I need Friends

Hello my name is DeeDee and this is my first post here. I am 26 years old and am very obese. At age 15 I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom) and have had surgeries and cysts removed. My husband and I have been TTC for well over a year with absolutely no luck at all. He has been tested and he is completely normal. So i know the problem lies with me. I have got to get my weight under control in order to provide myself and my husband with the life we both deserve. However, my husband doesn't seem too concerned about it, and isn't too supportive. He tells me more power to me, but doesn't help or push me to lose the weight. He is always asking me if i want some of what he is eating (macaroni and cheese, hamburgers, fries, basically all the bad food)... IDK what he doesnt understand about NO BABE IM ON A DIET....REMEMBER?

I need some friends on here that are willing to help push me. Anyone else out there that has a similar story?


  • swissmish
    swissmish Posts: 183 Member
    Hi and welcome. I do not have a similar situation but you are more than welcome to add me.
  • Feel free to add me, I know how it feels to be fat and people push you to eat more!!!
  • PrincessWarior
    PrincessWarior Posts: 71 Member
    Hey DeeDee.......
    I'm sorry for your PCOS but I'm willing to push you every morning.....
    But not on weekends, I just don't log in, but on Mondays you will C me.
  • I could use some friends to motivate me too. My husband is also the type that says, "You are perfect the way you are" It gets a little frustrating at times.
  • hi....I'm very sorry to hear about your medical difficulties.....I really wish you all the best with that....I needed minor surgery in order to conceive my daughter but it was only a blocked fallopian tube so I'm sure it's not nearly as serious as your issue....anyway.....feel free to add me.....I am on here all the time....I know you can do it and we will all help you.....especially if you don't seem to be getting the support at home that you need and deserve....
  • Jenn842512
    Jenn842512 Posts: 41 Member
    Your husband needs to get on board! Stress to him the health dangers of obesity and poor nutrition in general. I know how hard it can be to get stuck in that co-dependent "comfort eating" mode with your partner. My ex husband (who had the metabolism of hyperactive thirteen year old), was terrible about equating junk food with love.
    My NEW boyfriend and I hit up the gym multiple times a week as our couple time! I'm fifty punds lighter and a thousand times happier now.

    But in the end, not a soul on earth is going to make it happen but YOU! Find what you love about what you're doing, discovering what your body can do, accomplishing mini challenges every day, power to control THIS if nothing else.

    I'd love to help and discuss!
  • Hi there! My boyfriend is the same way - what a pain! It's hard to stay strong when it's constantly in your face. One thing I can suggest is always log your calories. Nothing has helped me more. I log in the morning because I know what I plan to eat for the day. If anything changed, I add it the next morning. If I know I'm going to go over, I do cardio to compensate. It's nice to see it right infront of you. Having someone to work out with really helps. I used to rely on my boyfriend to motivate me but now I find I'm the one bugging him and my gf to hit the gym or even go for a walk AND I go with or without. You will get to a point where you feel stronger because you know you have more willpower and they are envious (as bad as that may sound). Stay strong. Everything gets easier the more you do it, whether it is resisting snacks, working out, motivating yourself, etc. Always here to chat :smile:
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    You've taken the first steps... you can do this!!!!:wink:
  • carrieg20
    carrieg20 Posts: 10 Member
    My husband is an enabler too. Anyone can add me for motivational support.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    My BF is the same way. But I just have to remember this is my body and I make the decision what goes in my yap! add me and I will help you stay motivated.
  • SimplySmylin
    SimplySmylin Posts: 66 Member

    I was diagnosed with PCOS also. I also had problems TTC. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to chat.
  • hey girl! keep up the good work!!!!
    remember, if you feel like you're lacking motivation one day, check out instagram or, my personal favorite, theberry.com for their "Daily Motivation" post!! a new motivational quote i just found is