Running your first Mud Run this year?

I'm curious how everyone here is training/preparing for these. As a trainer, I've ran a couple so if you're lost maybe I can help.


- What race(s) are you running?
- What are your concerns?
- And what are you doing for training?



  • RunningForeverMama
    RunningForeverMama Posts: 261 Member
    I'm running the Dirty Dash this summer. I don't have any concerns because is looks more fun than tough. I'm just continuing with my regular running and body-weight exercises. Am I correct that for a race like this that will be sufficient?
  • chriscolh
    chriscolh Posts: 127 Member
    Yes, I am! So excited! I am doing the dirty dash in June with my husband, son, and a few neighborhood friends. I am hoping to be down at least 10 more lbs by then. This is what I'm doing to get stronger: Monday is my crossfit-style workout (15 min warm up, then a skill centered "prework" for 10 min, 15-20 min WOD, then cool down and stretch), Tuesday is weight lifting, Wedesday I run (working on getting all the way thru my 3.5 mile route - I can make it almost half way so far), Thursday I do a spinning class (which I love because I can walk out looking like I've just gone through a rainstorm), Friday is another weight training day focusing on legs, and Saturday I either swim or run. Sundays I sleep in :-). I really like the variation, and I never do the exact same workouts on M, T, and Fri. I've gotten a lot stronger since I started and I'm looking forward to getting dirty in June!
  • I'm running the Dirty Dash this summer. I don't have any concerns because is looks more fun than tough. I'm just continuing with my regular running and body-weight exercises. Am I correct that for a race like this that will be sufficient?

    Nice. My sister and her kid ran the Dirty Dash a couple summers ago. She didn't run much before the race (and maybe not at all) and she did fine. The obstacles for the Dirty Dash are a lot more tamer than other Mud Runs so the real factor comes down to "time on feet". If you can be on your feet for 30 - 45 minutes, you can do the Dirty Dash.
  • Monday is my crossfit-style workout (15 min warm up, then a skill centered "prework" for 10 min, 15-20 min WOD, then cool down and stretch), Tuesday is weight lifting, Wedesday I run (working on getting all the way thru my 3.5 mile route - I can make it almost half way so far), Thursday I do a spinning class (which I love because I can walk out looking like I've just gone through a rainstorm), Friday is another weight training day focusing on legs, and Saturday I either swim or run. Sundays I sleep in :-).

    I'm impressed, very balanced routine. You're going to kill it!
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    It's a fun run, so I'm not really training. Lots of Zumba, turbo kick, elliptical, and "wogging". Some weights. I finish when I finish.
  • It's a fun run, so I'm not really training. Lots of Zumba, turbo kick, elliptical, and "wogging". Some weights. I finish when I finish.

    What run are you doing?

    I would say only a few are true "fun runs". When obstacles and mud are added, the demands are much greater than a traditional 5 k. The 2 most common injuries are twisted ankles and acute injuries to the knee (both from slipping)
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm doing a fundraiser for a local youth sports group. It's not meant to be hardcore. I'll tape my ankles. If I can't do the obstacle, I'll go around.
  • I'm doing a fundraiser for a local youth sports group. It's not meant to be hardcore. I'll tape my ankles. If I can't do the obstacle, I'll go around.

    On yeah, shouldn't be too extreme. :)
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Doing Tough Mudder, i know I need to maybe do more specific training but really dont know where to start. This is all new to me! I have been doing HIIT with some weights, hoping to start some more weight training. Don't really have concerns, just looking forward to seeing how much I can accomplish and go from there!
  • Doing Tough Mudder, i know I need to maybe do more specific training but really dont know where to start.

    The hardest obstacles will involve grip strength, KeepgoingKyle.

    Chinups/Pullups and Deadlifts will go the farthest here.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I did 2 last year, Mudd Rush and Tough Mudder.
    Had fun in Mudd Rush but felt it for days later (lack of training) Aced TM.
    So not my first runs this year, but I will be doing a few firsts
    1st Stampede(10km course)
    First Spartans, Super on Saturday, Sprint on Sunday. Same weekend O.o
    A couple of other Aussie only courses.

    I'm bringing my running back up, will hit 15km this week (Running 3 times a week) and build from there, exercises are M, W, F. Working through Convict Conditioning.

