thing people use in workout videos when you are doing a million reps of something- of course it burns- you are doing a million reps.

    if you are getting stronger things will not feel so difficult.

    So you most often need to increase the difficulty- also if you aren't enjoying the workouts- do something else- add something- make it more challenging.

    Check out Nerd Fitness- they have some good progressions
    Strength Unbound
    fitness blender
    zuzka light on youtube

    all are some great unique workouts.

    also- make the decision to do A thing- whatever it is. Do the thing- don't make excuses just go do it. You'll feel better that you did. excuses make 0/10 people feel better about themselves and make 10/10 people feel guilty that they didn't do what they planned to do.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    "The burn" is simply lactic acid buildup in your muscles when demanding your body to work anaerobically. If you are craving the "burn" then up the intensity of your workout. If you are getting bored doing your workouts then you should be pushing harder anyway.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Congrats on your decision to get healthy and the 10# loss.

    Sometime the weight loss is not linear and you will lose more on some weeks, non on some etc. But the important thing is to Just Do it. And 80% of weight loss is diet...

    This is a good post to get started - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    Read the info carefully, set your daily intake accordingly and enjoy the journey.

    Have you tried Lesilie Sansone workouts? They are available online or you can borrow workout DVDs from library. There are lots of online youtube workouts like fitnessblender, hasfit, befit etc. I usually like to have a plan to keep me motivated, so say I will choose a 30 day workout plan and will stick to it as much as I can. Currently I am following Bob Harper' s 30 day workout calendar.hasfit, befit etc has 90 day plans that you can follow.

    I also used to feel that the workouts are not doing anything for me, but was always surprised when the scale moves down. Keep up with the workouts. Find something that you enjoy doing, it doesn't have to be 30 day shred bcos everyone is doing that.

    Do you like dance based or brisk walking, interval training, DVD workouts, walking outside/mall/park. Check out local YMCA for any fitness classes that you like...

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • Mistraal1981
    Mistraal1981 Posts: 453 Member
    Is it a case then that if u don't feel the burn its not working?
  • Lathandria
    Lathandria Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you for the advice so far guys. I will definatley check out some of the things you listed Jorocka.

    @sixpacklady No I have never heard of Leslie Sansone before. I will have to check into those, but i did start the hasfit.com 30 day beginner plan. I skipped a few days but I am almost done with it!
  • Lathandria
    Lathandria Posts: 42 Member
    Is it a case then that if u don't feel the burn its not working?

    No, I don't think nothing is working, obviously something is working or I wouldn't have lost what I have. I just not sure if its not working enough for me currently, or if I am expecting too much from myself. I probably do need to up my intensity a bit but considering 90 percent of what I do is dancing on my nintendo wii im not sure how to do that...dance with my 5lb weights maybe? haha. Hard to do that with having to hold my wii controller tho!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    you might have to graduate to real workouts- dancing only is going to get you so far unless you are doing structure dance classes and stuff.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    could someone help me out and let me know what the question is?
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    or if I am expecting too much from myself.

    ^^^THIS^^^ 10 lbs in two weeks is awesome. Patience is a vertue in weight loss.
  • Lathandria
    Lathandria Posts: 42 Member
    could someone help me out and let me know what the question is?

    I guess what I am trying to say is I feel like my workouts aren't really doing anything for me lately and was curious if someone could give me some good advice on some things you do from home that was really effective for you!

  • Lathandria
    Lathandria Posts: 42 Member
    you might have to graduate to real workouts- dancing only is going to get you so far unless you are doing structure dance classes and stuff.

    Gotcha, thank you!
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    If you want to dance with weight while doing wii exercises, you can get wrist or ankle weights. There's also a weighted glove accessory for the EA Active game. One of the gloves has a pocket for the wii controller.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    could someone help me out and let me know what the question is?

    I guess what I am trying to say is I feel like my workouts aren't really doing anything for me lately and was curious if someone could give me some good advice on some things you do from home that was really effective for you!


    I'm still confused by what you mean working/not doing anything for you. are you not getting the results you want? If so what are they?

    But you also said you don't finish them, so that might be a start.

    Or is it a case of you just don't like your workout and are looking for new suggestions?
    I was also (and still am) confused.
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    I have a few of the wii exercise programs and I wrote a blog about my experience with them. If you're working out at home, they can be fun and improve your health.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    could someone help me out and let me know what the question is?

    I guess what I am trying to say is I feel like my workouts aren't really doing anything for me lately and was curious if someone could give me some good advice on some things you do from home that was really effective for you!


    Strength training is a great help when you're losing weight - helps you retain the muscle you have and burns some calories.

    For a home routine where you don't have to buy equipment (just an app or a book), look into 'You Are Your Own Gym', 'Body By You', or you can google 'bodyweight strength exercise' to find similar routines.
  • Lathandria
    Lathandria Posts: 42 Member
    I'm still confused by what you mean working/not doing anything for you. are you not getting the results you want? If so what are they?

    But you also said you don't finish them, so that might be a start.

    Or is it a case of you just don't like your workout and are looking for new suggestions?
    I was also (and still am) confused.

    Yes, pretty much I want some new ideas because I don't feel like what I am doing now is working as good as it was the first couple of weeks I started working out. I hope that helps clarify, sorry that I was not more clear!
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Is it a case then that if u don't feel the burn its not working?

    No, I don't think nothing is working, obviously something is working or I wouldn't have lost what I have. I just not sure if its not working enough for me currently, or if I am expecting too much from myself. I probably do need to up my intensity a bit but considering 90 percent of what I do is dancing on my nintendo wii im not sure how to do that...dance with my 5lb weights maybe? haha. Hard to do that with having to hold my wii controller tho!

    You can do deeper, bigger movements to up the intensity, for sure.

    If you have an exercise bike, and it sounds like also a treadmill in your basement, you could put together a mini circuit workout incorporating bodyweight strength training exercises and bursts of higher intensity cardio on your machines. Write it out, turn on a timer, and go.

    One of the keys to getting in better shape is constantly pushing when things get too easy. Run for longer, or faster, lift heavier. It's how we progress, forcing our bodies (in increments) to constantly adapt to the physical demands we are placing on it.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I'm still confused by what you mean working/not doing anything for you. are you not getting the results you want? If so what are they?

    But you also said you don't finish them, so that might be a start.

    Or is it a case of you just don't like your workout and are looking for new suggestions?
    I was also (and still am) confused.

    Yes, pretty much I want some new ideas because I don't feel like what I am doing now is working as good as it was the first couple of weeks I started working out. I hope that helps clarify, sorry that I was not more clear!

    I think she/he is looking for what you mean by not working - do you feel like you're not working hard enough? Is your weight loss slowing? Are you losing motivation? Something else?

    Knowing this would help people make better suggestions for you. (But, really, strength training is where it's at ;P)
  • melissarmonroe
    melissarmonroe Posts: 30 Member
    It's probably because you are getting used to the work outs, when you first started your body wasn't used to exercise so it was harder. The more you do it the easier it gets and the stronger your body gets!! It might not necessarily mean it's not working if you are still losing, just that it's becoming easier on you. You may also need to up your intensity,
  • hmjohnson25
    hmjohnson25 Posts: 100 Member
    Someone else suggested this, too, but mastering your own bodyweight is a fantastic workout. And you can continually make things more challenging as you get stronger. Nerd Fitness has good ones to start with, and I've found a ton of bodyweight circuits on Pinterest. Build a library of workouts and see which ones you like. A challenging workout now can be your warmup later as you gain strength and stamina.