    I'm not worried about Stampede, but definitely nervous about the Spartan Double. I've got 13 weeks till then. Wondering if I should look at a Half marathon running program or something.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Doing Tough Mudder, i know I need to maybe do more specific training but really dont know where to start.

    The hardest obstacles will involve grip strength, KeepgoingKyle.

    Chinups/Pullups and Deadlifts will go the farthest here.

  • GI_John_RN
    GI_John_RN Posts: 48 Member
    My wife and I ran Run For Your Lives last year and I ran Hard Charge. I don't know if I'll get to run any this year, but I'm going to keep training like I am. I am doing a 6 week workout plan that I got from a Men't Fitness magazine. It's seems to focus on squats, pull ups, push ups and running. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I'm done with that.
  • I did 2 last year, Mudd Rush and Tough Mudder.
    Had fun in Mudd Rush but felt it for days later (lack of training) Aced TM.
    So not my first runs this year, but I will be doing a few firsts
    1st Stampede(10km course)
    First Spartans, Super on Saturday, Sprint on Sunday. Same weekend O.o
    A couple of other Aussie only courses.

    I'm bringing my running back up, will hit 15km this week (Running 3 times a week) and build from there, exercises are M, W, F. Working through Convict Conditioning.

    I'm not worried about Stampede, but definitely nervous about the Spartan Double. I've got 13 weeks till then. Wondering if I should look at a Half marathon running program or something.

    That double sounds like a good weekend, haha.

    Personally, I'd trade a lot of your running in for more weight room conditioning ("less rest" type of stuff) and focus on 1 long run a week (always doing more) with maybe 1-2 sprint workouts (on hills if you have access to them) depending on how well you recover.

    Talk about this more here:
  • My wife and I ran Run For Your Lives last year and I ran Hard Charge. I don't know if I'll get to run any this year, but I'm going to keep training like I am. I am doing a 6 week workout plan that I got from a Men't Fitness magazine. It's seems to focus on squats, pull ups, push ups and running. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I'm done with that.

    Sounds like a good plan, man!

    Keep the hips + core strong and it will go a long ways on race day for any strength race.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    That double sounds like a good weekend, haha.

    Personally, I'd trade a lot of your running in for more weight room conditioning ("less rest" type of stuff) and focus on 1 long run a week (always doing more) with maybe 1-2 sprint workouts (on hills if you have access to them) depending on how well you recover.

    Talk about this more here:

    Hills are not something I am short of, either road or trail, none of my runs are done on the flat. I'm doing to running for more than just OCR, which is why I am trying to build whilst keeping up with my strength exercises. Unfortunately I can't access a gym currently so I have to stick with body weight stuff.
    Thanks for the advice I'll be reading through your page later.
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    Im doing a MudMan in Kimball MN this aug,,they have a website if your really interested,with a map and such..I am doing 5x5 three times a week with added pushups and pullups those days,I do TKD for 2-3 hours twice a week and try to run once/twice a week,I ran 5k on sunday in 38 minutes,mostly because my HRM kept telling me to slow down.When the weather gets nicer and the TKD gym shuts down for the summer I will be doing biking more,I also ride horse as often as possible.I also try to get yoga in at least once a week somewhere also.
  • Im doing a MudMan in Kimball MN this aug,,they have a website if your really interested,with a map and such..I am doing 5x5 three times a week with added pushups and pullups those days,I do TKD for 2-3 hours twice a week and try to run once/twice a week,I ran 5k on sunday in 38 minutes,mostly because my HRM kept telling me to slow down.When the weather gets nicer and the TKD gym shuts down for the summer I will be doing biking more,I also ride horse as often as possible.I also try to get yoga in at least once a week somewhere also.

    Are you currently doing hills? Looks like the race is on a skill hill. :)

    This itself is definitely one of the hardest obstacles. You can do walking lunges to help to prepare for them but nothing beats sprinting up a hill with a steep incline.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    I am doing the Spartan Sprint at Mohegan Sun in CT on June 28th. I am scared *kitten*!ess. I have run a zillion 5ks, done a couple of HM, I did a sprint distance tri a few years ago. But I had a baby in May and AFTER having him, I gained a lot of weight. SO - my biggest concern is really being able to lift my weight over obstacles - like over walls... and up ropes (can I twist my leg around the rope to climb up - does it depend on the obstacle?)

    I run a couple miles a few times a week. I did a 5k in March. I am doing a 5k this Saturday and I am doing a 5k the begining of June. My backyard is a steep hill... I am going to start practicing running up and down it - probably next week. (I've been waiting for weather to improve - but time is up, I need to get going). I am not particularly concerned about the distance (It is supposed to be about 4 miles - that's the easy part).

    For strength training - I did a Spartan workout at Mohegan on Sunday... so I got some ideas on stuff to do. I have been SO sore ever since. I need to practice burpees... lots of burpees. Hubs is working on installing a pull up bar for me.

    I have really been focusing on counting calories. I figure every single little pound I lose between now and then is one less pound I have to hoist up over those obstacles.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I'm running mud hero the first week in August. The only thing concerning me is some of the deeper mud pits - depending on the consistency of the mud, I may have to go around rather than through, in order to protect my knee. Other than that, looking forward to have a fun race.
  • I'm running in the Warrior Dash May 31st, Tough Mudder on June 1st and Run For Your Lives (zombie run) Oct 18th, all in Massachusetts. I'm borderline addicted. Or maybe I do it for the free beer at the end.
  • nurssassy
    nurssassy Posts: 71 Member
    I'm running in the Warrior Dash May 31st, Tough Mudder on June 1st and Run For Your Lives (zombie run) Oct 18th, all in Massachusetts. I'm borderline addicted. Or maybe I do it for the free beer at the end.

    I LOVE zombie runs!!!! The last zombie run I did had "World War Z" zombies and the kid zombies were soooooo fast they killed me at the first mile mark :sad: I prefer "Walking Dead" zombies :tongue:
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    Im doing a MudMan in Kimball MN this aug,,they have a website if your really interested,with a map and such..I am doing 5x5 three times a week with added pushups and pullups those days,I do TKD for 2-3 hours twice a week and try to run once/twice a week,I ran 5k on sunday in 38 minutes,mostly because my HRM kept telling me to slow down.When the weather gets nicer and the TKD gym shuts down for the summer I will be doing biking more,I also ride horse as often as possible.I also try to get yoga in at least once a week somewhere also.

    Are you currently doing hills? Looks like the race is on a skill hill. :)

    This itself is definitely one of the hardest obstacles. You can do walking lunges to help to prepare for them but nothing beats sprinting up a hill with a steep incline.
    hi,yes starting today I am going to at least once a week go to the local county park with horse trails,,lots of hills as its in a river valley.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    - What race(s) are you running?
    Warrior Dash, Dirty Dash, Blacklight Run

    - What are your concerns?
    Getting too winded and wanting to die, losing my shoes in the mud, hurting my ankles or shins

    - And what are you doing for training?
    I crossfit and I'm working on treadmill runs until it's warmer out, then I'll try and run outside. I can't even run a mile on the real ground yet
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    I'm running in the Warrior Dash May 31st, Tough Mudder on June 1st and Run For Your Lives (zombie run) Oct 18th, all in Massachusetts. I'm borderline addicted. Or maybe I do it for the free beer at the end.

    Let's be warrior dash buddies!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i've got the spartan race 4/12

    coming off a forearm muslce tare and extreamly minor back surgery, i tore my calf muscle 3 days ago on the treadmill.

    when i sign up for this is was in good shape... because of illness an injuries i haven't been to the gym since thanksgiving and not even done a pull up since feb.

    I'm dead set on doing this... even if i have to walk the 5K

    I had been doing Insanity plus running a few miles at a time.

    right now, i'm just hoping to be 70-80 % healthy by race time.

    I don't want to back out, but stubburoness is what lead to at least one of these injuries.
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    I have a 5k mud run in June... thinking about a zombie run in August.
    I've been running (in general) and plan trail runs over the next month or two. My concerns aren't even the obstacles - it's more the actual act of running. I'm pretty strong (yes I even lift), but I'm a total noob to running.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    this is also my mentality. but i mean, there is likely more then 5 obsticles, so you'll never be running more then 1 k at a time.

    plus i'm assuming there will be some lines or some kind of back up at the obsticles themselves, forcing rest time.
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    this is also my mentality. but i mean, there is likely more then 5 obsticles, so you'll never be running more then 1 k at a time.

    plus i'm assuming there will be some lines or some kind of back up at the obsticles themselves, forcing rest time.

    Excellent points! Like I said, I'm a total noob to this stuff... I had not even thought about that.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    lol just remember they are assumptions ;)

    never done one either